2012版高考英语 units 1~2突破完形填空 大纲人教版

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1、【创新设计】2012版高考英语 Units 12突破完形填空 大纲人教版顺势承接法。完形填空的某些空白前,有时会出现或多或少的设空依据,就是所谓的“伏笔”或“铺垫”。优秀的学生在阅读过程中会根据这些伏笔或铺垫,对下文顺势进行判断和推测,心中往往能预想到答案,并且在阅读过程中对预想答案不断进行修正。I met Mrs.Neidl in the ninth grade on a stagedesign team for a play and she was one of the directors.Almost instantly I loved her.She had an unpleasant

2、 voice and a direct way of speaking,_36_上下文之间是转折关系。她嗓音不好听,说话直接,但却能让人感觉受鼓舞。 she was encouraging and inspiring.For some reason,she was impressed with my work and me.Mrs.Neidl would ask me for my _37_.她常征求我的意见。词语复现,是下文opinions的原词复现。 She wanted to know how I thought为37题提供暗示。 we should _38_怎样处理事情。 things

3、.At first I had no idea how to answer为39题做铺垫。 because I knew _39_不知道怎么回答,原因是对舞台设计一窍不通。 about stage design! But I slowly began to respond to her _40_.respond to“回答”,当然与questions搭配了。 It was cause and effect: She believed I had opinions,so I began to _41_她相信我有想法,那么我就开始在大脑中形成想法了。 them.She trusted为54题设伏。

4、 me to complete things,so I completed them perfectly.She loved how _42_由上文的trusted me和下文的believed in me可知她觉得我十分可靠。 I was,so I began to show up to paint more and more.She believed in me,so I began to believe in为47题设伏。 myself.Mrs.Neidls _43_她的座右铭是。 that year was,“Try it.We can always paint over it _44

5、_!”尝试之后。 I began to take _45_.受她的激励,我开始冒险做以前害怕失败的事情。 I had been so afraid of failing为53题设伏。 but suddenly there was no failingonly things to be _46_improve upon固定搭配,“做得比更好,改进”。我不但没失败,事情反而做得更好了。 upon.I learned to dip my brush into the paint and _47_我学着把刷子蘸进染料中,自信地创作。 create something.The shy,quiet fre

6、shman achieved success that year.I was _48_由于我在这个项目中付出的时间和努力,我开始被认可。 in the program as “Student Art Assistant” because of the time and effort Id put in.It was that year that I _49_正是这一年,我意识到我要将我的余生投入到舞台设计中。 I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing stage design.Being on that stagedesign team _50_与

7、Mrs.Neidle一起在设计小组的这段日子彻底改变了我。 Mrs.Neidl changed me completely.Not only was I stronger and more competent than I had thought,but I also _51_我还发现我对舞台设计有浓厚的兴趣,一个我原来不知道存在的领域。 a strong interest and a world I文章概述作为领导,要相信下属,信任下属的能力,这样会使下属增强信心,进而完成原以为不可能完成的工作任务。舞台设计小组的组长Mrs.Neidle对我这个新手很是信任,经常给予我鼓励,激发出了我对工作

8、的兴趣和灵感,让我变得更加自信、坚强和敢于冒险,并取得了意想不到的成绩。难点剖析was impressed with“对印象深刻;对满意”。cause and effect“有因就有果;因果”。competent“有能力的;能干的”。take chances“冒险”。长句注解Not only was I stronger and more competent than I had thought,but I also discovered a strong interest and a world I hadnt known existed.我不仅比预想的更坚强、更有能力,我还发现自己对舞台设

9、计有着浓厚的兴趣,这是一个我原来不知道存在的领域。 hadnt known existed.She taught me not to _52_不要在乎别人怎样想。 what people think I should do.She taught me to take chances为45题提供暗示。 and not be _53_.要敢于冒险,不要害怕。 Mrs.Neidl was my comforter when I was upset.Her _54_她对我的信任。词语复现,是前文trusted的原词复现。 in me has inspired me to do things that

10、I never imagined _55_.激励着我去做我原以为不可能的事情。 (2010北京卷)36A.and Byet Cso Dfor37A.opinion Bimpression Cinformation Dintention38A.make Bkeep Chandle Dchange 39A.anything Bsomething Ceverything Dnothing40A.questions Bcomments Cexplanations Dremarks41A.hold Bfollow Cevaluate Dform42A.happy Blively Creliable Dp

11、unctual43A.message Bmotto Csaying Dsuggestion44A.again Bmore Cinstead Dlater45A.steps Bcontrol Ccharge Drisks46A.improved Bacted Clooked Dreflected 47A.easily Bcarefully Cconfidently Dproudly48A.introduced Brecognized Cidentified Dconsidered49A.confirmed Bdecided Crealized Dacknowledged50A.with Bbel

12、ow Cof Dby51A.developed Bdiscovered Ctook Dfostered52A.accept Bcare Cjudge Dwonder53A.bored Blazy Csad Dafraid54A.trust Bpatience Ccuriosity Dinterest55A.accessible Benjoyable Cpossible Dfavorable 答案:36.B37.A38.C39.D40.A41.D42.C43.B44.D45.D46.A47.C48.B49.C50.A51.B52.B53.D54.A55.C错因分析:39,47,53,54题较容易做错,原因是考生没有注意到或忽略了前文给出的铺垫或伏笔。


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