河南省郑州市高中英语 unit1 women of achievement单元同步测试 新人教版必修4

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1、Unit1 Women of achievement单元同步测试I. 单项选择 1. I dont think it is _taking the trouble to explain the question to him. A. worth B. worthy C. worth of D. worthwhile 2. Youd better _ your behaviors in public places, or you are likely to get a ticket. A. watch B. see C. observe D. notice 3. With courage and

2、 determination, she set out to _ her childhood dream: to become a world famous actress. Which of the following is NOT OK? A. realize B. achieve C. come true D. live 4. Everybody showed great respect to the old doctor, who devoted everything he had to _ the poor conditions of the local hospital. A. i

3、mproving B. improve C. to improve D. being improved 5. No matter what you have achieved, you have no reasons to _others in your filed. A. look on B. look up to C. look forward to D. look down upon 6. When forbidden to surf the Internet, teenagers often _it, saying that it provides them with colorful

4、 entertainments, a convenient means of communication as well as useful information A. argue about B. argue with C. argue for D. argue against7. In the old days, his father was not able to earn enough money to _ his family. A. raise B. bring up C. make D. support 8. The doctors in the medical institu

5、te wrote several articles, explaining in detail the steps of how to _ a baby. A. give B. deliver C. have D. give birth to 9. In my opinion, an organization should be set up to study the_ a childs personality and his living environment. A. relation to B. connection with C. link of D. connection betwe

6、en 10. A modest person always _modestly, no matter how great he is. A. does B. behaves C. looks D. appears 11. After years of careful observation in the wild, Jane Goodall was finally able to _ the social system of chimps. A. carry out B. pick out C. look out D. work out 12. It is impossible to _one

7、s goal without working hard. A. achieve B. get C. arrive D. make 13. Would you _a walk with me after supper? A. care about B. care for C. care with D. care taking 14. It is everyones duty to _the rules of our school. A. watch B. see C. notice D. observe 15. China is developing at such an astonishing

8、 _that it takes on a new look every day. A. altitude B. achievement C. direction D. rate 16. How would you like to _your failure in the examination? A. count on B. account for C. count in D. count with 17. What he saw in the remote mountain village _ him to write a book about the country life there.

9、 A. encouraged B. increased C. inspired D. engaged 18. Never before has the _ been faced with such a threat as has happened in the past five decades A. human race B. people C. mankind D. man 19. Fears of being punished in various possible ways kept _her, which worried her a great deal. A. coming to

10、B. crowding in C. crowding in on D. crowded with 20. I strongly suggest the person that _ out and explain all that has happened. A. was referred to standing B. was referred to stand C. referred to stand D. referred to standing 21. The book, which _ for children under 10 when _, are popular with adul

11、t readers. A. intended; written B. was intended; being written C. intended; writing D. was intended; written 22. Whether we can get the money we need for the project or not, we will _ it to the end. A. carry on with B. move on with C. come on with D. take on with 23. When he was doing the software d

12、evelopment project, he _ many problems that he had to solve on his own. A. came up with B. came through C. came across D. came out 24. Ever since I became a first aider twenty years ago, which was totally _, I have been _my life on the go, dealing with cases of emergency. A. in accident; living B. by chance; led C. by chance; lived D. by accident; leading 25. The lecturer _before the audience could _any questions to him. A. moved off; raise B. moved away; come up with C. moved out; bring up D. moved up; put up II完形填空James sat outside the office waiting for the in


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