2013高考英语 module6 the tang poems课件 外研版版选修8

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1、高考总复习一轮用书,立体设计走进新课堂,英 语,选修8,Module 6 The Tang Poems,课程解读,课程解读,课程解读,知识要点,要点一 单词 1.acquaintance n.U相识,了解;C相识的人,熟人 归纳拓展 (1)have (no) acquaintance with (不)熟悉,(不)了解 have a nodding acquaintance with sb./sth.与某人有点头之交;(对某学科)略知一二 make the acquaintance with sb. =make sb.s acquaintance结识某人 (2)acquaint vt.相识,熟悉

2、 be acquainted with sb./sth.认识某人/某物 get/become acquainted相识,熟悉,知识要点,例句:I made the acquaintance of several musicians around that time. 大约在那段时间,我结识了几位音乐家。 I have a nodding acquaintance with her,so I dont know her address. 我和她只是一面之交,所以不知道她的地址。 Im not really acquainted with his past. 我不是很了解他的过去。,知识要点,【链

3、接训练】 She is only a(n)_ ,not a friend of mine. A.acquaintance B.familiarity C.announcement D.family 【解析】句意为:她只是我的一个相识,不是我的一个朋友。acquaintance只是认识,交情不深,谈不上是friend (朋友),符合题意。 【答案】A,知识要点,2.prove vt.证明,证实linkv.证明是,原来是,结果是 归纳拓展 prove+n./pron.证明 prove+that-clause证明 prove sth.to sb.向某人证明某事 prove sb./sth. (to

4、be)+n./adj.证明某人/物 It is proved that.据证明 例句:She was determined to prove to her parents that she could live on her own. 她决心向她的双亲证明她自己能独立生活。 For ten years,he has been fighting to prove his innocence. 10年以来,他一直在竭力证明自己的清白。 My decision proved to be a good one. 结果证明我的决策很英明。,知识要点,【链接训练】 On the long journey

5、Petera _ most interesting guide. We all had a wonderful time. A.practised B.proved C.behaved D.conducted 【解析】考查动词辨析。practise“练习”;prove“证明是”;behave“举止”;conduct“指挥”。句意为:长途旅行中,彼得证明了是一个非常有趣的导游。我们都过得很愉快。此处是prove+(to be/as)+n.的用法。 【答案】B,知识要点,3.caution vt.&n.警告,小心 归纳拓展 (1)vt.caution sb. against (doing) sth

6、. not to do sth. 警告某人注意/不要做 (2)vi.caution against.告诫 (3)n.小心,谨慎;警告,告诫 give sb.a caution给某人一个警告 with caution=cautiously小心地 treat sth.with caution认真对待某事物 (4)cautious adj.小心的,谨慎的 be cautious of/about sb./sth.小心某人/某事,知识要点,例句:We were cautioned not to drive too fast. 我们被提醒车不要开得太快。 The policeman cautioned

7、me against parking/not to park here. 警察警告我不要把车停在这儿。 All the evidence needs to be treated with caution. 所有的证据均需慎重对待。 Ive always been cautious about/against/of giving my address to strangers. 我总是很小心,不轻易地把地址交给陌生人。,知识要点,【链接训练】 Tom was caught _ yesterday and he _ not to drive that fast again. A.speeding;

8、was cautioned B.to speed;was cautioned C.speeding;warned D.to speed;warned 【解析】句意为:昨天,汤姆超速被抓了个正着,他被警告不要再开那么快了。catch sb.doing“撞见某人正在做”;caution sb.to do sth./not to do sth.“警告某人要做/不要做”。 【答案】A,知识要点,4.reflect v.反射;照出,反映,表现,思考,反省 归纳拓展 (1)reflect sb./sth.(in sth.) (镜子等)映出某人/某物的影像 be reflected in被映照在中,反映了

9、reflect well/badly on sb.使人们对某人有好的/坏的看法 reflect on/upon/over仔细考虑,反省 (2)reflection n.反映,反射;映象,倒影;沉思,反省 a reflection of的反映 on (upon) reflection经再三考虑;经仔细考虑,知识要点,例句:White clothes are cooler because they reflect the heat. 白色的衣服因为反射热所以穿起来比较凉快。 A mirror reflects a picture of you when you look in it.当你照镜子时,

10、镜子映出你的影像。 Does these words reflect how you really think? 这些话是否表达了你真实的想法? On reflection,we decided to change our plan. 经考虑后,我们决定改变计划。,知识要点,【链接训练】 In order to know about what the readers thought of his new novel,he almost read the newspaper every play,which _ the opinions of the readers. A.was reflect

11、ed B.responded C.reflected D.to respond 【解析】句意为:为了了解读者对他这部新小说的看法,他几乎每天都读报纸,这些报纸反映了读者的观点。reflect“反映”。A、D两项不合句法结构;B项respond“回答”,不合句意。 【答案】C,知识要点,Those governments agreed to hold six-party talks, _ their concern with peace. A.reflecting B.to reflect C.reflected D.having reflected 【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为:那些政

12、府同意举行六党会谈,反映了他们对和平的关心。句子的逻辑主语是those governments,与reflect是主动关系,故用v.- ing形式,排除B、C项;D项是reflect这一动作发生在agree之前,明显与题意不符,故排除,选A。 【答案】A,知识要点,要点二 短语 1.cater for满足的要求;迎合的需要 归纳拓展 (1)cater for sb.为某人提供服务,满足某人的需要 cater to迎合,投合 cater for a party/wedding/meeting etc.为聚会/婚礼/会议等备办酒席、提供服务 (2)caterer n.C(聚会、会议等的)酒席筹办者

13、,提供饮食者 catering n.U酒席筹办,提供饮食服务,知识要点,例句:Football fans were well catered for. 足球迷们得到了满足。 TV shows should cater to people of all ages. 电视节目应该迎合各个年龄阶段的人们。 Who did the catering for your sons wedding? 谁承办你儿子婚礼的酒席?,知识要点,【链接训练】 The manager of the supermarket tried every possible means to _ the needs of the

14、customers. A.meet with B.content with C.cater for D.satisfy with 【解析】“满足需要”常用meet/satisfy/cater for the needs来表示,选项B content with一般用于be content with.这一结构,而meet with是“遭受,经历”的意思,所以四个选项中只有C项正确。 【答案】C,知识要点,2.correspond with/to与一致,相当于;与通信 归纳拓展 (1)correspond v.相一致,相联系,通信 (2)correspondence n.一致;符合;通信,通信联系

15、hold(keep up)correspondence with sb.与某人(保持)通信(联系) bring.into correspondence with.使与一致起来;使与相互通信 in correspondence with和一致;与有通信联系,知识要点,例句:For many other countries,nuclear energy is inconvenient because large power station of the size of nuclear plant does not correspond to the present demand levels. 对

16、许多的国家来说,核能是不方便的,因为现在的发展不能满足大核电站的要求。 The house exactly corresponds with my needs. 这个房子与我的要求完全一致。 He has corresponded with his classmates since he graduated. 自从毕业以来他一直和同班同学有书信往来。,知识要点,【链接训练】 Well done, what you wrote down _ to what we heard over the tape-recorder. A.agrees B.suits C.corresponds D.fits 【解析】由句首的well done可知,所记录的内容与听到的一致,correspond to “与一


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