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1、2012 年秋五年级全能竞赛英语试卷第 1 页(共 4 页)2012 年 秋 五 年 级 全 能 竞 赛英语试卷Part One Listening(录音念两遍)一、听录音,选择与你所听到的单词属于同类的单词。 ( 5 分)( ) 1. A. mouth B. shorts C. garden( ) 2. A. clock B. curtain C. under( ) 3. A. blazer B. sister C. chain( ) 4. A. pretty B.friend C.guitar( ) 5. A. photo B. pork C. water二、请先认真看所给图片,接着听录音

2、。请从每小题的 A、B 、C 三幅图片中选出能回答所提问题的图片。 (5 分)( ) 1. A. B. C. ( ) 2. A. B. C. ( ) 3. A. B. C. ( ) 4. A . B. C. ( ) 5. A B. C. 三、听下面五段对话,根据录音将五幅图标序号。 (5 分)2012 年秋五年级全能竞赛英语试卷第 2 页(共 4 页)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、听录音,根据录音内容将图片用数字 1-6 把她活动的顺序排列出来。第一项活动已经给出。 (5 分)Part Two Writing五、从栏中分别选出能回答栏中问题的选项,将其代号填入题前括号内(选项中有一

3、项为多余的) 。( 6 分) ( ) 1. May I take a look at the picture? A. Yes, Im happy to go with you.( ) 2. How old are you? B. He wants to pick up apples.( ) 3. Will you go swimming with me this afternoon? C. OK. Here you are.( ) 4. How can I go to the cinema? D. Its over there. Its on the sofa.( ) 5. Why does

4、John climb the tree? E. Im 38.( ) 6.Where is my cardigan? F. Go straight ahead. And you willsee it on the right.G. I like the videos best.六、从每小题 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,将其代号写在题前括号内。(5 分)( )1. -_-I want to go to the zoo.A. Do you like to play football?B. Can you help me?2012 年秋五年级全能竞赛英语试卷第 3 页(共 4 页)C. Whe

5、re do you want to go?( ) 2. -Is this your ruler?- Yes, it is.-_-Thank you.A. Its black. B. Here you are. C. Sorry.( ) 3. -_-They are 60.A. How much is it?B. How much are they?C. What are their numbers?( ) 4.-I have a brother.-Who does he look like? -_A. He looks like my mother.B. He likes my father.

6、C. He is ten.( ) 5.-Hello, is that 665-5525?-_. Its 678-5525.A. Sorry, wrong number.B. Yes, who is that?C. Sorry, he isnt in.七、看下面的找词游戏,请从中纵横找出五个单词(五个字母或以上) ,圈出你找到的单词,并把单词抄写在右边的横线上.( 5 分)1._2._3._4._5._W R S T Y K LP H O T O W MD A T P Q I NA F R I E N DN A D G V N CC B L A Z E RE H J L O R X2012 年秋

7、五年级全能竞赛英语试卷第 4 页(共 4 页)八、选择框中的词填空,将词写在文后对应的横线上。 (6 分)eating washing happy studying watching wateringIts Sunday today. We are at home. My mother is (1)_ the dishes in the kitchen. My father is (2)_ the flowers in the garden. My grandpa is (3)_ TV in the living room. Im (4)_in the study. Whats my cat

8、doing? Shes (5)_a fish in the kitchen. Everyone is (6)_.(1)_ (2)_ (3)_(4) _ (5)_ (6)_九、阅读故事,按故事情节将图片用 1-4 排序。(8 分)Bob and Richard are sitting on the bench near the school playground. They are talking about yesterdays football game. They are excited. Suddenly, Bob sees a schoolbag beside the bench. He picks it up. “Whose bag is it?” he asks. “Lets go and find the owner,” Richard says. They go to the shed to get their bicycles. “Where is my bicycle?” Richard asks. “Oh! I left my bicycle behind the bench!”( ) ( )2012 年秋五年级全能竞赛英语试卷第 5 页(共 4 页)( ) ( )



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