2013届高考英语一轮复习 module5 cloning课件 外研版选修6

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1、2013届高考英语一轮复习课件,外研版全国通用,Module 5 Cloning,选修6,词汇点击,1. terrify v. 使惊恐,使受惊吓,The little girl was terrified out of her wits. 这个小女孩吓得魂不附身。,terrify sb. into doing sth. 威胁某人做某事,terrifying adj. 吓人的,可怕的 terrified adj. 感到害怕的,知识拓展,词汇点击,1. terrify v. 使惊恐,使受惊吓,完成句子,The hurricane lasted for two days. It was_ _. 飓风

2、持续了两天,它非常可怕。 She was _ at the thought of being alone. 她一想到孤零零的独自一人就惊恐不安。,terrifying,terrified,词汇点击,2. disgust v. 使觉得恶心;使厌烦 n. 厌恶,恶心,I left the room in disgust at their conversation. 我对他们的对话反感,便离开了房间。,in disgust at 对厌恶 to ones disgust 使某人厌恶的是,词汇点击,2. disgust v. 使觉得恶心;使厌烦 n. 厌恶,恶心,disgusted adj. 厌恶的 b

3、e disgusted at 厌恶 disgusting adj. 令人作呕的,讨厌的,知识拓展,词汇点击,2. disgust v. 使觉得恶心;使厌烦 n. 厌恶,恶心,完成句子,Were all _ the way her husband treated her. 她的丈夫那样对待她,使我们都感到厌恶。 He walked away _. 他厌恶地走开了。 The kitchen was in a _ state when she left. 她离开时厨房里一片狼藉。,disgusted at,in disgust,disgusting,by contrast 对比之下(常用于句首) c

4、ontrastwith 把与相对比 contrast with 与形成对比 in contrast with / to 和形成对比,词汇点击,3. contrast v. 对照 n. 对比,对照,In this book the writer contrasts good with evil. 在这本书中作者做了善与恶的对比。,词汇点击,3. contrast v. 对照 n. 对比,对照,完成句子,Its interesting to _ the British legal system _ the American one. The black paint on the door prov

5、ides a suitable _ for the white wall. _, this article is more outstanding. 相比之下,这篇文章显得更突出。,contrast,By contrast,with,contrast,词汇点击,4. rush v. 冲,猛冲 n. 仓促,She rushed into the room to tell us the news. 她冲进房间告诉我们这个消息。,rush sb. off ones feet 使某人忙得不可开交 rush at 向冲过去 rush hour 上班或下班时的交通高峰期 rush out (of)冲出去

6、rush into 匆忙做某事 rush through 匆忙做完,知识拓展,词汇点击,5. fear n. 害怕,恐惧,I woke,shaking with fear. 我醒了,害怕得发抖。,for fear ofn. / doing / pron. 恐怕;生怕 for fearthatclause 以免 in fear 惊恐地,词汇点击,5. fear n. 害怕,恐惧,完成句子,I walked on tiptoe _ waking my mother. 我踮着脚尖走以免惊醒母亲。 He handled the vase with care _ it should be damaged

7、. 他小心地搬动花瓶,生怕把它弄坏。,for fear of,for fear (that),词汇点击,6. cure vt. 治愈(of);n.治愈;治疗方案,I can give you some medicine to cure your headache. 我可以给你点药治你的头痛。,词语辨析 treat, cure,treat指“治疗”,含义最广。包括对伤口,病人进行诊断,制订治疗方案,着重过程,不涉及结果。,This boy is being treated for a heart disease. 这个男孩正在接受心脏病治疗。,词汇点击,6. cure vt. 治愈(of);n.

8、治愈;治疗方案,I can give you some medicine to cure your headache. 我可以给你点药治你的头痛。,词语辨析 treat, cure,cure指通过药物,特别的食物或运动治疗病人或治病,强调结果。cure作动词时不能接双宾语,但可用于cure sb. of sth.结构中,也可用于被动语态。,词汇点击,6. cure vt. 治愈(of);n.治愈;治疗方案,完成句子,At present there is still _ for cancer. 目前仍没有治愈癌症的良药。 Aspirin _ headache. 阿斯匹林治愈了他的头痛。,no

9、cure,cured him of,The fire had burnt out before the firefighters arrived. 在消防队员赶到之前,火已(自行)熄灭。,短语精释,1. burn out (火)燃尽,burn down 烧毁,把烧成平地;渐渐烧完 burn up 被烧毁,被烧掉,烧光 burn away 烧掉 burn oneself out (因劳累等)筋疲力尽 burn sth. out 烧成空架子,知识拓展,短语精释,1. burn out (火)燃尽,完成句子,The building _ and only the walls remained. 楼房

10、被烧成空架子了,只剩下残垣断壁。 The building _ and only ashes were left. 楼房被烧得只剩下灰烬了。,was burned out,was burned down,He tried to catch the butterfly, but threw himself on the ground. 他想抓住那只蝴蝶,但却扑倒在地上了。 You can never throw yourself on that fellow. 你决不能依赖那家伙。,短语精释,2. throw oneself on 扑倒在上了;依赖,委身于,短语精释,2. throw onese

11、lf on 扑倒在上了;依赖,委身于,throw about 浪费(金钱);到处扔 throw away 抛弃,去掉 throw back 把返回,后退,拖延 throw doubt on 对产生怀疑 throw down 扔掉,扯下,使倒下,知识拓展,短语精释,2. throw oneself on 扑倒在上了;依赖,委身于,throw off 扔掉,匆匆脱掉 throw oneself into 投身于,热衷于 throw out 伸(四肢),抛出,扔掉 throw up 呕吐,知识拓展,短语精释,2. throw oneself on 扑倒在上了;依赖,委身于,完成句子,He _ his

12、 clothes and jumped into the water. 他拽下衣服就跳进了水里。 The smell made me want to _. 这味道使我想呕吐。 I dont need that you can _ it _. 我不需要那东西,你可以把它扔了。,threw off,throw up,throw away,短语精释,3. again and again 一再,屡次,He asked the question again and again. 他反复地问这个问题。,once again 再次 over and over again 一次又一次 time and tim

13、e again 一再地,知识拓展,短语精释,4. treatas 把作为对待,We treated him as a friend. 我们把他当朋友对待。,知识拓展,treat n. 殊遇,请客; vt. 对待,招待,治疗,短语精释,4. treatas 把作为对待,treat sb. to sth. 用招待某人,知识拓展,My aunt took me to the zoo as a treat. 姑姑带我去逛动物园,作为对我的特殊招待。 Lets eat out tonight. Its my treat. 今晚出去吃吧,我请客。 The nurse treated the childre

14、n very well. 保姆待孩子们很好。,短语精释,4. treatas 把作为对待,treat sb. to sth. 用招待某人,知识拓展,The doctors treated his fever with pills. 医生用药片给他退烧。 He treated his friends to some beer. 他请朋友们喝了些啤酒。,短语精释,4. treatas 把作为对待,翻译句子,我来请你们大家。 _ 他对他们很友好。 _ 她现在正在治疗中。 _,Ill treat you all.,He treated them with great kindness.,She is

15、now under medical treatment.,短语精释,5. knock out 击倒;使精疲力竭,Shes knocked herself out with all the work. 所有的工作把她累得筋疲力尽。,knock at 敲门 knock down/over 打倒(或击倒、撞倒) knock into 撞在上 knockout of 把从中敲出来,知识拓展,短语精释,5. knock out 击倒;使精疲力竭,完成句子,She was _ by a drunk driver. 她被一名醉汉开车撞到。 Tyson _ his opponent in Round 5. 泰森在第五回合将对手击昏。 We _ one of the w


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