2015年高考英语一轮复习 典题精练2 新人教版必修2

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1、 典题精练2. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. The next contest will be_(host)in Shanghai. 2. Weve_ (replace)the old machine with a computer. 3. Only those who have achieved good grades will be_ (admit)to the key university. 4. The workers were_ (bargain)for better pay with their boss. 5. Two of the_ (compete)failed to turn

2、 up for the race. 6. One of the_ (volunteer)for the rescue work injured himself when helping others. 7. As the people of the great nation, we shall take our_ (responsible)to make it stronger. 8. He won two gold_ (medal)in the games and he was known for his great achievements. 9. To my surprise, you_

3、 (magical)showed me the beauty of math. 10. They met_ (regular)and discussed the hot topic in the society. 答案: 1. hosted 2. replaced 3. admitted 4. bargaining 5. competitors 6. volunteers 7. responsibility 8. medals 9. magically 10. regularly . 完成句子1. If you dont go to the party, _. (nor)如果你不参加那个聚会,

4、 我也不去。2. These were the college students _ in the west of China. (volunteer)这些就是自愿到中国西部工作的大学生。3. _ murder, Bob was sentenced to life imprisonment. (charge)因被指控犯有谋杀罪, 鲍勃被判处终身监禁。4. I want to apply for the position_. (advertise)我想申请(您在)报纸上刊登的职位。5. It has not rained for a long time, so the flowers in th

5、e garden_. (deserve)由于很长时间没有下雨了, 花园的花儿需要经常浇水。6. Women were first allowed_ the Olympic shooting in 1968. (compete)1968年妇女第一次被允许参加奥运射击比赛。7. Before the race really started, the cyclist Armstrong, as well as his teammates, _ at the starting line. (wait)在比赛真正开始之前, 自行车手阿姆斯特朗和他的队友们一起正等在起始线上。8. They offer h

6、elp for the Olympic Games, for example, _ the accommodation of all the athletes. (charge)他们为奥运会提供服务, 比如, 负责所有运动员的食宿问题。9. Because of_ that in his working place, he has gradually corrected his attitude to life. (replace)因为工作生活取代了学校生活, 他才逐渐地改变了对生活的态度。10. _ the activity, he flew to America directly. (pa

7、rt)参加完这项活动后, 他直接飞往美国了。答案: 1. nor will I2. volunteering to work/who volunteered to work3. Charged with4. (which is)advertised in the newspaper5. deserve to be watered/watering regularly6. to compete in7. was waiting8. taking charge of9. replacing his school life with10. Having taken part in. 语篇完形Paus

8、anias, 1. _(be)a Greek writer about 2, 000 years ago, has come on 2. _ magical journey to find out about the present-day Olympic Games. Present-day Olympic Games are held 3. _ four years on a regular basis. The Winter Olympics are usually held two years 4. _ the Summer Games. Only athletes who have

9、reached the agreed standard for their event 5. _ (admit)as competitors. Nowadays, women are not only allowed, 6. _ play a very important role in gymnastics, athletics, team sports and so on. For each Olympics, a special village is built 7. _ the athletes to live in, a main reception building, severa

10、l stadiums for competitions 8. _ a gymnasium as well. As a matter of fact, every country wants to host the Olympic Games. Its a great 9. _ (responsible)but also a great honour to be chosen. The 2012 Olympics has been held in London. The motto of the Olympics is“Swifter, Higher and 10. _ (strong). ”答

11、案: 1. being 2. a 3. every 4. before 5. will be admitted 6. but 7. for 8. and 9. responsibility 10. Stronger . 话题写作根据提示, 利用本单元所学知识, 完成下面的小作文。1. 奥运五环旗(the Olympic flag)中的五环代表地球上的五大洲。(stand for)2. 任何国家都可以参加奥运会。(take part in)3. 只有达到他们各自项目统一标准的运动员才会被允许成为奥运会竞赛选手。(athlete; admit; competitor)4. 奥运会上也有一些志愿者提

12、供服务。(volunteer; as well)5. 奥运会的格言是更快, 更高, 更强。(motto; swift)_【参考范文】The five rings on the Olympic flag stand for the five continents on the earth, which means any country can take part in the Olympic Games. But only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted ascompetitors. There are some volunteers as well who offer help for the Olympic Games. The motto of the Olympic Games is“Swifter, Higher and Stronger”.


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