高中英语 unit2 poems 第2课时 reading课件 新人教版选修6

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1、.词汇 1t_(vt.) put a mark () next to an item on a list, an answer, etc. 2c_ (adj.) based on facts, not on ideas or guesses 3f_ (adj.) able to bend easily without breaking 4t_(v.) change the form of sth 5t_ (v.)say something to someone in order to have fun,6_ (adj.) 引起矛盾的;好反驳的_ (vt.)与相矛盾;反驳 7_ (adj.) 含

2、盐的;咸的_ (n.) 盐 8_ (adj.) 无穷的;无止境的_ (v.&n.) 结束 9_ (n.)最低限度;最少量_ (反义词) 10_ (n.)翻译;译文_ (v.)翻译,答案:1.tick 2.concrete 3.flexible 4.transform 5.tease 6contradictory; contradict 7.salty; salt 8.endless; end 9.minimum; maximum 10.translation; translate,.短语 1make a _ of 列出的名单 2make _ 讲得通;有意义 3nursery _ 童谣 4sta

3、y _ 熬夜 5take it _ 轻松;不紧张 6run out _ 用完 7be made _ of 由组成 8be popular _ 受欢迎 9_ particular 尤其;特别 10be translated _ 被译成,答案:1.list 2.sense 3.rhyme 4.up 5.easy 6.of 7.up 8.with 9.in 10.into,.课文导读 根据课文内容,选择正确答案。 1Which of the following can we find in Poem A? AAnger. BSorrow. CDarkness. DJoy. 答案:D,2Which t

4、wo poems in the reading passage have rhyming(押韵) words at the end of lines? AB and C. BA and E. CA and B. DG and F. 答案:C 3What kind of poem does Poem D in the reading passage belong to? ANursery rhymes. BList Poems. CHaiku DCinquain. 答案:D,4How many syllables are there in a Haiku Poem? A5. B7. C17. D

5、70. 答案:C 5How many kinds of poems does the reading passage refer to? ASix. BFive. CFour. DThree. 答案:B,1convey (v.) 1)sth(to sb)|(that.) 表达、传递(思想、感情等) What does his message convey to you? 你看他的信息表达的是什么意思? I found it hard to convey my feelings in words. 我觉得难以用言语表达我的感情。 Its impossible to convey how lost

6、 I felt. 我的失落感无以言表。,This poem conveys(to us)that he loved nature deeply. 这首诗 (向我们) 表达了他对自然的热爱。 2)sb/sth(from.)(to.) 传送;运送;输送 Passengers are conveyed by bus to the airport. 用公共汽车载送旅客前往机场。 Pipes convey hot water from the boiler to the radiators. 通过管道把热水从锅炉输送到散热器里。,【词语辨析】 convey,transport, bring, carry

7、, take, fetch 这些动词均有“带、拿、取”之意。 1)convey指通过中间人传递信息,或以某种方式把人或物送到目的地。常常含有持续、有规律地运动或流动的意思。 This train conveys both passengers and goods. 这列火车既载人又载货。,2)transport指使用车辆或机械设备把人或货物从一处运载到另一处。主要限于人或有形物体的长距离的运动。 The city uses buses to transport students to school. 这城市用公共汽车载送学生去学校。 3)carry指把物品从一个地方带到另一个地方,不涉及方向,

8、只强调方式。 The train carries baggage, mail, and passengers. 火车运送行李、邮件及乘客。,4)bring指从某处把人或物带到或拿到说话者所在的地点,强调方向,不着重方式,但常常表示运动时支撑着某物。 He always brings a bottle of wine(with him)when he comes to dinner. 他来吃饭时总是(随身)带来一瓶酒。,5)take指从说话人或说话人心目中所在处把某人或某物带离开,带到离说话者有一定距离的地方,与bring的方向正相反,侧重方向,不着重方式。 Its your turn to t

9、ake the dog for a walk. 轮到你去遛狗了。 6)fetch指一往一返,相当于go and bring,去取了东西或带人再返回到出发处。 Should I fetch you your coat/fetch your coat for you from the next room? 要我去隔壁房间把你的大衣拿来吗?,【知识运用】 采用convey, transport, bring, carry, take或fetch的适当形式填空: A wire_an electric current. The chair is in the garden; please_it in.

10、They_the bricks in a lorry. She_her boyfriend to the party. The car had_him 500 miles before it broke down.,The novel vividly_the experience of growing up during the war. Dont forget to_your umbrella with you when you go.,答案: conveys 译文:电线传导电流。 fetch 译文:椅子在花园里, 请把它搬进来。 transported 译文:他们用卡车运砖。 brough

11、t 译文:她带着男朋友来参加聚会。 carried 译文:汽车载着他行驶了500英里以后抛锚了。 conveys 译文:这本小说生动地描绘了战时成长的经历。 take 译文:你走时别忘了带伞。,2concrete 1)adj. 确实的;具体的(而非想象或猜测的) The police have nothing concrete to go on. 警方没有任何确实的东西作依据。 混凝土制的 They had lain on sleeping bags on the concrete floor. 他们躺在混凝土地板上的睡袋里。,2)U 混凝土 These buildings are made

12、of concrete and steel. 这些房屋是用钢和混凝土建成的。 3)(v.)sth(over sth)用混凝土覆盖 The workmen are concreting the road. 工人们在用混凝土铺路。,【知识运用】 (1)Have you got any_proposals? Aenergetic Bconcrete Csmart Dpainful 答案:B 本题题意:你有没有具体的建议呢? concrete表示“确实的,具体的(而非想象或猜测的)”。,(2)It is easier to think in_terms rather than in the abstr

13、act. Aconcrete Breal Csolid Dimaginative 答案:A 本题题意:结合具体的事物来思考要比抽象思考容易些。concrete表示“确实的,具体的(而非想象或猜测的)”。,3delight 1)n. (1)U 高兴;愉快;快乐 She ran back home with delight. 她兴高采烈地跑回家。 (2)C 令人高兴的事;乐事;乐趣 He enjoyed the delights of New Yorks night life. 他喜欢纽约夜生活的乐趣。,2)(v.) 使高兴;使愉快;使快乐 He delighted the audience wi

14、th his performance. 他的表演使观众感到满意。 She delighted the children with toys/by singing songs. 她用玩具/唱歌逗乐孩子们。 She delights in her work. 她喜爱她的工作。,【知识拓展1】 delighted (adj.)(to do sth)|(that.)|(by/at/with sth) 高兴的;愉快的;快乐的 Im delighted at your success/to hear of your success/that you succeeded. 我对你的成功/听到你成功的消息/对

15、你已获成功感到很高兴。 What you do say is that youre very fond of reading, and Im delighted by that. 你的确说了你非常喜欢读书,这一点使我感到很高兴。,She was delighted at receiving so many letters. 收到了这么多的信,她感到很愉快。 I bought it, read it over and over, and was much delighted with it. 我把它买来,读了一遍又一遍,真是趣味盎然。,【知识拓展2】 1)take/find/have(a)delight in 喜爱, 以为乐 He takes great delight in painting. 他爱好绘画。 2)give delight to 使欢喜;使高兴 Movies give delight to milli



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