八年级英语下册 第五单元学情检测题 人教新目标版

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1、2011年八年级英语第五单元学情检测题班级: 姓名:单元内容出题人考试时间等级评价Unit 5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!高志慧一根据句意及首字母填空。1Dont bring food to the class, if you do this, the teacher will take it a_.2. Look! There are many f_ in the garden.3.I have a g_ time at Anns birthday party yesterday.4.Our class is o_ a t

2、alent show to make money for charity.5.What will h_ in a hundred years?6.I think many young people like wearing j_.7.We won the football match a_ that team yesterday.8.We should take the i_ people to the hospital at once.9.If you are famous, people will f_ you everywhere.10.If I became a l_ I will b

3、e able to help others.11.Be careful, or you will get i_.12.There will be a football match t_.13.My family was poor in the past. I had no c_ to go to college.14.H_ the class want to be scientists in the future.二单项选择 ( ) 1. We wont wait for you _ you cant arrive on time. A until B when C after D if( )

4、 2. Will you r parent be mad at you if you _ the English exam? A dont pass B wont pass C pass D will pass( ) 3. He plays sports _. A. for a living B. for a life C. for a liveD. make a living( ) 4. Look at the sun! Its too hot today. - Yes, why not_ your coat? A take off B taking off C takes off D to

5、 take off( ) 5. Please _ me if he _ time tomorrow evening. A will tell; has B tell; will have C tell; has D will tell; will have( ) 6. The teacher _ my storybook because I read it in class. A put on B put away C take away D took away ( ) 7. -Sam, do you know if Alice _ to my party next day? - I thin

6、k she will come if she _ free. A comes; is B comes; will be C will come; is D will come; will be( ) 8. I hope _ help me with my English. A you can B him to C you to D can you( ) 9. The teacher asked Ben _ a difficult question in class. A answer B answering C to answer D answered( ) 10. - _ in the fu

7、ture? - People will have vacations on the moon. A What happens B What will happen C Whats happening D What happened( ) 11. I think you _ pass the exam if you work hard. A will able to B can be able to C can able to D will be able to( ) 12. Half of the homework _ wrong. A is B has C are D have( ) 13.

8、 Jim asked me _ him with his math. A. help B. helping C. helped D. to help( ) 14. Im sorry! I _ my homework at home. A lost B missed C forget D left( ) 15. Dont run or shout _ the party, if you do, you ll _ leave. A in; have to B at; must C in; must D at; have三用所给单词的正确形式填空.1. If you dont be quick, y

9、ou _(be) late.2. If he _(go) to Beijing tomorrow, Ill look after his sister instead.3. The students _ (visit) the science museum if it _(be) fine tomorrow.4. Do you know if it _ (rain) tomorrow?5. Dont _ (bring) your dog to Lindas party.6. The teacher wants him_ (remember) the school rules.7. Please

10、 ask the children _ (not play) in the park.8. Lets _(ride) our bikes to the open air.9. The little boy made a _ (live) by selling flowers.10. Be careful, dont get _ (injure).11. They made me _ (feel) very sad.12. My sister wants to be a _ (law) in the future.13. When will you finish _ (make) the mod

11、el plane.14. The teacher _(take)away my mobile phone because I used it in class. 15. It rained _ (heavy) ,so he didnt go to work yesterday.四完形填空。For many young people,becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job 1 you become a professional athlete,youll be able to 2 doing something yo

12、u loveIf you become famous,people 3 the world will know youMany athletes give money to schools and 4 ,and do a lot of work to help peopleThis is a great 5 that many people do not have However,professional athletes can also have many 6 If you are famous,people will 7 you all the time and follow you e

13、verywhereThis can make life difficult If you play spots 8 a living,your job will sometimes be very dangerousMany professional athletes 9 And if you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing 10 In fact, many famous people complain that they are not happyThey say they were happier before they became rich and famous ( )1AIf BWhat CHow DWhen ( )2Adoing a living Bdo a living Cmaking a living Dmake a living ( )3Aover Ball Caround Dabout ( )4Ahospitals BcharitiesCold peoples homes Dpoor peoples homes ( )5Achallenge Btopic Cinfluence Dchance ( )6Aquestions Bproblems Cadvice Dtr


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