2014届高考英语 重点词汇归纳 祈使句+and+陈述句复习剖析

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2014届高考英语 重点词汇归纳 祈使句+and+陈述句复习剖析_第1页
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2014届高考英语 重点词汇归纳 祈使句+and+陈述句复习剖析_第2页
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1、祈使句+and+陈述句1、promise sb. to do sth.=allow/permit sb. to do sth.=允许/答应某人做某分析:二者的汉语意思一样。但用法有区别,请看例子:My father promised me to give up smoking. 我爸爸答应我戒烟。(是“爸爸”戒烟,而不是“我”戒烟。即:动词不定式是主语发出的动作)My father doesnt permit/allow me to smoke. 我爸爸不允许我抽烟。在此结构中,动词不定式是宾语发出的动作。另外,两者的结构区别如下: promise to do sth.(后跟不定式)allow

2、/permit doing sth.(后跟动名词)例:I promised to help him with his English.Drinking wine is not allowed /permitted in our school.2、provide vt.提供;供给provide n. for provide n. withThe government provided food and houses for those who were homeless.政府给无家可归的人提供食宿。The school provides the students with textbooks.或

3、:The school provides textbooks for the students.学校为学生提供课本。3、祈使句+and+陈述句1)这种结构可以替换成“条件句+陈述句”。如:Work hard,and youll be successful in time./If you work hard,you will be successful in time.只要你努力,一定会成功。注意:祈使句后and可替换成then.2)祈使句+or+否定陈述句=否定条件句+否定陈述句。如:Get ready or you wont pass the test./ If you dont get ready,you wont pass the test.做好准备,要不你小测验不会及格的。注意:祈使句后的or可替换成otherwise.


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