高中英语 unit 3 back to the past 精品课件 译林版必修3

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1、Unit 3 Back to the past,.高频单词思忆 1.director n._;主任_ v.指点, 指导_ n.方向;方位 2.wooden adj. _ n. 3.faithfully adv. _ n.信念, 信条_ adj._ adj.(反义词)不 忠的,背信弃义的 4.concerned adj._ v.关心_ prep.关于,基础落实,主管,负责人,direct,direction,木制的,wood,忠实地,忠诚地,faith,faithful,faithless,担心的,关心的;有关的,concern,concerning,5.major adj. _ n.多数,大部

2、分 6.memorial n. _ n.记忆;纪念 _ vt.记住,熟记 7.confusion n. _ v._ _(两种形容词形式) adj.令人迷惑的;人 感到迷惑的 8.similarity n. _ adj. _ adv. 9.formation n. _ v.&n. 10.explode vi. _ n.,主要的,majority,纪念馆,memory,memorize,混乱,混淆,confuse,confused,confusing,相似点;相似,类似,similar,similarly,形成,form,爆炸,explosion,.重点短语再现 1.古代文明_ 2.历史事件_ 3

3、.听讲座_ 4.接收,接管_ 5.使某人发疯_ 6.被毁坏的城市_ 7.被卷入,与有关联_ 8.仔细看一眼_ 9.启航前往某地_ 10.状况良好_,ancient civilization,a historical event,go to a lecture,take over,drive sb.crazy,the ruined city,be involved in,get a close look at,set sail for,in good condition,11.位于,坐落于_ 12.主要的军事基地_ 13.引起很大的损失_ 14.为了纪念_ 15.作为回报,报答_,be loca

4、ted in,the major military base,cause much damage,in memory of,in return,.典型句式运用 1.罗马不仅是一个城市和国家,而且它也将成为历史 上最大的帝国的首都。 Not only _ Rome a city and a republic,but it was also to become the capital of one of the largest empires in history. 2.我们发现那些废墟非常有意思。 We found the ruins _. 3.我们要么今天要么明天去墓地一下。 We can g

5、o to the tomb _ today tomorrow.,was,most interesting,either,or,4.人们开始在这个地区挖掘金银财宝,对遗址造成了 很大的破坏。 People started to dig in the area for treasure,_ caused much damage.,which,.综合语篇填空 1.Near the city was a _ called Vesuvius. 2.It is believed by many people to have been gradually covered over _ sandstorms

6、from AD 200 to AD 500. 3.Sven found the remains of buildings _ under the sand,. 4.Now known _ Xian in Shaanxi Province, Changan was one of the two largest cities in the world at that time. 5._ all the people living in the world who have no food to eat and no place to live?,volcano,by,buried,as,What

7、about,重点单词 1.bury vt.埋葬;埋藏,掩盖,覆盖 挑战自我 (1)那条狗把它的食物埋在花园里。 That dog _ in the garden. (2)矿井塌陷时,矿工们被活埋在下面。 The miners were _ when the mine collapsed. (3)每天晚上他都埋头读书。 Every day in the evening he _ _ his books.,导练互动,buried its food,buried alive,buries himself,in,帮你归纳 bury.in/at.把埋在 bury oneself in(=be burie

8、d in)埋头于,专心于 即学活练 (4)_ in his novel,he ran into the car in front of the building. A.Buried B.Be buried C.Burying D.Being buried,A,2.ruin vt.毁坏,毁灭;n.废墟,残垣断壁;遗迹(常 用复数) 挑战自我 (1)洪水毁坏了庄稼。 The flood _. (2)他把水全倒在我的画上,把画毁了。 He poured water all over my painting and _. (3)天气恶劣,破坏了我们的旅行。 The bad weather _. (4)

9、那座建筑物已成废墟。 That building is _.,ruined the crops,ruined it,ruined our trip,in ruins,帮你归纳 in ruins严重受损,破败不堪;成为废墟 fall into ruin成为废墟 ruin oneself毁掉自己 ruin ones health/fame毁坏某人的健康/荣誉 即学活练 (5)地震过后,全城到处是断壁残垣。 _,The earthquake left the whole city in ruins.,3.concerned adj.担心的,关心的;有关的 挑战自我 (1)我们都为他们的安全担心。 W

10、e are all _ their safety. (2)这事对孩子的健康成长影响极大。 This _ of the children deeply. (3)他非常担心儿子的病情。 He _ for his sons illness. 帮你归纳 be concerned with与有关 be concerned over/at sth.为某事忧虑,concerned for,concerns the healthy growth,showed great concern,be concerned about/for关心,担忧 as/so far as.be concerned就而言 conce

11、rn v.关心;惦记,忧虑;相关,关联 This doesnt concern you.这不关你的事。 concern n.担心,忧虑;重要或感兴趣的事物 everyday concerns日常事务 feel concern about忧虑,挂念 have no concern for毫不关心 show concern for sb./sth.关心某人/某事 with concern关切地 concerning prep.关于,We asked the American professor many questions concerning American higher education

12、after class.课后我们问了那位美国教授许多关于美国高 等教育方面的问题。 即学活练 (4)_,education is about learning and the more you learn,the more equipped for life you are. A.As far as I concerned B.As far as I am concerned C.So far as I am concerning D.So far as I was concerned,B,(5)The childs mother was very _ for his safety when

13、he didnt come back from school at the usual time. A.afraid B.worrying C.concerned D.careful,C,4.remain vi.剩余,剩下;逗留,留下 挑战自我 (1)大火之后,大楼里的家具所剩无几。 Very _ in the building after the big fire. (2)聚会之后,玛丽留了下来帮我清洗碗盘。 After the party Mary _ me wash the dishes. (3)由于天气晴朗,孩子们仍呆在外面玩耍。 The children _ because of good weather.,little furniture remained,remained and helped,remained out,(4)彼得当了法官,但约翰仍然是个渔民。 Peter became a judge but John _ _. (5)他在会议上保持沉默。 He _



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