2015高考英语一轮复习 阶段性效果检测题47(含解析)

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1、2015高中英语一轮复习 阶段性效果检测题47(含解析)选择题部分(共80分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分30分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题; 每小题0. 5分, 满分10分)从A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Mo Yan, who grew up intown of Gaomi in Shandong Province, won _ 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature on Thursday. A. a; theB. the; a C. /; the D. the; the2. (2013哈尔滨模拟)Sorry, . I

2、 would have come to your birthday party if. . . . Forget it. I know you were out on business. A. yetB. indeedC. thoughD. anyway3. (2013北京模拟)Have you got any idea for the summer vacation?Yes. Im going to a peaceful place, especiallysuitable for relaxation. A. oneB. the oneC. thatD. this4. Whatthe pub

3、lic eye in Gangnam Style is PSYs unique dance moves, funny horse riding scenes and dancing in a towel. A. catchesB. shadesC. attractsD. attacks5. What I want to say is that if you dont go camping tomorrow, . A. nor will IB. nor do IC. nor I willD. nor I do6. (2013潍坊模拟)Please arrange an interview wit

4、h the manager tomorrow, orit is convenient to him. A. wheneverB. howeverC. whicheverD. wherever7. Does coffee really work when you have to work late into night?Yes. As far as Im concerned, I feel veryafter a coffee. A. energeticB. normalC. adequateD. sensitive8. (2013石家庄模拟)Georges aim is to inform t

5、he viewers that smoking can _ lung cancer. A. appeal toB. lead toC. devote toD. belong to9. Listen to the music! Thats what Iin a competition last July. A. playedB. had playedC. have playedD. was playing10. Life is like a cup, and its up to you to decideits a drinking cup or a toothbrush cup. A. how

6、B. whyC. thatD. whether11. (2013江南十校模拟)Breaking up is the business of the two lovers, no other people should be involved. A. whichB. in thatC. thatD. in which12. The price of oil has been going up recently. Yeah, cant we make use ofenergy resources?A. athleticB. abstractC. alternativeD. accurate13.

7、Dont let your head out of a moving car, whichlead to a terrible accident. A. canB. shouldC. mustD. will14. Over two thirds of the population was believed to have noto the health care in the west rural area in China. A. aidB. basisC. beliefD. access15. Excuse me, mom, but Im going sightseeing with my

8、 friends today. OK. . A. Good luckB. CongratulationsC. With pleasureD. Have fun16. (2013杭州模拟)As you already know from high school, your social life will be more pleasant if you avoidconflicts, no matter in class, dorm, or else where. A. to causeB. causingC. causedD. having caused17. (2013湖州模拟)Once o

9、r twice my next-door neighbour has had difficulty making decisions on his own, buthe is an independent man. A. in allB. in other wordsC. or ratherD. all in all18. (2013衢州模拟)What are you going to do this afternoon?I am going to the cinema with some friends. If filmquite early, we _ to the bookstore a

10、fter that. A. finished; are goingB. finished; goC. finishes; are goingD. finishes; go19. good use of learning resources such as the website and library, and you will make great progress. A. To makeB. MakingC. MakeD. Having made20. (2013金华模拟)A stranger gave me an umbrella when I was caught in the rai

11、n. . A. First impression is half the battleB. A friend without faults will never be foundC. There is kindness to be found everywhereD. Two heads are better than one第二节:完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1分, 满分20分)阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从2140各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。I grew up in a small town and the main entertainment was

12、Friday night high school football. It was just a sleepy little town where parents wanted to raise their children away from the21and danger of a big city, and where teenagers like me22leaving to find something bigger and better. All that23one summer night. My friends Lisa, Kim and Tyler held a party

13、for my eighteenth birthday at Lisas house. As they kept24alcohol to me, I was pretty drunk. I asked Tyler to take me home. With some25, we made it out to his car and drove home. News came next morning, Kim, my friend26we were five years old, was killed in a car accident. That night after Tyler and I

14、 left, Kim, who was27more drunk than me, got into her car and28towards the highway to go home. She was driving on the wrong side of the road and never saw the truck coming. The driver didnt see her29to avoid the car. They hit head on. Kim died immediately, and the driver was thrown30the truck windsh

15、ield(挡风玻璃)and died a week later. Whenever I31back on that day, I cant help thinking that it was my32to drink so much that night, otherwise things would be different. I know Kim33the choice to drink and drive that night, but a part of me will always feel34for what happened. I may not change the35with my story, but I do hope that I can mak



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