2011高考英语 预测题 大纲人教版

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《2011高考英语 预测题 大纲人教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2011高考英语 预测题 大纲人教版(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、【大纲版】2011高考预测题(英语)作文1 【作文题干】假如你是王飞,最近你的朋友李亮因考试不利情绪低落,而很消极。请你用英语给他写一封e-mail劝慰他,鼓励他,并结合自身实际,提出应对方法。词数120左右Dear Liliang,Im sorry to hear that Yours ever,Wangfei【命题理由】考试不利情绪低落是学生生活中的的常见话题,学生们都熟悉,易于发挥,很可能进入高考命题人的视野。【构思点拨】首先弄清题意,然后抓住要点:分析和正视现状,多用鼓励的语句,也可以做一些评论。【写作素材】用了Im sorry to hear that,not the onlybut

2、-,whats worse,its unwise to do so,Failure is the mother of success,what we should do is to calm down and improve our learning methods to make some necessary changes or to ask our teachers for advice,Only by sticking to studying persistently can we make great progress step by step till success等短语和句型和

3、倒装等语法。【参考范文】Dear Liliang,Im sorry to hear that you failed in your last examYou are not the only one who seems to do his best but results in a failure in examsMany students feel the same way as you and lose their confidence, whats worse, dont want to study hard any longerImsure you know that its unwi

4、se to do soI was once in the same situation as yoursFailure is the mother of successIn face of failure, what we should do is to calm down and improve our learning methods to make some necessary changes or to ask our teachers for advice Only by sticking to studying persistently can we make great prog

5、ress step by step till successI truly hope I can be helpful to youYours ever,2 【作文题干】现在好多居民小区的草坪已经成了私家车的停车场。经过一番调查,原因如下:(1)私家车越来越多(2)老小区在设计之初未涉及停车场等(3)新小区车库或停车场不足(4)车库太贵,超出部分居民的购买水平请据上述材料用英语写篇文章反映上述情况,并简要提出自己的解决办法注意: (1)词数100左右 (2)开头已给出不计入总词数Nowadays, in many residential districts, the original lawn

6、s have been used as parking lots,_【命题理由】2011年高考将继续以考生生活中常见的现象和活动等为题材, 在考查学生的书面表达能力的前提下使学生有所思考【构思点拨】这道书面表达题, 基本要点包括四个,另要提出自己的解决方法 文中给了首段,却是未完待续的一句,因而要顺着思路写出一句总括的话来然后在第二段表达四个基本要点,最后一段提出自己的解决方法 解决方法可以多样,但总的来说要积极向上, 有可操作性更好另外指导学生必须留意所给的开头部分,因为这些话里往往都包含了一些专业性的本次写作中要用到的词汇【写作素材】As is well known to all, car

7、s have been available for many peopleWith the development of our countrySome residential districts were designed when cars were far beyond peoples purchasing power 列举要点型的写作的模板:There are several reasons for this phenomena Firstly, - Whats more, - Furthermore, - At last, -In my view/As far as I can se

8、e, -【参考范文】Nowadays, in many residential districts, the original lawns have been used as parking lots, which is as a result of various reasonsWith the improvement of peoples living standard, more and more private cars have been pouring into many houses, which is the main reason Whats more, there are

9、no garages or parking lots in some old districts designed when there were few private cars Moreover, in most of newly built residential districts, people find there are no enough garages available or find it hard to afford oneIn my opinion, we should turn to our government for help The government of

10、 all levels should make it a rule leave enough space in every new district to park cars Besides, more public parking lots should be built to meet the need of ordinary citizens3 【作文题干】假设你们学校将举行一次英语歌曲演唱比赛。你是学生会成员之一,名字叫李华。请你根据以下内容在你校英文报上写通知。具体内容如下:时间2011年五月十日地点学校体育馆参赛人数每班三人要求1. 每人演唱两首英文歌曲。2. 带着感情演唱,发音清

11、晰和正确,声调准确。比赛结果由评委打分,选出前十名,并发给奖品。你的评价注意:1词数100左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3参考词汇:声调tune 评委 judges NoticeThere will be an English song singing competition in our school 【参考范文】NoticeThere will be an English song singing competition in our school It is going to be held in the stadium of our school

12、on May 10th ,2011 Three students of each class can attend the competitionIt is required that each competitor sing two English songs and the competitors had better sing them emotionally The words should be pronounced clearly and correctly and the tune is also right The competitors can dress themselve

13、s simply but in good taste Judges will grade their performances and choose the first ten winners They will be awarded some prizes It is a good chance for you to show your English levels and singing talents You are welcome to apply to us for the competition The Students Union 4 【作文题干】众所周知,每个人都希望能保持一份

14、好心情,因为好心情对于我们的学习和工作都非常重要。因此,如何保持一份好心情就成了大家关心的话题。根据下面的提示和要求写一篇英文演讲稿,并就如何保持好心情谈谈你的看法。为什么要保持好心情?1促进工作和学习,提高生活质量2你的观点?如何保持一份好心情?1保持幽默感;2 拥有广泛的兴趣爱好;3你的观点?注意:1词数100左右参考词汇:2促进promote 心情 moodGood morning, everyone !The topic of my speech today is “How to keep a good mood” _ _Thats all Thank you !【参考范文】Good

15、morning, everyone!The topic of my speech today is “How to keep a good mood” As we all know, a good mood is very important for our study and life It can help promote our work and improve our life quality Besides, if we are in a good mood, we will have fewer illnesses and worries In this way, we can stay healthy and live longer To keep a good mood, we should do t


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