全国版统编教材2018届高中英语一轮复习 chapter 11 sbⅰunits 21~22(1)课件

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1、1,(1),2,3,1. While there are many different interpretations of our body language, some gestures seem to be universal. (SB U21) 尽管对于肢体语言的解释五花八门,但 某些手势似乎是全球通用的。,4,while conj. 虽然;尽管;而 while从句可放于主句之前或之后,表示对比或转折,相当于but,但语气没有but 重。 My wife was silent while I was writing. 我读书的时候,我妻子默默不语。 While hes good at

2、science, his sister is absolutely hopeless. 他擅长理科,而他妹妹却是不可救药。,_(虽然我喜欢) the color of the hat, I dont like its shape.,【答案】 While I like,6,2. Pressing ones palms together and resting ones head on the back of ones hand while closing the eyes as if sleeping means Im tired. (SB U21) 双手合十,把头贴在手背上,同时闭上眼睛好像睡

3、着的样子,意思是“我累了”。,7,(1)as if/though 表示“仿佛,好像”,引导方式状语从句或表语从句,如果是事实或可能性很大,多用陈述语气。常与look, seem, appear, taste, smell, sound 等词搭配。 He is a happy-go-lucky man as if he has no worries and cares in the world. 他是个无忧无虑的人,好像世上没有任何让他发愁和烦恼的事。,8,(2)as if/though引导的从句所表示的情况不是事实,而是主观想象或夸大性比喻,常用虚拟语气。 He walks as if he

4、were drunk. 他走起路来好像喝醉了一样。,9,(3)as if 后的方式状语从句常为省略形式。 The boy is running here and there as if (he was/were)searching for something lost on the sports ground. 那个男孩到处跑,好像在寻找在操场上丢失了的东西。,She treats the boy _(好像她亲生的一样) The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if _ whether he was going in the rig

5、ht direction. A. seeing B. having seen C. to have seen D. to see,11,【答案】 as if he were her own son D as if (he were going ) to see 的省略形式。,12,13,14,15,掌握不定式的五种形式和两种语态;注意不 定式的完成体,不定式符号的省略及不定式 的主动表被动的情况。,非谓语动词(不定式),16,动词不定式是动词的一种非谓语形式,在句中不能单独作谓语。在句中充当主语、宾语、宾语补足语、表语、定语和状语等。,17,动词不定式的构成和形式,构成:to do /not(

6、never)to do 2. 形式:五种形式和两种语态,18,动词不定式的变化:,19,使用不定式时要注意的几个问题,1.凡是要省略to的情况如下: 感官动词和使役动词后面接省to的不定式作宾语补足语。感官动词有:feel (感到), hear, listen to, look at, see, notice, watch(注视, 观看), observe(仔细观察)等。使役动词有:have, let, make,表示“让”。,20,He saw the girl read the book this morning. 今天早上他看到这个女孩读这本书。 I felt someone touch

7、 me just now. 刚才我觉得有人碰了我。 I had him fix my camera. 我叫他给我修照相机。,21,get有“让”的意思,但不能作为使役动词,其后要接带to的不定式作宾语补足语。 They got him to work for them. 他们让他为他们干活。 注意:以上各词变为被动语态后,后面的不定式作主语补足语,要加上to (have指“有,让”时不能变为被动语态;let 后的不定式动词若是单音节词,就不带to)。,22,He was let go. 有人叫他走。 I have a lot of friends to help me. But I seldo

8、m have them help me. (前者指“有”,后者指“让,要”) 我有很多朋友要帮我,但我很少让他们帮我。,23,He often made his sister cry, but he was made to cry by his sister today. 他常常把他妹妹弄哭,但今天他被他妹妹弄哭了。,24,在had better, would rather (than)/ would rather than/would sooner (than)(宁愿而不愿), may/might as well(还是的好), do nothing/anything/ everything

9、but(except), help(帮助)(在英国英语中只有主语参与了不定式的动作才可省to) can(could)not but/can (could) not help but/cant choose but (只好别无选择), why not 等结构中都有to的省略情况。,25,I would die of hunger rather than beg in the street. 我宁可饿死也不在街上乞讨。 There is no bus running. I cannot choose but walk. 没有公交车;我别无选择只有步行。 I can do nothing but/e

10、xcept watch V. 我无事可做,只有看电视。,26,I like nothing but to watch V.(谓语是like, 而不是do的各种形式,所以要加to)。 除了看电视,我什么都不喜欢。 I can help (to) clean your room. 我能帮忙打扫你的房间。 Why not have a try ? (表建议) 为什么不试试呢?,27,在leave go(放开), make do(凑合),let drop (fall) (故意说出),let fly(放飞,发射,对大发脾气),let go (放开),go hang(不管),make believe (假

11、装) 等固定短语中。,28,They made believe that they were policemen. 他们假装是警察。 I cant let my work go hang. 我不能扔下工作不管。,29,2. 凡是要用to 的情况如下: 在以下动词后面作宾语:aim, afford, agree, ask, choose, claim, decide, seek, expect, hope, pretend, refuse, manage, promise, want, wish, struggle, seem, appear, determine, range, guarant

12、ee, prepare, swear, threaten, proceed, prove, undertake, volunteer, happen(碰巧)等。,30,He wanted to help her. 他想去帮她。 I aim/hope to finish it tomorrow. 我打算明天完成。,31,I determined to tell you the truth. 我决定告诉你真相。 They pretended to be cleaning the room when I came in. 我进来的时候他们假装在打扫房间。,32,在以下动词后面作宾语补足语:consi

13、der(认为), advise, believe, want, allow, permit, forbid, recommend, require, urge, ask, ask for, beg, rely on, command, force, get, invite, persuade, remind, declare, discover, tell, wish, intend, encourage, inspire, lead, enable, order, teach, warn等。,33,I forbid him to smoke in the office. 我禁止他在办公室抽烟

14、。 He reminded me to see my first teacher. 他提醒我去看我的启蒙老师。 My parents encouraged me to write novels. 我的父母鼓励我写小说。,34,在序数词first,second 等以及last,best,only后作定语时要用不定式。 He is the first to come. 他是第一个来的。 She is the only person to believe me. 她是唯一相信我的人。 The boy was the last to come. 这男孩是最后一个来的。,35,在used to, oug

15、ht to , would like/love to, should like/love to, what(how, when, where, why, who)+ to 结构中要用不定式。 He used to get up early. 他过去常常早起。,36,The boy should/would love/like to be taken to the cinema this evening. 今天晚上男孩要被带去看电影。 I dont know what to do/how to do it. 我不知如何是好。,37,用固定结构作插入语:to tell (you) the trut

16、h(老实说);to be frank (坦率地说);to start (begin) with (首先);to make things worse (使事情更糟糕的是)等。 To tell you the truth, I dont agree with you. 老实说,我不同意你的看法。 To make things worse, it began to rain now. 更糟糕的是现在开始下雨了。,38,在too to ; enough to ; so as to; in order to ;(only)to ;so/such as to (如此以致) 结构中。 I read English outside so as not/in order not to disturb others. (so as to 不能放于句首,in order to 可以) 我在外面读


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