高中英语 unit4 listening & speaking课件 新人教版选修7

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1、Listening , speaking & writing,(P 35),By Tang Helin Jan.28, 2008,Medecins San Frontieres ( MSF),a French voluntary organization, “ doctors without borders”,A radio interview with Dr. Murray, a volunteer with Medecins San Frontieres,in 1997 over the last few years in 1990 for six more months in the f

2、uture in the 1980s for two weeks in 1992 in 2001 in two weeks time for a couple of months,Listening: The listening has many examples of phrases that express time sequence . Listen to these expressions and number them in the order you hear from.,Second Listening,Why did Mary decide to work in develop

3、ing countries? When Mary worked in a clinic in Malawi, why did the children die? In Sudan, why was it nearly impossible for Mary to get to the clinics when the rains came? Why were conditions in the clinics in th Sudan challenging? What was one of the effects of Marys experiences on her?,1.Because w

4、hen she worked in an African health clinic, she saw children with illnesses that could be prevented.,2.Because they didnt have enough medicines.,3. Because the roads became so muddy that they spent most of their days digging the car out.,4.Because it could be very hot; it could be nearly impossible

5、to get into the clinics when it rained; the clinics were very basic and the only tools she had were a stethoscope and her hands.,5.She now enjoys this kind of life and what other people have to go through.,Sydney,Studied medicine, got to know two African students,Africa,Africa,Malawi,Sudan,Australia

6、,Visited two friends and their families, worked in local health clinic for a couple of months,Visited her two African friends, became good friends with their families.,Volunteered with MSF, worked with children affected by HIV/AIDS.,Conditions were very challenging because of the heat, the rains, th

7、e basic clinics,Has returned for two weeks,Will return to the Sudan for six more months, then will probably return to Africa a few more times.,Sudan/Africa,link,Story telling,With a partner, take turns to tell each other about Dr Mary Murray. Use the information you have collected from the previous

8、two exercises. Remember to use time expressions like those in Exercise 1.,Pair work,With a partner, discuss whether you think people like Dr Murray should help those who live in poor areas. List your ideas and reasons.,Discussion,Would you like to work as a volunteer like Dr Mary Murray in the futur

9、e? Complete the chart below. Then share you ideas with your partner without looking at the chart.,Homework,Write about Dr Murray for the school magazine. Write a paragraph on each topic below in the order shown. Remember to use time expressions.,J: Good morning. Im Jennifer Wells and today on “_“, I

10、m talking with Dr Mary Murray who has returned to Australia _ from the Sudan where she works as a volunteer with Medicins San Frontieres. Welcome, Mary. M: Thank you, Jennifer. J: Now Mary, youve worked in Malawi as well as in the Sudan, havent you? Tell me, why did you _ to join MSF? M: Well, it st

11、arted when I was studying medicine in Sydney_. I got to know two African students and visited them in 1990.,Checking : Medicins Sans Frontieres,Making a difference,for two weeks,first decide,in the 1980s,voice,I became friends with their families and decided to go back to see them all again_. I work

12、ed in their _for a couple of months. There I saw children with illnesses that couldnt be prevented. It was terrible to _and then to see them come back again with the same illness and to see them die when they shouldnt have. Thats why I decided to work_. J: So in 1997 you volunteered with MSF and wen

13、t to Malawi. Can you say something about your work there? M: Sure. In Malawi, I was working with children who_.,in 1992,local health clinic,treat children,in developing countries,were affected by HIV/AIDS,It was heart-breaking. Children died because we didnt have_. J: Oh, how sad. M: Yes.but Im glad

14、 to say, things are getting better there.nowadays there are _ for HIV treatment that are having very good results. J: Thats excellent news. Then ,_, you went to the Sudan. Lets talk about your work there. M: Well, you could say that the conditions were_. It could be unbelievably hot.one day I rememb

15、er it reached_!,programmes,in 2001,rather challenging,56 Celsius,enough medicines,And then when the rains came, getting to our clinics was nearly impossible. The roads became _that we spent most of our days_. And the clinics were very basic -just mud huts -and the only tools I had was a stethoscope and my two hands. J: Goodness, how on earth did you_ that? M: Well, I just had to. Its amazing what you can do_


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