八年级英语下册 unit 4 no smoking复习课件 北京课改版

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1、No Smoking,Unit 4,本单元重点知识: 1. 单词:本单元后单词的音、形、义 2. 词组: used to do过去常常做某事 manage to do sth. 应付做某事 be used to doing 习惯于做某事 according to 根据 eat junk food 吃垃圾食品,be surprised to do sth. 对做某事感到吃惊 change in appearance 改变外表 notany more 不再 on the school basketball team 在学校篮球队 a sports fan 体育迷,(11) hug a toy be

2、ar 抱一个玩具熊 (12) quit smoking 戒烟 (13) something special 特别的事情 (14) make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事 (15) shout at 冲叫喊 (16) hate doing sth. 讨厌做某事,(17) hear sb. do sth. 听到某人做某事 (18) be caught doing sth. 正在做某事时被抓住 (19) come to do sth. 渐渐开始做某事 (20) one out of five 每5个中的1个 (21) once or twice 一两次 (22) have a try 试一试

3、 (23) give up do sth. 放弃做某事,(24) throw away 扔掉 (25) make a silent wish 暗自祈祷 (26) a smoke free zone 无烟区 (27) have a bad habit 有个坏习惯 (28) pay attention to 注意 (29) feel terrible 感觉难受 (30) die of 因病而死,句型: Lin Li was surprised to see Sam had changed in appearance. 林莉看到塞姆外表的变化很惊讶。 Sam doesnt eat junk food

4、 anymore. 塞姆不再吃垃圾食品。 How are you doing? 你好吗? I used to be fat. 我过去很胖。 I used to eat a lot of junk food. 我过去吃许多垃圾食品。,So you dont eat french Fries or drink Coke anymore. 所以你不再吃薯条,喝可乐了。 I dont eat as much as I used to. 我不再像过去那样吃那么多了。 I am as strong as an ox. 我强壮得像头牛。 Dad shouted at me. 爸爸冲我嚷嚷。 I have c

5、ome to like the smell. 我慢慢喜欢这个味道了。,(11) Now Im used to it. 现在我习惯这个味道了。 (12) It makes me feel cool. 它使我感觉很酷。 (13) Why not let me have a try? 为什么不让我试一试呢? (14) Smoking is bad for your health. 吸烟对你的健康有害。 (15) I have given up smoking. 我已经戒烟了。,(16) He simply threw away his cigarettes and doesnt smoke anym

6、ore. 他只是将自己的香烟全部扔掉了,而且再也没有抽过。 (17) I also made a silent wish. 我暗自祈祷。 (18) What habit did the girls father use to have? 这个女孩的爸爸过去有什么习惯?,本讲重点知识讲解: 1) Lin Li was surprised to see Sam had changed in appearance. 林莉吃惊地看到塞姆外表发生了变化。 be surprised to do sth. 对做某事感到吃惊 例如: We were surprised to see Miss Wang in

7、a beautiful dress. All the students were surprised to hear the news that was from the sports meet. change in appearance 外表发生了变化,2) Sam doesnt eat junk food anymore. 塞姆不再吃垃圾食品。 notanymore 不再 同义词:no more 近义词:notany longer=no longer 例如: I wont make such a mistake anymore. My father doesnt smoke anymore

8、. They dont live here any longer. She doesnt like watching football matches any longer.,Exercise,【典型例题】 一、单项选择: Jim doesnt run as as Li Ming. A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. more fast Tom doesnt write as as his sister. A. more carefully B. carefully C. careful D. more careful Shark is getting old an

9、d cannot jump as as he did. A. high B. higher C. highest D. much higher, We had better water the flowers as as possible. A. often B. oftener C. oftenest D. much often Tonny studies as as Jhson. A. hardly B. harder C. hard D. hardest,二、根据中英文提示完成下列各句: 这本书和那本书一样有趣。 This book that one. 这场足球赛不如那场足球赛精彩。 T

10、his football match that one. 小汤姆没有以前学习努力了。 Little Tom ., 王涛不如赵海跑得快。 Wang Tao Zhao Hai. 今天早晨爸爸起的和往常一样早。 This morning my father .,3) We tried all sorts if ways to help him quit smoking. all sorts of ways 各种各样的方法 help sb. do sth. 帮某人做某事 quit smoking 戒烟 quit smoking =give up smoking =stop smoking 例如:I t

11、ried all sorts of ways to help my father quit drinking but I failed.,4) Dad shouted at me. shout at 冲叫喊 例如: Dont shout at your mother. It is not polite. My father often shouts at my mother after drinking.,5) One out of five students in our city has smoked cigarettes. 我们这个城市中每5个孩子中就有1个抽过烟。 one out of

12、 five 每5个中的1个 数字+out of +数字 表示一种比例关系 例如: It is said that seven out of ten children know the pop star. 据说10个孩子中有7个知道这个流行歌星。 But according to the newspaper, one out of ten cases of lung cancer is caused by second-hand smoke. 但据报纸上说,1/10的肺癌是由吸二手烟引起的。,6) I also made a silent wishmake every home a smokef

13、ree zone. 我暗自祈祷远离香烟,从每个家庭做起。 silent adj. 不语的,无言的,寂静的,无声的,缄默的,只字不提的,一言不发的,(单词中)不发音的,(电影)无声的,不爱讲话的,寡言的 辨析词quiet adj. 轻轻的,不出声的,不动的,平静的,朴素的,(颜色)不耀眼的,温和的,文静的,不易激动的,例如:a quiet street 寂静的街道 a silent movie 无声电影 a quiet lake 平静的湖面 a silent girl 一个寡言少语的姑娘 a quiet girl 一个文静的姑娘 a silent protest 无声的抗议 quiet manners 文雅的举止 a silent answer 无声的回应 smokefree 指“没有烟的,不受烟搅扰的”free也可以指“自由的,空闲的,免费的”,例如: free time 闲暇时间 a free lunch 免费的午餐,Thank you!Bye!,


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