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1、2016-2017学年高一年级英语周练(一)考试时间:2016.9.13 班级:_ 姓名:_一 基础训练 (共40分)1. We should be _(concern) about the state of our environment.2. A few agree while most people_, so no _ was made. (agree)3. It is beyond my _(powerful) to finish the task in two hours.4. While _ (live) in the Tianggong-1, the astronauts(宇航员

2、)could do almost everything.5. The teacher told us that light _ (travel)faster than sound.6. I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors _ Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.7. It was the first time that Mary _ (take) a plane, so she felt a little nervous.8. -How lon

3、g will it take my father _ (recover) from his disease? - About two weeks.9. He said that he _ (be) very busy the next week.10. Susan said she had gone there to see the doctor three days _.11. Would you like to add some milk _ your coffee?12. If we add _ these marks, well get a total of 90.13. If thi

4、s monster isnt _ (entire) imaginary, it is just a common or garden seal.14. When I entered his room, he _ (ignore) me and went on watching TV, which made me angry.15. Several flies kept_ (upset) Xiao Ming when he was doing his homework.16. There was a time _ a series of strange things happened _ him

5、.17. In order to get out of _ (lonely), he joined the club and made many new friends.18. Im grateful _ my English teacher _ his help with my English study.19. I want to know how you _ (与相处) your classmates.20. The little boy broke the toy _(故意)because he disliked it.二、七选五(共20分) There was a time when

6、 Whitney didnt have many friends. She was a bit shy. She never really wanted to be popular. _ 1 All through high school, she just slipped in and out of “light” friendships where she didnt find much comfort(安慰). When it was time to go to college, Whitney was quite nervous. She was going to be rooming

7、 with someone she didnt know and living in a town 300 miles away from home. _2 She had no idea how she was going to make friends in a new environment. Something that happened in the first class at college changed Whitneys life. _ 3 The question for each student was always the same, “What is your goa

8、l(目标)for this class?” Most of the students said it was to get a good grade or something similar, but Whitney said something different. _ 4 While most of the students sat in silence, one student came to Whitney, held out his hand and introduced himself. _5 The whole room was silent-all eyes focused o

9、n Whitney and the hand just in front of her. She smiled and held her hand out to take his and a friendship was formed. It was a friendship that lasted all through college. A. He asked if she would be his friend. B. But she wanted to have someone to share secrets. C. She tried to put up a brave face

10、and smiled. D. There wouldnt be a single person she knew there. E. She said that her goal was to make just one good friend. F. She knew she was sure to make friends with someone. G. All students were asked to share a little about themselves.三、语法填空(共20分)Sophia: Hi, Tom. Havent seen you for ages! How

11、are you?Tom: Im fine, Sophia. Thanks.Sophia: What were you busy_ 1 (do) in the summer holiday?Tom: Well, I did a lot of traveling.Sophia: Could you tell me something more in detail.Tom: Yes, I first 2 (go) to Shanghai from Beijing. It was in Shanghai 3_ I bought a lot of clothes. Then I went to Hang

12、zhou _4_ train. I stayed there for four days and visited many famous tourist 5 (attract) . Then I went to Hong Kong and stayed there for two days. After that I went to Xiamen. In _6_ end, I got back to Beijing form Xiamen.Sophia: When did you leave for Shanghai?Tom: Well, I started my trip there 7 J

13、uly 1st.Sophia: Sounds_ 8 (interest)! You must have had a very good time.Tom: Yes. I got myself _9_ (relax) form my daily stress in work. I 10_ (real) hope you can take some time off work and travel around.Sophia: I hope so.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _四、短文改错(共20分,注意短文改错格式) Anne

14、is my best friend in high school. Honest and friendly, she gets along well to other students. She always lend a helping hand unless(除非)someone needs help. Anne is as old as me but tall than me, basketball is her favorite sport though she is girl. Because Anne studies very hard, so she often gets high grades in exams. Im not good at English, so he often helps me with my English after school. With her help, I have made great progresses in English. And I also help her as many as I can. I hope our friendship will last as long as we lived.五、汉译英1、曾经有一段时间他为孤单寂寞所扰。_


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