山东省潍坊市滨海区2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期期中质量检测试题 外研版

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山东省潍坊市滨海区2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期期中质量检测试题 外研版_第1页
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山东省潍坊市滨海区2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期期中质量检测试题 外研版_第2页
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《山东省潍坊市滨海区2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期期中质量检测试题 外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省潍坊市滨海区2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期期中质量检测试题 外研版(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、山东省潍坊市滨海区2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期期中质量检测试题友情提示:相信自己,祝你成功!1.本试题分第I卷和第II卷两部分。第I卷40分,第II卷50分,共90分,考试时间为100分钟;2.答卷前务必将试题密封线内的项目填涂清楚。3.用黑色钢笔或碳素笔作答。第I卷 选择题(40分)一、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)Ayan Qureshi, a five-year-old British boy, is the worlds youngest computer expert after he passed a Microsoft exam. He has a 1 a

2、nd he began to play with computers and knew how they work when he was only three years old!“Playing computers too much is 2 for a small child, but Ayan has caught this chance,” said Ayans 3 , Asim, who is also an IT expert. “Usually, people much older than the boy take the exam. They are hoping to b

3、ecome IT experts who help people 4 problems with their computer,” said Asim.Teachers were 5 he was too young to take the two-hour test and that he wouldnt understand some language. But Microsoft allowed him to take part in the exam.“It was difficult for a five-year-old boy to 6 the language of the e

4、xam, so Microsoft allow us to give some 7 . But he seemed to understand the language well and has a very good memory,” a teacher said.Ayan plans to take a more important test in the future, but for now he 8 two hours a day learning as much as he can about computers while he cant 9 so much at school.

5、“Im very, very 10 ,” said his mother, Mamoona. “But I dont want to see him set a world record every day. I want him to do his best whatever he does in his life.”1. A. computer B. book C. game D. exam 2. A. good B. bad C. old D. young3. A. friend B. brother C. mother D. father4. A. find out B. agree

6、C. work out D. come up with5. A. excited B. interested C. worried D. pleased6. A. understand B. speak C. read D. write7. A. time B. room C. help D. money 8. A. spends B. takes C. plays D. costs9. A. read B. learn C. have D. play10. A. sorry B. scary C. busy D. proud二、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)AWhen you

7、have good friends, the best way to get to know them better is to have a sleepover. A sleepover usually includes having a party and sleeping next to your good friends all night.In the UK, friends have sleepovers very often. Some have them once every weekend or just once every month. When you want to

8、have a sleepover with your friends, your parents can call or text your friends parents to ask about a suitable date. Then, you have to arrange (安排)whose house youll stay at - your own or your friends house. The last step is to finish your homework before you get together with your friends so you can

9、 enjoy your time together.But there is one problem: what if the parents dont want so many children to be in the house all day? Well, parents can find somewhere to take the children. It could be a park, a swimming pool, a theatre or just somewhere down the road.There are many fun games you can play w

10、ith your friends at a sleepover. You can have a water fight in the garden. You can play hide-and-seek in the house. While you play, you can enjoy popcorn and candy. If you dont want to play games. You can just chat with your friends about whatever you want to share.11. What do we know about sleepove

11、rs? A. They can improve students health. B. They usually include a party. C. Only girls like sleepovers. D. They last at least two nights.12. Paragraph 2 tells us .A. how to organize a sleepover B. how to choose the best date C. where to hold a sleepover D. when to finish your homework13. What is no

12、t mentioned in the last paragraph?A. Having a water fight in the garden. B. Playing hide and seek in the house.C. Chatting with your friends. D. Having dinner together.B14. What shouldnt students do in school? A. Be respectful. B. Wear uniforms. C. Break school equipment D. Quietly walk around campu

13、s.15. Students are NOT allowed to _ in science class.A. be late. B. speak. C. stand up.D. wear uniforms.16. If you are late for science class, _A. you must ask to go in.B. you cant go into the classroom.C. the school may call your parents.D. you will receive a written warning.17. Where might you fin

14、d these rules? A. In shopping malls.B. On school websites.C. In dining halls.D. At bus stations.CA young man was driving down a suburban(郊区的)street, going a bit too fast in his new car. There were many kids playing between the cars parked on the side of the street.As his car passed, a child suddenly appeared and threw a brick at the car. The man stopped the car and jumped out. He grabbed the kid and shouted at him, “What are you doing?” he was very angry, “Thats a new car. It will be expensive to fix the damage you did with that brick. Why did you do it?”“Im sorry. I did


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