高考】(新课标)2016届高考英语二轮复习 语法篇 专题六 并列连词与复合句

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《高考】(新课标)2016届高考英语二轮复习 语法篇 专题六 并列连词与复合句》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考】(新课标)2016届高考英语二轮复习 语法篇 专题六 并列连词与复合句(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题六并列连词与复合句强攻高考训练.单句填空1.Besides, well it is translated,the spirit of the original work is lost.2.It is comforting to see that small we may be,we are doing our part for the environment.3.Scientists are warning that emissions of carbon(碳排放) are cut,we could be heading for an environmental disaster.4.T

2、ed came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and a T-shirt, is a stupid thing to do in such weather.5. is mentioned above,paper is first made in China.6.Spelling Bee is a contest competitors,usually children,are asked to spell as many words as possible.7.Besides the content of a book, the editor

3、 also cares about is the number of readers.8.It remains to be seen this plan is practical enough to keep the project going.9.It surprised us all Kate made such big progress in this final exam.10.Mary is a humorous and warm-hearted woman that is why she is a most popular person in her community.答案:1.

4、however2.as3.unless4.which5.As6.where7.what8.whether9.that10.and.单句改错1.In order to realize his dream,Bill Gates gave up studying in Harvard University,that is very famous in the world.2.He may win the competition,in that case he is likely to get into the national team.3.What surprised me was not wha

5、t he said but the way which he said it.4.The question is if they can cooperate with us.5.It was a matter of whoever would take the position.6.He has an idea which he can make the scientific instrument in a better way.7.From space,the earth looks blue.This is why about seventy-one percent of its surf

6、ace is covered by water.8.How can a person recover from emotional problems?A popular opinion suggests that he watch humorous films.And a recent study proves this to be wrong.9.When I said thanks to her,and she gave me a big smile.10.Until we have enough evidence,we cant win the case.答案:1.thatwhich2.

7、thatwhich或in前加and3.which去掉或在which前面加in或whichthat4.ifwhether5.whoeverwho6.whichthat7.whybecause8.AndBut9.去掉and或去掉When10.UntilUnless.七选五Do you have a spare room in your house?Do you like to share your driveway in front of your garage with others?1 Many people are benefiting from this new business of r

8、enting.Perhaps the best-known example of a company in this field is Airbnban American web business which allows you to rent out your spare room to holidaymakers.It says it operates in 34,000 cities and it has 800,000 listings of rooms and apartments.2A British company is doing something with parking

9、 spaces.JustParks founder,Anthony Eskinazi,says,“When I had the original idea,I spotted a driveway close to a spots stadium.It would have been so convenient if I could have just parked in that driveway rather than in a commercial car park.” 3 Around 20,000 people have advertised their spaces on the

10、website,and he says around half a million drivers use it.4 They are people who run things like traditional hotels and commercial car parks.They are afraid of ending up losing money.5 Regulations for these new businesses are unclear.How will renting out your driveway affect your neighbor?Because this

11、 is a new business world,those rules arent there yet.A.They seem to have occupied the majority of the market.B.Both of these can help you make money.C.And there is another problem.D.And his great idea has proved a success.E.But the new business of renting has its competitors.F.There are many ways to

12、 earn money.G.A commercial car park is inconvenient.答案:15 BADEC .完形填空Thirty students are waiting outside the classroom,talking about Iron Chef excitedly.Every spring in the kitchen at Edible Schoolyard in Berkeley, 300 seventh graders get a(n) 1 to compete in Iron Chef,the final lesson for seventh g

13、rade.Every student,teacher and judge knows this is a serious 2.Divided into three groups,the students wait for a plate of various fruits and vegetables to be 3 to them.They work as a team to create a delicious and 4 menu without teachers directions.5 coming to Iron Chef I didnt understand the Chef t

14、eachers excitement about the lesson.After 6 the first class,I understood.After being shown the ingredients,the 7 started discussing what they could 8.The students communicated beautifully,taking 9 to talk and making sure that everyone got a chance to speak.Once they had decided what to make,they 10

15、up the jobs according to each students strengths.One student stepped up to 11 the group.He prioritized(按重要性排列)jobs,assigning onions to be finished first.The students then 12 washing,chopping and cooking.They politely reminded each other of knife rules.After another 30 minutes of concentrated13,they had a plate of steaming fried rice.As each judge tasted their dishes,they spoke 14 about deliciousness and teamwork.Every student left feeling 15 of what they had created with their classmates.For the rest of the Iron Chef week,I saw t



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