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1、广东省广州市2015高考英语十月文章类课外练习(7)及答案包括短文语法填空、完形填空、阅读理解。都有参考答案或者解析。短文语法填空(1)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为1-10的相应位置上。 Poor student behaviour seems to be an _1_ (increase) widespread problem and I think that modern lifestyles are probably responsible for this. In many co

2、untries, the birth rate is decreasing so that families are smaller with _ 2 _ children. These children are often spoilt, not in terms of love and attention because _ 3 _ (work) parents do not have the time for this, _ 4 _ in more material ways. They are allowed to have _ 5 _ they want, regardless of

3、 price, and to behave as they please. This means that the children grow up _ 6 _ consideration for others and without any understanding of _ 7 _ their standard of living comes from. When they get to school age they have not learnt any self control or discipline. Teachers continually complain _ 8 _ t

4、his problem and measures _ 9 _ (take) to combat the situation. But I think the situation to the problem lies with the families, _10 _ need to be more aware of the future consequences of spoiling their children.【参考答案】1. increasingly 2. fewer 3. working4. but 5. whatever 6. without7. where 8. about 9.

5、 should be taken10. who短文语法填空(2)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填人一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答卷标号为l-10的相应位置上。 Once a man came to Allah (安拉) and said, “Oh Allah, I have many bad habits. Which one should I give up first?” Allah said, “Give up telling lies first and always tell the truth.” The man pro

6、mised to do _1_ and went home. At night the man was about to go out to steal. Before setting out, he thought for a moment about the promise he made _2_ Allah. “If tomorrow Allah asks me where I have been, what should I say? Should I say that I went out _3_ (steal)? No, I cannot say that. If I tell t

7、he truth, everyone will start hating me and call _4_ a thief. I would _5_ (punish) for stealing. But _6_ can I lie.” So the man decided not to steal that night, and gave up this bad habit. Next day, when he was about to drink wine, he also remembered _7_ he promised to Allah, so he gave up _8_ idea

8、of drinking wine. In this way, _9_ the man thought of doing something bad, he remembered his promise to tell the truth _10_ all times. One by one, he gave up all his bad habits. 【参考答案】1. so 2. to 3. stealing 4. me 5. be punished 6. nor / neither 7. what 8. the 9. whenever 10. at完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所

9、给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Im an operating engineer, running crane(起重机) in New York City. I was in the countryside, playing golf when we got the call that a plane had 1 the World Trade Centre. We checked out of the hotel immediately and started 2 our way downtown. When I got home, I called the rescue cen

10、ter and they told me to come 3 and get on the 4 list.The next morning I went down to the 5 at about 5 a.m., and four hours later I 6 the call to come down to West Street. I called my wife and told her not to 7 me, and that I would stay in 8 with her. I took the subway. It stopped at West Fourth Stre

11、et, so I had to 9 the rest of the way.And somewhere in there I became frightened that I was going into something I 10 . I once worked there in 1966 for the 11 of the World Trade Centre. On halfway on September 12, I was frightened to see the World Trade Centre was a huge pile, maybe ten stories 12 .

12、 And it was burning. I started to ask 13 in which my crane might be 14 a whistle blew suddenly warning us of some danger. I saw people running away and I really didnt know what to do. So I did the same, too. It was as if they had let the bulls go in 15 and we were running through the street. People

13、falling down, people 16 them up as they came by, and carrying them, just to get them out of the way, because something was extremely 17 . I didnt even look back. We stopped running when we got to the Battery Tunnel, and I caught my 18 and said, “Oh, my God, Im going to 19 .”Then I settled down a lit

14、tle bit, thinking about what we should do next. As we started again we 20 into a fire chief officer and we asked, “What can we do to help you?”1.A. landedB. reachedC. hitD. passed2.A. findingB. makingC. fightingD. losing3.A. awayB. nearC. inD. down4.A. volunteerB. soldierC. policeD. fireman5.A. comp

15、anyB. hotelC. centerD. home6.A. answeredB. madeC. heardD. got7.A. missB. forgetC. stopD. expect8.A. peaceB. touchC. silenceD. anger9.A. walkB. completeC. cancelD. smooth10.A. builtB. metC. designedD. had11.A. constructionB. planC. destructionD. use12.A. thickB. longC. tallD. deep13.A. waysB. numbersC. positionD. directions14.A. asB. whyC. whenD. because15.A. AmericaB. SpainC. JapanD. Australia16.A. pushingB.


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