高中英语 unit 3 a taste of english humour复习课课件 新人教版必修4

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1、Unit 3 A taste of English humour,Unit 3 A taste of English humour,Unit 3 美文佳句,诵美文 幽默可以说是一种优美的、健康的品质,它能使人们平淡的生活充满情趣,是生活的润滑剂和开心果。可以说,哪里有幽默,哪里就有活跃的气氛;哪里有幽默,哪里就有笑声和成功的喜悦。请用120词左右论述一下幽默的作用。_,Unit 3 美文佳句,A sense of humour is universally considered a most valuable personality.A person without humour is jus

2、t like a spring without flowers. Humour can improve physical as well as mental wellbeing. It helps us bear our burdens,lessen our tension,overcome our frustration. With a piece of joke,all our worries and sadness disappear like smoke,and we are full of vigor once again.,Unit 3 美文佳句,Humour helps us l

3、ive in harmony with others. It is unavoidable to have misunderstanding with others during work and study, but humour can ease these problems quicker than angry words or quarrels. With it you can always keep on good terms with others. A sense of humour is really one of the keys to happiness. It gives

4、 fun to life to make it worth living.,Unit 3 美文佳句,背佳句 1A person without humour is just like a spring without flowers.人没有幽默就如同春天没有花朵。 赏析 这是一个比喻句,用人们熟悉的春天和花朵的关系比喻幽默感对于人的重要性。 2It helps us bear our burdens, lessen our tension,overcome our frustration. 它帮助我们承受负担,减轻压力,克服挫折。 赏析 该句使用了help sb. do sth 结构,该结构中

5、,三个并列的动作作us的宾补。,Unit 3 美文佳句,3It is unavoidable to have misunderstanding with others during work and study, but humour can ease these problems quicker than angry words or quarrels. 在工作和学习中与别人产生误会是不可避免的,但幽默可以比愤怒的话或争吵更快地缓解这些问题。 赏析 这是两个表转折关系的分句,第一个分句中It是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。,Unit 3 课前热身,.单词拼写 1The boys a

6、mused themselves by s_ down the banister. 2Are you c_ with your present studies? 3That he was arrested a_ everyone in his village. 4Dont be so curious.There is nothing p_ in the letter.,liding,ontent,stonished,articular,Unit 3 课前热身,5Liu Xiang is loved and respected as an athlete who could face f_ wi

7、th great courage. 6What are you two _ (小声说) about? 7They _ (克服) difficulties one after another. 8When he heard the news he _ (反应) with a sense of anger. 9It took many hours to _ (使信服) the court of his guilt. 10The policeman _ (指挥)the crowd to move back for safety.,ailure,whispering,overcame,reacted,

8、convince,directed,Unit 3 课前热身,.完成短语 1主演 _ in 2直到现在 up _ 3切断,断绝 cut _ 4对满足 be/feel _ 5特别地 in _ 6穷的 badly _ 7挑出;辨别出 pick _,star,to now,off,content with,particular,off,out,Unit 3 课前热身,.完成句子 1不幸的是他的父亲去世了,使得他的家境更加艰难。 Unfortunately his father died, _. 2众所周知,失败是成功之母,而到现在为止没有人能比李明更好地理解这点。 As is well known t

9、o us all, “ _ ”, and _ nobody has been more able to understand it than Li Ming.,leaving the family even worse off,Failure is the mother of success,up to now,Unit 3 课前热身,3你会觉得震惊,卓别林会讲话的时候就被教唱歌,会走路的时候就学跳舞。 You may _ Charlie Chaplin _ and dance as soon as he could walk. 4她将主演一部新影片。 She _ a new film. 5他

10、们是如此饥饿,以至尝试煮一双皮鞋作为晚餐。 They are _ leather shoes for their dinner.,find it astonishing that,was taught to sing as soon as he could speak,is to star in,so hungry that they try boiling a pair of,Unit 3 单词点睛,1 content adj.(desiring no more than what one has; satisfied)满意的,满足的 n满足,满意;(something contained)

11、内容,含量;(书)目录 vt.(to make content or satisfied)使满足 feel/be content with sth(feel/be satisfied with) 对感到满足,满意 be content to do sth 愿意做某事 content sb/oneself with 使某人/自己对满意 to ones hearts content 心满意足地,尽情地,Unit 3 单词点睛,【易错警示】 (1)content用作形容词时,只能用well修饰,不能用very 修饰,且不可作前置定语,如不可说He is a content man.应说He is a

12、 contented man. (2)satisfy表示使人的要求、希望得到完全的满足;若只是表示使人在一定程度上感到满足,则要用content。 【活学活用】 (1)She _ (感到非常满足) stay at home looking after her children. (2)He _ (安于现状)where he is now. (3)We had the chance to play golf to our _ (尽情地),is content to,is content to remain,to our hearts content,Unit 3 单词点睛,2 entertain

13、 vt.&vi.使欢乐;款待 entertain sb to sth 用某物招待/款待某人(尤指在家中) entertain sb with sth/by doing sth 用某物/通过做某事使某人高兴 entertain sb as 把某人当招待 entertaining adj. 愉快的;有趣的 entertainment n. 娱乐;款待,Unit 3 单词点睛,【活学活用】 1根据提示完成句子 (1)Bob and Liz _ (设宴招待了我们) last night. (2)He entertained us for hours _ his stories and jokes.(填

14、介词) 2用所给词的适当形式完成句子 (1)He fell in the water, much to the _ (entertain) of the children. (2)We hired a magician to keep the children _ (entertain),entertained us to dinner,with,entertainment,entertained,Unit 3 单词点睛,3 convince vt.(to bring by the use of argument or evidence to firm belief or a course of action)使确信;使信服 convince sb of sth 使某人相信某事 be convinced of st


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