2014届高考英语 重点词汇归纳 allowpermit的用法复习剖析

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1、allow/permit的用法1、allow/permit1)用法相同allow / permit sb .to do sth .允许某人做某事allow / permit doing sth . 允许做某事。此时动词只用ing 形式。反义词forbid 具有同样用法。2)意义有异同许多情况下可换用,只是词意的强弱上有差异。allow语意较弱,含有“听任”,“默许”,“不加阻止”的意思;permit 语意较强,强调 “正式认可”,“批准”的意思。如:The nurse allowed him to remain there ,though it was not permitted.护士让他留在

2、那里,虽然这时(规定)不允许的。2、amazeamaze vt.使惊奇= astonish, surpriseThe news amazed us greatly.这条消息使我们感到很惊奇。拓展:(1)amazed人对感到吃惊的;amazing(某物)信人吃惊的。They were all amazed at the amazing news. 听到这个令人吃惊的消息他们感到惊讶。(2)amazement n. to ones amazement令人吃惊的是To my amazement, they have gone to Xishuangbanna. 让我奇怪的是,他们去西双版纳了。类似短

3、语:to ones happiness/excitement/sadness/puzzlement 使某人高兴的/兴奋的/伤心的/迷惑的是3、announce/ explain/ introduce/ declareannounce, explain, introduce, declare后面不接双宾语,若以人作宾语常置于to后。如:The president announced to the workers the sad news.The president announced the sad news to the workers.总裁向工人宣布了那不幸的消息。He introduced the new comer to everyone here.他把新来的那个人介绍给这里的每个人。report to sb.向某人汇报 report sth/sb.to sb.向某人汇报/告诉。 单句改错The teacher explained his students how to use the computer.No one declared us we could not smoke here.Key:explain后加to declare后加to


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