八年级英语下册 unit 1 will people have robots_ 试卷 人教新目标版

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1、Unit 1 Will people have robots?【基础扫描】I. 根据首字母提示或汉语提示完成单词拼写:1. The cellphone is so s_ that all my family like it. 2. This film is hoped to win the O_ Awards next year.3.Can I ask you a p_ question? Do you have a habit of keep pets?4. This story happened 1200 years ago in a_ China. 5. -Please listen!

2、Who is k_ at the door? -Oh, Ill go and answer it. 6. Spanish is a E_ country. 7. Is the table made of iron or a w_ one?8. This hotel can hold two h_ and fifty people. 9. The womans h_ died two years ago. She lives alone in this village. 10. Cutting such small trees is i_. They will be published by t

3、he government. II.单项选择。1.-Bowling is an interesting sport. Would you like to have a try? -_ A. Yes, Id love to. B. I dont think so. C. I cant have it at all. D. Well done!2.-_ will you begin to work in Toms company? -Next autumn. A. When B. How C. What D. How long 3. Do you think this film is worth

4、_? A. seeing B. to see C. see D. saw4. The girl looks puzzled because she doesnt know how to _ her leisure time. A. past B. spend C. take D. give out 5. This kind of food is expensive, _, it tastes bad. A. except B. besides C. beside D. more than6. I guess No. 2 Football Team will win. Who want to _

5、 it? A. bet on B. bet in C. bet to D. bet at7. Go swimming is as interesting as _ skating. A. going B. went C. gone D. to go 8. We got to like the game _ we played it. A. the first time B. for the first time C. first time D. at first 9. This coat doesnt fit him well, as he was _ a huge body and the

6、coat is _ small. A. so; such B. so; so C. such; such D. such; so 10. They are going to clean _ the boat with oil. A. inside B. inside of C. the inside D. the inside of 11.Do you want to stay here for _? A. two another days B. more two days C. another two days D. two days another 12.Beijing is famous

7、 _ the Great Wall and there are a lot of tourists _ Beijing. A. for; for B. of; at C. for; to D. to; for 13. We dont allow _ here. You are allowed _ outside. A. smoking; to smoke B. to smoke; to smoke C. smoking; smoking D. to smoke; smoking 14. They have not had a day _ for a week. A. off B. on C.

8、out of D. of 15. The boy is _five. But he cant go by himself now. A. at most B. at least C. at last D. at firstIII. 根据汉语意思,完成下列各句,每空一词。1.该莉莉清理房间了。Its Lilys turn to _.2.你把这件事向李先生解释一下。 Please _Mr. Li. 3. 爸爸经常腾出时间去运动。 Daddy often _. 4.那辆车撞到了斯密斯先生,然后继续开着。 The car _ and went on.5.似乎今年的天气既不太冷也不太热。 It _or

9、too hot. IV. 句型变化A)按要求变化下列各句:1. We can smell something delicious. (一般疑问句) _.2. Does anybody live in this building? (肯定句) _.3. There will be some apples in the box. (否定句) _.4. Well start after Jim comes. (用notuntil改写) _.5. Mr. Black will teach us math next year. (对划线部分提问) _.B) 根据上句句意完成下句,使两句句意相同或相近:6

10、. I forgot the place Academy Awards. I _ _ the place of Academy Awards. 7. She bought her husband a new bag yesterday. She _ a new bag _ her husband yesterday.8. Mr. Knott went to Beijing with Robert by air. Mr. Knott _ _ Beijing with Robert. 9. They are all doing their homework. All _ _ are doing t

11、heir homework.10. Mr. Mott hated the robot. Mr. Mott _ _ the robot.【能力冲浪】I. 补全对话根据对话内容,在空白处填入适当的词,使对话意思完整。每空只填一词。A: Do you think people (1)_ have robots in their homes (2)_ 100 years?B: Yes, I (3)_. I saw a robot on TV, and it cleaned the kitchen. A: Well, I dont think there will (4)_ any paper mone

12、y. B: Do you think everyone will have a credit card?A: Yeah, probably. B: I think there will be (5)_ one country. A: Only one country in the whole world? Will there be world peace?B: I hope (6)_.A: I bet kids (7)_ go to school. Theyll study at home (8)_ computers. B: Oh, I disagree. A: You (9)_?B: Y

13、eah, there will always be (10)_.II. 完形填空。Every summer, not only boys and men but also girls and women try to swim from England to France or from France to England. The distance at the _1_ point(点)is about 20 miles, _2_ because the waves are very _3_, the distance that swimmers must _4_ is usually mo

14、re than twice as far. Captain Web was the first _5_ to cross the English Channel between England and France. It was in August 1875. The Englishman stepped into the water from a _6_ at Dover in England. He _7_ 21 hours in crossing the English Channel and at last _8_ the French mainland. Since then many swimmers have crossed the English Channel and made


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