高中英语 unit2 section ⅱ 语言点二 warming up &amp reading language points应用落实 新人教版选修7

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高中英语 unit2 section ⅱ 语言点二 warming up &amp reading language points应用落实 新人教版选修7_第2页
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1、Unit 2 Section 语言点二 应用落实.选词填空1I reached_for the salt, but knocked over a bottle of wine.2He is often in a temper so let him alone. 3He went home very late last night, or_rather,_in the early hours this morning.4Some women especially enjoy passengers turning_around to see them.5My classmate rang me u

2、p saying that the school football team had had three victories this month against other schools.6After Boeing (波音公司) had the plane built, it was tested_out thoroughly.单项填空1(2012湖南高考)Im so glad youve come here to _ this matter in person.Alead to Bsee toCturn to Drefer to解析:选B考查动词短语辨析。句意:很高兴你能来亲自负责这起事

3、件。see to“负责”,符合句意。lead to“导致”;turn to“向求助”;refer to“参考”。2(2011江苏高考)You look upset. Whats the matter?I had my proposal _ again.Aturned over Bturned onCturned off Dturned down解析:选D考查turn的短语。句意:“你看起来很不高兴,出什么事啦?”“我的建议又一次被拒绝了。”turn down“拒绝;顶回(提议、建议或提议人)”,符合句意。turn over“翻转”; turn on“打开”; turn off“关掉”。3Bef

4、ore launching, scientists will _ the new rocket.Acarry on Btest outCcarry out Dtest for解析:选B考查动词短语辨析。句意:发射前,科学家将对新火箭进行检验。carry on“继续”; test out“检验”; carry out“开展;实施”; test for“为而检查”。故选B。4You see, shes losing her temper now. Lets _ her _.Aleave; alone Bleave; outCleave; off Dleave; behind解析:选A考查leave

5、的短语。句意:你瞧,她现在正发脾气呢。别去管她。leave sb. alone表示“别惹/别管某人”,符合句意。5The telephone was _ before I could _ it.Arung off; reply Brung up; receiveCrung off; answer Drung up; answer解析:选C考查动词(短语)辨析。ring up“给打电话”,不合题意;“接电话”只能用动词answer。6We should advance step by step and not reach _ what is beyond our grasp.Ainto BforCtowards Dout解析:选B考查动词reach与介词的搭配。句意:我们在学习上应当循序渐进,不能好高骛远。reach for“伸手去取”,在此引申为“努力做;争取”。reach out“伸出手”,表示愿意提供援助。


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