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1、【高级表达方式抽象名词的使用】1. ABSENCE: (with/there is) the absence of attempt/ workAMany medical experts are now agreed that with the general absenceof roughage,modem citizens are literally-via heart attacks and cancer-eating and drinking themselves into the grave许多医学专家现在一致认为,由于食物中总体缺少粗粮,现代公民们就是这样一日三餐,不知不觉地患上了心

2、脏病和癌症。最终送命,这样说并非言过其实。BThere seems to have been an absence of attempt at conciliation between rival sects似乎没有进行任何尝试去调解对立派之间的矛盾。CFor large numbers of people, the absence of work is harmful to their health对大多数人来说,没有工作对他们的身体反而有害。2. ACCEPTANCE: have/find/obtain/gain/win (general/immediate/wide) acceptanc

3、e for/among/ofAAcademic dishonesty has had relatively strong peer support and acceptance among some students,partly because we did not make a seriouseffort to explain why such behavior is contemptible学习上的作弊得到同伴相对有力的支持,也被一些学生所接受。部分原因是我们没有真正努力去解释为什么这种行为是可耻的。BIf that can be done,the high way will serve

4、 the purposes users wantThen it will gain broad acceptance and become a reality如果做到这一点的话,高架就会达到使用者所希望的目的。这样就会得到广泛的支持而成为现实。3. ACCESS: gain/get/have/attain/give (ready/easy) access toAAdvances in technology have smoothed access to information, rendering superfluous whole layers of management.技术的发展使我们能

5、较容易获取信息,也使整个管理层变得有些多余。BWhile it is true that USsources may have better access to the information,they might also have more reason to conceal or alter that information美国新闻机构获取情报或许较为方便,但它们也可能有较多的理由去隐瞒或篡改情报。4. ACQUISITION: acquisition of knowledge/ a language/informationA. Newspaper reading,rather than

6、 being simply the acquisition of newinformation,is a kind of passive participation in the life of thenational community.读报不仅仅是获得新的信息,而是一种被动地参与国家生活的活动。BBut in the past trying to accelerate childrens acquisition of academic skills in their early age was seen as evidence of bad parenting但在过去,若家长们在孩子还很小

7、时就加快对他们的文化知识的学习,这种做法被认为是不好的教育法。5. AGREEMENT: there is general agreement thatA. There is total agreement that the activity of humans is at least partly responsible for the problem.有一点大家的意见是一致的:人类的活动对这个问题至少应当负部分责任。BTo come to agreement on control and reduction of weapons between the superpowers is dif

8、ficult.超级大国之间要在控制和削减武器方面达成一致意见是很困难的。6. ANALYSIS: make a careful/close analysis of; attempt/defy/resist analysisAYet close analysis of such people often reveals the existence of whatmight be called “stability zones” in their lives仔细分析这些人,往往会发现,在他们生活中也存在可能称为的“稳定区域”。BIt requires a very unusual mind,Whi

9、tehead said,to undertake the analysis of a fact怀特黑德说过,需要一种极不寻常的头脑去分析一个事件。7ANTICIPATION:in anticipation of a risefallsuccessAAll experience a good deal of anticipation,but the anticipation palesnext to the excitement of first communicating verbally所有这一切都经历了许多的盼望,但这种盼望比起第一次语言交流的兴奋要逊色多了。BThe financial

10、markets had raised interest rates in anticipation of a squeeze.金融市场因预计到银根紧缩而提高了利率。Cin anticipation of an early reply期待早复8. ANTIDOTE: (serve) as an (strong/powerful) antidote to boredomAHe supported,for example,universal education as an antidote to the numbing effects of economic specialization.例如他支持

11、全民教育可以克服经济专业化带来的麻木的影响。9. ANTIPATHY: have/arouse/provoke/natural antipathy to/towardsAWithout question,however,the first major thinker to express a clear antipathy to the urban way of life was Thomas Jefferson毫无问题,第一个表示出对城市生活反感的大思想家是托马斯杰佛逊。10. APATHY: show/have/with an (political/election) apathy tow

12、ard sth.AHow can we curb this growing student apathy and assure ourselves of capable,responsible leadership for the future?如何才能制止学生中日益发展的冷漠态度,以确保我们在将来成为有能力、有责任的领导人?11. APPEAL: make a direct/strong appeal toAThe appeal to venture capitalists of investing in United States high technology companies is

13、quite obvious对风险资本家来说,投资于美国高技术公司的吸引力是显而易见的。BHe holds a special appeal to little children.他对小孩有种特殊的吸引力。12. APPETITE have/stimulate a strong/keen appetite for(爱好,追求)1. He has a great appetite for knowledge.他强烈的求知欲。2The long hours in the office or the factory bring with them as their reward,not only th

14、e means of sustenance,but a keen appetite forpleasure even in its simplest and most modest forms在办公室或工厂里长时间的工作,给他们带来的报酬不仅仅是生活给养,而且是对乐趣的强烈追求,即使是最简单、最朴实的乐趣。13. APPLICATION: the application of knowledge/theoryA. We ale dealing with the application of psychology to advertising and political propaganda我们

15、说的是把心理学应用于广告和政治宣传。BIn general,the application-or misapplication-of science and technology in all fields is certain to affect the structure of society as a whole总的说来,科学技术在各个领域中的应用或误用,必然会影响整个社会的结构。14. APPRECIATION: cultivate/deepen/express/show an (better/keen)appreciation ofA cultivate the appreciation of good music培养对音乐的欣赏能力B We take this opportunity of expressing / to express our sincere appreciation of your help.对于你们的帮助,我们趁这个机会向你们表示衷心的感谢。Cpromote/deepen the appreciation of Chinese


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