八年级英语上册 module 1 单元测试(二) 外研版

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《八年级英语上册 module 1 单元测试(二) 外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语上册 module 1 单元测试(二) 外研版(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研英语初二(上)Module 1测试(二)一英汉互译。1.过得快乐_ 2.总是,一直_ 3.深呼吸_4.征求意见_ 5.写下,记下_6. give sb some advice_ 7.Thats a good idea._8.show sb around _9.what else?_10.listen to English songs_二从右栏中找出左栏词语的正确解释。1. improve A. say numbers in their correct order2. conversation B. air that you take in and send out through the

2、nose and mouth3. count C. talking4. guess D. make someone or something better5. breath E. give an answer without really knowing about it三用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1.How about _ (listen) to some English music?2.It took him half an hour _ (do) his homework last night.3.More and more students in China enjoy _ (l

3、earn) English4.You should _(invite) your English teacher to your birthday party.5.You must practice _ (speak)English as often as possible.6.The song made me _ (think) of my hometown.7.Will you please _(give) me some information about travel?8.He has finished _ (read) a great book at school.四单项选择( )1

4、. What good weather! Lets go boating on the lake. -_.A. Thats all right B. Thank you very muchC. It doesnt matter D. Thats a good idea( )2.You look tired. Youd better _ a good sleep.A. have B. having C. had D. to have( )3.Its important _ the piano well.A. of him to play B. for him to play C. of him

5、to playing D. for him playing( )4. Why _ with me to go fishing this Sunday?A. not to come B. not come C. not coming D. dont come( )5.-What does the word_? Can you guess the _ of the word? -Let me try.A. mean; mean B mean; meaning C. meaning; meaning D. meaning; mean五补全对话,用完整的句子。A: May I ask you some

6、 questions?B: Certainly.A: (1)_B:I like it very much. Its very interesting. It is the most widely used in the world.A: I think you speak English very well. (2)_B:(3)_, but I only began to learn it three years ago.A:Do you often speak English?B: Yes. I try my best to speak English with my frieds.A:(4

7、)_B:No, I think if you put your heart into it, youll find it easy.A:(5)_B: To tell you the truthI like English just because I like my English teacher.六完型填空 When learning new vocabulary, dont just memorize(记住) a list of words. Instead, try to _(1) five sentences using each new word. Then use the new

8、word as often as you can_(2) day you learn it. This _(3) you will remember new words much longer. Practicing sounds, you know, is _(4) -the “th” sound for example. Choose words that begin _(5) “th” and repeat them over and over again _(6) you are comfortable with them. Lets try! This, that, those, t

9、hem, think, thought, through, thin, thick. Read, read, read in English, of course! Reading is one of the best ways to increase your vocabulary _(7) improve your grammar in a natural and fun way. Be _(8) to choose topics(话题) or books you are interested in. When someone is talking in English, _(9) the

10、 main point. If you hear a word you dont understand , ignore(忽略) it and go on listening. If you stop and think about the word, you will _(10) everything else the person is saying. Always rememberPractice makes perfect.( )1. A. say B. make C. remember D. speak( )2. A. the first B. the second C. each

11、D. some( )3. A. day B. time C. way D. word( )4. A. difficult B. terrible C. funny D. easy( )5. A. with B. from C. at D. in( )6. A. when B. after C. until D. since( )7. A. but B. so C. or D. and( )8. A. quick B. sure C. important D. necessary( )9. A. look for B. see C. listen for D. hear( )10. A. mis

12、s B. guess C. get D. catch七阅读理解 When you are reading something in English, you may often meet with a new word. Whats the best way to know it? You may look it up in the EnglishChinese dictionary. It will tell you a lot about the word: the pronunciation, the Chinese meaning and how to use the word. Bu

13、t how can you know where the world is in thousands of English words? How to find it in the dictionary both quickly and correctly? First, all the English words are arranged in the letter order. In the dictionary you can first see the words beginning with letter A, then B, C, D. That means, if there a

14、re two words both beginning with the same letter, you may look at the second letter, then the third, the fourth.For example, “pardon” is before “plough”, “judge” before “just”, etc. Do you understand how to look up a word in a dictionary? The dictionary will be your good friend. I hope youll use it as often as possible in your English study.根据短文回答问题。1.What does this text talk about?_2. What will the dictionary t



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