八年级英语下册 unit1 past and present练习(无答案) 牛津版

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1、牛津版八年级英语下册 unit 1 练习.根据句意和首字母提示补全单词(每小题6分,共60分) 1.The f leaves for France at one o clock. 2.I have been there many times in the p . 3.Im afraid I cant help you at p . 4.If you miss the t ,there is another one hour later. 5.If there is no electricity,the t cannot move. 6.The p is going to land(着陆). 7

2、.L r are popular in Beijing. 8.There has been no p r in our city. 9.I have studied English s tow years ago. 10.Do you want to c your answer?.补全对话(每小题5分,共20分)A:Hey, May! How are you reaently(最近)?B:Couldnt be better! Where did you go on your summer vacation?A:I went to Hong Kong.B: 1 Thats a developed

3、 city. 2 A:I visited the city, the square and so on.B: 3 A:Of course! I have bought something intersting for my friends.B:Great1 4 A:Oh,sorry! I Forgot you! A.What? B.What did you do there? C.Really? D.What have you bought for me? E.Were they nice? F.Dont forget me! G.Have you been to the shops?.单项填

4、空(每小题5分,共20分)1. my dictionary? Yes.I saw it on your desk amoment ago. A. Have you seen B.Do you seen C.Had you seen D.Would you seen2.Do you stiil have a toothache, Jim? No, its . Im all right now,mum. A.dropped B.polluted(污染) C.gone D.protected3.Have you even been anywhere for a trip? A trip? I awa

5、y from my hometown even once. A.went B.haven gone C.have never been D.have been4.I usually walk to school, but bus when it rains. A. in B.by C. with D.at牛津8B unit 1 Reading练习.单项填空(每小题5分,共40分)1.Actually, I have already been him for two years. A.married with B. marry with C. married to D. marry2.Oh, I

6、 have a toothache. You should go and see a . A.dentist B. teacher C. hospital D. nurse3.The rain was heavy, so I get home until 9:00 pm. A. had to B.didnt have to C. have D. must4. have you been here? 3 year. A.How ofen B.How long C.How far D. How5.Because of the busy traffic, the plane when he arri

7、ves. A.has landed B. has taken off C. landed D. took off6.Once upon a time,there was a village. the people there were kind. A.lonely B. alone C. lone D. only7.Mary has been a league member three years. A. for B. since C.in D.on 8.I who he was they told me. A./, until B. not, until C. dontt know, unt

8、il D. didnt know,until.翻译句子(每小题9分,共36分)1.他过去住在香港的九龙城。但现在已搬到纽约。2. 在某些方面我们的生活已经好些了。3. 然而,1991年我们不得不搬出九龙城,因为政府想在那里建一个新公园。4. 以前这里有一个药店。现在药店已经变成一个饭店。.单项填空(每小题8分,共24分)1.David shanghai for more than three months. A.came to B. has been to C. has been in D. has come to2.None of us knew what had happened they

9、 told us about it. A.when B.until C.after D. thought3May I go to play tennis with you, Dad? you your composition yet? A.Are, finishing B.Did, finish C.Will, finish D. Have, finished 牛津8B unit 1 Vocabulay 练习.写出下列词语的反义词(每小题3分,共30分)1.old plete 3.fast 4.direct 5.up 6.usual 7.open 8.agree 9.sam 10.order

10、.单项填空(每小题6分,共30分)1.Sally is reading an article a super star. A. in B. on C. with D. as 2.Her mother for tow year. A.has died B. died C. has been died D. has been dead3.They each other for at least two months.A.havent seen B. have seen C. havent been seen D. didt see4. I to see my childhood friends i

11、n the summer vacation. A.went back B. shall go back C. have gone back D. have been back5.He a great deal since he jioned the army. A.learn B. learned C. has learned D. is learning.补全对话(每小题5分,共25分)A: Hi, Tom.You are were not here yesterday.What was wrong with you?B: 1 A: Im sorry to hear that. 2 ?B: Mach better.A: 3 ?B: Yes, I have. I went to the doctors yesterday afternoon. The docror gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for a few days.A: 4 ?B: Because Im afraid I will miss le



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