江西乐安一中高三英语 定语从句和名词从句课件

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1、,定语从句和同位语从句是高中学生较难掌握的一个语法点,笔者试从以下几点谈谈它们的区别与联系。 一被修饰或被说明的词 1定语从句中被修饰的是名词或代词;而同位语从句的被说明的词只能是名词,而且一般是下列名词,hope,answer,fact,belief, News,idea,information,order,conclusion,suggestion,plan, Truth,thought,doubt,promise,feeling等名词例如: (1)This is the boy who we are looking for yesterday. (2)He who does not re

2、ach the Great Wall is not a true man. (3)His failure was due to the fact that he had not practise for a long time. (4)She told us her hope that she would become a Pianist. 在例(1)中,who引导的是一个定语从句,boy是先行词,但它不能作为同位语从句中被修饰的词,在例(2)中,he 是先行词,who 引导的是定语从句,he 不可 作为同位语从句中被修饰的词 在例(3)中,that 引导的是同位语从句。 同样例(4)that

3、 引导的也是同位语从句 2When,where,why 如果引导的是定语从句的话,那么它们的先行词分别是表示时间,地点,和原因的名词;而如果三者引导同位语从句的话那么被修饰的词,肯定不是表示时间,地点和原因的名词例如: (1) Do you still remember the days when we spent the summer holidays in Qingdao? (2) I had no idea when you were here. 在例(1)中,when引导的是一个定语从句,先行词days是表示时间的词;在例(2)中,when 引导的是一个同位语从句,被修饰的词是idea

4、,不表示时间,二引导词 1that 既可以引导定语从句,又可以引导同位语从句引导同位语从句时,连接词that 本身无词义,在同位语从句中也不充当任何成分,但不可以省略,也不可以用其他的词来代替;引导定语从句时,关系代词that 在从句中做一个成分,作宾语时也可以省略例如: (1).The news that our football team won the match was encouraging. (2).The news (that/ which)we heard on the radio was not true . 在例(1)中,that 引导的是同位语从句,在从句中不作任何成分,

5、也不可以用其他词代替,且不可省略 在例(2)中,that 是定语从句,在从句中作heard的宾语,也可以省略,还可以用which 来代替,2When ,where,why 既可以引导同位语从句,也可以引导定语从句它们引导同位语从句时,只起连接作用,没有指代作用;它们引导定语从句时,具有指代先行词的作用,在从句中作状语,可以转换成“介词关系代词”的形式例如 (1)Ill never forget the day when I passed the National College Entrance Exanmination. (2) He had no idea when she left. (

6、3)1995 was the year when he was born. (4)This is the village where he grew up. 在例(1)中,when 引导的是定语从句,可以转换“on which” 在例(2)中,when引导的是同位语从句,when在从句中状语,但不能转换成“介词关系代词” 在例(3)中,when引导的是定语从句,when可以转换成in which在例(4)中,where引导的是定语从句,where可以转换成in which,三性质 这是两种从句的本质的不同所在定语从句是形容词性的,它的功能是修饰先行词,描述它的性质或特征同位语从句是名词性的,它

7、的功能是对所说明的词语作进一步的补充性的解释试比较: The news that we heard spread all over the school campus.(定语从句) The news that he had landed on the moon spread all over the school campus.(同位语从句),Exercises:,1.Theres a feeling in me_well never know what a UFO isnot ever.( 02上海) A.that B.which C.of which D.what.,答案解析:that w

8、ell never know what a UFO is not ever作a feeling的同位语,解释a feeling 的具体内容的。that 在从句中不做任何成分。,2.Is this the hospital _he worked ten years ago? A.that B.where C.which D.the one,答案解析:此处是where引导的定语从句,先行词the hospital 是表示地点的,所以用关系副词where引导,并且在定语从句中作地点状语.,3. A story goes _Elizabeth I of England liked nothing mo

9、re than being surrounded by clever and qualified noblemen.(04上海) A.when Bwhich C.what D.that,答案解析:that引导的是同位语从句,和story构成同位关系.在同位语从句中不充当任何成分,也不能省略.,4.His success was because of _he had been working hard. A.that B.the fact which C.the fact that D.the fact,答案解析: the fact 作because of 的宾语,that 引导的是同位语从句.

10、用来说明fact 的具体内容.不在从句中作任何成分,也不能省略.,5.Tom came to the conclusion_by a computer. A.that not all things can be done. B.because of not all things be done. C.being not all things can be done D.because not all things can be done,答案解析: conclusion 后面应跟一个由that 引导的同位语从句,故选择项A 为答案项.,6.We are living in an age _many things are done on computer. (03春招) A.which B.that. C.whose D.when,7.I work in a business_almost everyone is waiting for a great chance.(04湖南) A.how B.which C.where D.that,答案解析:定语从句不能用how引导,且从句的主谓宾成分完整,故可排除B和D选项.,GOOD-BYE,Thank You,


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