2018届高考英语一轮课件 unit3 life in the future 新人教版必修5(广东专版)

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《2018届高考英语一轮课件 unit3 life in the future 新人教版必修5(广东专版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018届高考英语一轮课件 unit3 life in the future 新人教版必修5(广东专版)(59页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、必修 5,Unit 3 Life in the future,Part A模仿朗读,Part B角色扮演,角色:黄旭和李强 情景:黄旭向李强了解他第一次时间旅行的信息。 任务:请你扮演黄旭,根据中文提示提出问题,请你的同桌扮演李强,根据课文内容回答你的提问。 1.你为什么可以去未来之旅? _,2.你是怎样去到公元3008年的? _ 3.你花了多长时间才去到3008年? _ 4.你到3008年时最初感觉到什么? _ 5.你还看到了其他不同的东西吗? _,答案:1Q:Why could you take a time travel journey? A:Because I had won a pr

2、ize that gave me a time tour. 2Q:How did you get to the year AD 3008?,答案:A:I got to the year AD 3008 by a time capsule. 3Q:How long did it take you to get to the year AD 3008? A:A few minutes. 4Q:What did you notice first when you arrived in AD 3008? A:At first I found my surroundings difficult to t

3、olerate. The air seemed thin,as if its combination of gases had little oxygen left. 5Q:What else did you find that was different? A:I arrived at a strange-looking house,in which there was a green wall made of trees providing the room with oxygen,chairs rose from under the floor and some other things

4、 I have never seen in the year AD 2008.,Part C故事复述,请结合上述问题答案,用自己的话复述课文。 提示词:prize,time tour,time capsule,a strange-looking house,答案: Li Qiang had won a prize that gave him a time tour,so he got to the year AD 3008 by a time capsule. At first he found the surroundings difficult to tolerate because th

5、e air seemed thin as if its combination of gases had little oxygen left. After putting on a mask,he felt much better. Then he came to a strange-looking house where there was a green wall made of trees providing the room with oxygen,chairs rose from under the floor and some other things he had never

6、seen in the year AD 2008.,.写出下列必考单词 1方面,层面n._ 2药片 n_ 3周围环境n._ 4调整, 调节n. _ 5瞬间,片刻;立即的,立刻的n. & adj._ 6太空舱 n_ 7开关;转换 n& vt._ 8效率;功效 n_,9巨大的, 庞大的 adj._ 10面具,面罩,伪装 n_ 11容忍,忍受v._ 12安全带 n_,答案:1aspect 2.tablet 3.surroundings 4adjustment 5.instant 6.capsule 7switch 8.efficiency 9.enormous 10.mask 11.tolerate

7、 12.safety belt,.写出下列单词的变化形式 1定居,解决n._;定居,解决v._ 2印象,感想,印记n._;给留下印象v._;有印象的adj._ 3周围的事物,周围的环境adj._;环绕,围绕v._ 4时常发生的,连续不断的adj._;连续不断地adv._ 5在前的,早先的adj._;在前,早先adv._ 6乐观的adj._;乐观地adv._;乐观n._,7乘务员n._;女乘务员n._ 8生态,生态学n._;生态学家 n_ 9激励,激发,作为的动机 v_;动机 n_,答案:1settlement;settle 2.impression;impress;impressive 3su

8、rrounding;surround 4constant;constantly 5previous;previously 6.optimistic;optimistically;optimism 7steward;stewardess 8ecology;ecologist 9motivate;motivation, 活学活用,用所给单词的适当形式填空 1The famous _ insisted that something must be done to protect the _.(ecology) 2I was unable to attend the party because of

9、a_ engagement. (previously) 3Its time you_ your differences with your father. (settlement) 4The lake is_ with trees and so its_ area looks beautiful. And Id like to bring up my children in such healthy_ .(surround),5She has the determination that her brother_ .(lack) 6Recently the weather has been_

10、changing and I have been affected by it. (constant),答案:1ecologist;ecology 2.previous 3.settled 4.surrounded;surrounding;surroundings 5.lacks 6.constantly,.翻译下列必背短语 1使某人想到提醒某人_ 2拿起,占用,接受,从事_ 3(困境后)恢复, 完全复原_ 4.看到_ 5加速_ 6打扫;横扫_ 7帮助,协助某人_ 8立刻;马上_,9四面八方_ 10缺乏,缺少_ 11对乐观_ 12调整,适应_,答案:1remind sb. of sth. 2.

11、take up 3.be back on ones feet 4.catch sight of 5speed up 6.sweep up 7.assist in 8.in no time 9.in all directions 10.be lack of 11.be optimistic about 12make adjustment to, 活学活用 根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子 1Can you try and_ things_ a bit or well miss the flight. (make sth. move or happen faster) 2She

12、_ his offer of a drink (accept sth. that is offered) 3She_ a car in the distance and felt happy after two hours long wait. (see sth./ sb. suddenly or see sth. for a moment),4We are looking for people who would be willing to_ the protection of the environment.( help sb. to do sth.) 5You_ me_ your fat

13、her when you said that. (make sb. remember or think about other persons,places or things),答案:1speed;up 2.took up 3.caught sight of 4.assist in 5.reminded;of,.重点句型 1Why not sit down and rest?(P18)为什么不坐下休息一下呢? 句型:Why not do.?为什么不呢? 模仿造句 (1)为什么不打电话求救呢? _ (2)为什么不提前把那事通知我呢? _,(1)Why not call for help?,(2)Why not inform me of it in advance?,2No more typist



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