(冀、贵、甘(全国ⅱ)专用)2011届高三英语二轮复习 专题三 书面表达综合练(三)

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1、综合练(三)1Tom的父母来中国工作,于是Tom也跟随他们来中国学习。这样的外国学生在中国的学校里越来越多,他们急于了解中国文化和生活习俗,对一切都很好奇。一天,Tom在网上看到下面的连环画,不理解,通过电子邮件发给我,让我给他解释一下。词数:150左右。_2Dont complain in the NBAThe NBA has a new rule this season.Its called “zero tolerance”NBA referees are not letting players complain too long or too loudly about a referee

2、s call.A player who does can be given a technical foul(犯规)Two technical fouls,and the player is out of the game.The players dont like the new rule and want the NBA to change it.They think its only natural to get angry during a close,hardfought game if a call goes against you.But I like the “zero tol

3、erance” rule and wish other sports would follow the NBAs example.Wouldnt it be more enjoyable if football,soccer and tennis players stopped arguing the calls and just played the game?The biggest reason I like the new rule is that it sets a good example to younger players.When kids see stars such as

4、Rasheed Wallace of the Detroit Pistons shouting at the referees and arguing every call,they think its part of the game.But shouting at referees and arguing calls should never be part of any kids games.Kids should be taught to forget about the referees calls and pay attention to improving their skill

5、s and play their best.All players need to learn that you control only one thing in a game,and thats your own performance.You cant control what the other players or trainers do.And you certainly cant control the calls the referees make.Finally,everyone from NBA allstars to 8yearolds should remember t

6、hat being a basketball referee is a hard job.The referee has to make dozens of sudden calls.No hesitation.No second chances.Not even the best referee gets every call right.Maybe if the players,trainers and fans who shout at the referees had to wear a whistle and call a few games,there wouldnt be as

7、many complaints about the “zero tolerance” rule.The newRuleThe players are not 1.allowed/permitted to complain too much about a referees call,2.or/otherwise he might be 3.driven/put out of the court.The players opinionThey 4.dislike/hate the new rule and wish it to be changed.They think its natural

8、for them to get angry during a close game if there is a call 5.going against them.He likes the “zerotolerance” rule and wishes it to be followed by other sports and it would be more enjoyable if players 6.stopped/quitted arguing the calls.The new rule does 7.set a good example to younger players.Sho

9、uting at referees and arguing calls shouldnt be part of any kids games and kids should pay attention to 8.polishing up their skills and play their best.All players can control nothing else except their own 9.performance.Everyone should keep in mind that its 10.difficult/hard to be a basketball judge

10、.3Motor skills are divided into two areas:fine motor skills and gross motor skills.Fine motor skills are what give a child the ability to handle small objects.Fine motor skills are required for things like drawing,writing,cutting and other more complex tasks.Gross motor skills use more of the larger

11、 muscles along with balance and coordination(协调)These skills give young children the ability to run,walk,jump,roll,hop and make other larger physical movements.Motor skills are an extremely important part in your childs early childhood.Some statistics say that approximately 15% of students attending

12、 primary schools experience motor difficulties.Also the ratio of boys to girls with a motor disability is 31.These statistics are surprising but an even more shocking statistic is one that says 60% of students also have problems in areas such as speech,short attention span(持续时间),poor listening,poor

13、selfconcept,unacceptable behavior and general learning problems.A child can also be affected socially from lack of motor skills by being separated or by having low selfrespect.Despite all these negative statistics there is no need for your child to fall behind.In fact you can help your child do just

14、 the opposite.There really are so many ways you can help your child develop in the area of motor skills.To help their fine motor skills encourage them to play with things such as play dough,blocks,puzzles,and painting.All these activities can help in the development of your childs fine motor skills

15、because tasks like these require hand and finger coordination.For the improvement of gross motor skills you can do something as simple as taking your child for a hike,let them climb the monkey bars at the playground,or play a sport in which you strike a ball like golf,tennis or baseball.These activities can significantly improve your chil


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