江苏省连云港市田家炳中学八年级英语下册 unit1 past and present reading课件 牛津版

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江苏省连云港市田家炳中学八年级英语下册 unit1 past and present reading课件 牛津版_第1页
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《江苏省连云港市田家炳中学八年级英语下册 unit1 past and present reading课件 牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省连云港市田家炳中学八年级英语下册 unit1 past and present reading课件 牛津版(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Past and present,Reading,Revision,Please guess the different forms of transport.,It travels along a fixed route and has many stops to let people get on and off. It can take you to many places but does not cost you much.,bus,plane,2. It is the fastest way of travelling to a place far away, but

2、 it will cost you a lot of money.,Please guess the different forms of transport.,3. Thousands of people go to work on it every day. It is fast and it is under the ground.,4. It is like a bus, but has two floors.,5. It is a car with a driver, and you have to pay the driver to take you somewhere.,unde

3、rground,double-decker,taxi,It travels along a fixed route and has many stops to let people get on and off. It can take you to many places but does not cost you much.,bus,It is the fastest way of travelling to a place far away, but it will cost you a lot of money.,plane,It has provided transport serv

4、ice for people living in the north-west New Territories since 1988.,light rail,Thousands of people go to work on it every day. It is fast and it is under the ground.,underground,(since 2002),(since1913),(since 1971),(since 1958),(since 1909),(since1958),light rail,taxi,underground,coach,train,plane,

5、Transport at different times,Sunshine Town,Here are some photos of Beijing some years ago.,ricksha 黄包车,bystreet 胡同,Wang fujing Street,pollution 污染,cinema,waste,restaurant,marry,take off,land,1.since,2. married,3. dump,4. realized,5. reduce,6. open space,7. lonely,a. a large area without buildings,b.

6、 from a time in the past until now,c. Got to know and understanding something,d. Throw away something you do not want, especially in a place which is not suitable,e. Unhappy because of being alone,f. having a husband or a wife,g. Make something less or smaller in size, price, etc,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,b,f,d

7、,c,g,a,e,Write a correct letters in the blanks,F,F,T,T,Read the interview and write a T if the sentence is true, write an F if it is false.,1. Mr Chen knows Sunshine Town very well.,2. He moved into Sunshine Town in 1965.,3. He got married last year. 4. Mr Chen moved out of Sunshine Town when he got

8、 married. 5. In the past, 30,000 people lived in Sunshine Town. 6. Mr Chen and his old friends meet in the new park to play cards and Chinese chess.,T,F,Reading the text and answer the questions.,1. How long has Mr Chen lived in Sunshine Town? 2. How many times did move house?,Since he moved there w

9、ith his family when he was two years old.,Twice, In 965 when he got married and last year when his children bought them a new flat.,30,000 people lived in Sunshine Town.,Some small restaurants, shops, market stalls, a small post office and an old cinema.,Many people have moved out to other areas.,A

10、park, a large shopping mail and a theatre.,The waste pollution was terrible. The shoe factory dumped waste into river.,The river is much cleaner.,Read the text and complete the table.,Language points,(1) married表示“已结婚的”,get married属于习惯搭配,常用来表示“结婚”这一行为。be married多用来表示“已结婚”这一状态。如: They got married whe

11、n they were young.他们很年轻时就结婚了。 Are you married你结婚了吗?,1. We lived together till 1965 when I got married. 我们一直住在一起直到1965年我结婚。,Language points,1. We lived together till 1965 when I got married. 我们一直住在一起直到1965年我结婚。,(2) 表示“和某人结婚“、“嫁给某人“时,可用marry sb. / get married to sb. / be married to sb.来表示。如: She (got)

12、 married to a teacher. = She married a teacher. 她嫁给了一位教师。 Will you marry me?你愿意和我结婚吗? Jerry was married to Helen.杰瑞和海伦结了婚。,Language points,2. The factory used to dump its waste into the river.过去那家工厂经常把垃圾排放到那条河里。,(1) used to后接动词原形,通常译为“过去常常、以前常常”。它表示的是过去存在的某种状态或经常性、习惯性发生的动作或行为,但现在已不再存在或发生。如: Mr Ma us

13、ed to be a History teacher. 马先生从前当过历史老师。 I used to swim in this river when I was young. 我小时候常在这条河里游泳。 I used to be a waiter, but now Im a taxi driver.过去我是个招待员,现在是出租车司机。,(2) waste 表示“废物、垃圾“,是不可数名词。如: Their job was to take the waste from the factory away in trucks. 他们的职责是用卡车把废物从工厂运走。 These companies p

14、lanned to dump the waste water into Ottawa River. 这些公司计划把这些污水倒入渥太华河。 链接 waste 还可以表示“浪费“,既可以作动词,也可以作名词。如: Its a waste of money and time. 这是金钱和时间上的双重浪费。 Dont waste time easily .不要轻易地浪费时间。,Language points,2. The factory used to dump its waste into the river.过去那家工厂经常把垃圾排放到那条河里。,Language points,3. Later,

15、 the government realized it was a very serious problem and took action to reduce the pollution. 后来,政府意识到这个问题很严重,就采取了措施来减少污染。,(1) realize为及物动词,表示“认识到、意识到、了解到”。如: At last, the boy realized he was wrong. 最后,小男孩认识到了他错了。 His family realized the great importance of study, so they sent him to school. 他们家意识

16、到了学习的重要性,所以他们送他去上学。,(2) serious 表示“严重的、严肃的”,副词为seriously。如: Noise pollution now is a serious environment problem. 现在噪音污染是个严重的环境问题。 He gave me a serious look.他严肃地看了我一眼。 The coach driver was seriously hurt. 长途车司机受伤严重。 (3) reduce 表示“减少、降低”。如: The shops have reduced the prices, so its a good time to buy many things. 商品已经降价,所以这是大采购的好时机。 Millions of soldiers have reduced to hundreds. 百万大军只余下几百人。,Language points,3. Later, the government realized it was a very serious pro


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