高考】(新课标)2016届高考英语二轮复习 攻关篇 专题六 人物传记类

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《高考】(新课标)2016届高考英语二轮复习 攻关篇 专题六 人物传记类》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考】(新课标)2016届高考英语二轮复习 攻关篇 专题六 人物传记类(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题六人物传记类专项强化训练A(2015湖南怀化一模)In my first week as a graduate student at Cambridge University in 1964 I met with a fellow student,two years ahead of me in his studies;he was unsteady on his feet and spoke with great difficulty.This was Stephen Hawking.I learned that he had a bad disease and might not li

2、ve long enough even to finish his PhD degree.But,amazingly,he has reached the age of 73.Even mere survival would have been a medical miracle,but of course,he didnt merely survive.He has become arguably the most famous scientist in the world for his brilliant research,for his bestselling books,and,ab

3、ove all,for his astonishing victory over hardship.Stephen received his “death sentence” in 1964,when I thought it was hard for him to go on with his study.Stephen went from Albans School to Oxford University.He was said to be a “lazy” undergraduate,but his brilliance earned him a first-class degree,

4、an “entry ticket” to a research career in Cambridge and a uniquely inspiring achievement.Within a few years of the burst of his disease he was wheelchair-bound,and his speech was so unclear that it could only be understood by those who knew him well.But his scientific career went from strength to st

5、rength:he quickly came up with a series of insights into the nature of black holes (then a very new idea) and how the universe began.In 1974 he was elected to the Royal Society at the exceptionally early age of 32.The great advances in science generally involve discovering a link between phenomena t

6、hat were previously conceptually unconnectedfor instance,Isaac Newton realized that the force making an apple fall to earth was the same as the force that holds the moon and planets in their orbits.Stephens revolutionary idea about a link between gravity and quantum(量子) theory has still not been tes

7、ted.However,it has been hugely influential;indeed,one of the main achievements of string theory(弦理论) has been to confirm and build on his idea.He has undoubtedly done more than anyone else since Einstein to improve our knowledge of gravity and he is one of the top-ten living theoretical physicists.【

8、语篇导读】本文主要介绍了当代著名的科学家:斯蒂芬霍金。身患严重疾病的他早在1964年就被医学界判处死刑,能活到70多岁已经是一个奇迹,更何况还有那么多重大发现。难怪他能与牛顿、爱因斯坦等巨匠齐名。1.What impressed the author most about Stephen Hawking?A.His brilliant research.B.His bestselling books.C.His serious disease.D.His defeating hardship.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“and,above all,for his astonishing

9、victory over hardship.”可知令作者感受最深的是他能克服常人难以逾越的困难。选D项。答案:D2.What made Stephen Hawking start his research career at Cambridge?A.His death sentence.B.His “lazy” attitude.C.His above-average talent and ability.D.His rich experience.解析:细节理解题。第三段中的“He was said to be a lazy undergraduate,but his brilliance

10、earned him a first-class degree.”意思是:有人说霍金是一个懒学生,但他的聪明让他成为班里的第一名。答案:C3.It can be inferred that Stephen Hawking was born .A.in the early 1940sB.in the late 1940s C.in the early 1930sD.in the late 1930s解析:推理判断题。根据句子“In 1974 he was elected to the Royal Society at the exceptionally early age of 32.”可判断霍

11、金出生于1941年。选A项。答案:A4.What can we learn from the text?A.Hawkings theory was proved years ago.B.Hawking was not as successful as Newton.C.String theory built on Hawkings idea.D.Hawkings theory has had little influence on others.解析:细节理解题。由最后一段句子“.indeed,one of the main achievements of string theory(弦理论)

12、 has been to confirm and build on his idea.”可知,霍金的理论帮助弦理论得到证实。C项正确。答案:C5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A.He achieved one success after another in his career despite his disease.B.He couldnt walk when the author first met him at Cambridge.C.He not only survived his disea

13、se but contributed greatly to science.D.He is among the greatest scientists to improve the knowledge of gravity.解析:细节理解题。第一段句子“he was unsteady on his feet,.”告诉我们作者开始见到霍金的时候,他走路不稳,所以B项的表达是错误的。答案:BB(2015安徽淮北二模)They say that good wine needs no bush,but a TV show means that people now know Li Jian is a

14、fine wine indeed.On the reality show I Am a Singer 3,the 40-year-old singer-songwriter has been praised for his singing ability.On stage,Li sings quiet songs slowly and “rescues the program”,commented Cheng Zhenwei on Peoples Daily Online.Harbin-born Li has a clear and smooth voice,which he inherite

15、d(继承) from his Peking Opera singer father.And his shy nature has also earned him the nickname(绰号)“Poetic Musician”.“In my younger days,music was like therapy(疗法),” he said.Music was also the bridge that got him into Tsinghua University.In the 1990s,a group ShuimuNianhua,which Li formed with another

16、Tsinghua student called Lu Gengxu,was one of the best groups of the type.But the pair went their separate ways in 2002.Li was tired of doing commercial performances.Also,he didnt agree with their decision to change their style from folk to rock.Afterward,Li released(发行) several albums on his own.They were all in his own musical style.Unlike some other musicians who rele



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