八年级英语上册 unit 6 natural disasters reading课件 译林牛津版

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1、Unit 6 Natural disasters,Tianjiabing Secondary School Zhang Li,Reading,strong wind,from the ocean,bringing rainstorms,in summer,guessing,lots of water,the result of the heavy rain,destroying the crops,making people leave home,flood,always coming with strong wind,in Beijing,making the air polluted,br

2、inging sand and dust,sandstorm,big noise,buildings falling down,shaking the earth,crazy animals,earthquake,earthquake,* see some houses shaking * see some people screaming a fear * see some people running widely in all directions * see people trapped under the bricks and stones,The Taiwan earthquake

3、,There was an earthquake in Taiwan in 1999. Many people lost their lives in the earthquake,but a boy called Timmy survived.,1 Timmy was in a restaurant when the earthquake started. 2 Timmy heard a loud noise like bombs at first. 3 Animals ran wildly everywhere. 4 Timmy was trapped in a dark place wh

4、en the earthquake stopped. 5 Timmy couldnt calm down until help arrived. 6 People found Timmy at night.,F,F,F,T,F,F,Answer questions:,1.What was Timmy doing when the earthquake started? 2. What happened in the shopping centre? 3. What happened to the buildings? 4. Where was Timmy when the shaking st

5、opped? 5. How did Timmy feel? 6. What did Timmy do while he was waiting for help? 7. How was he saved?,There are a lot of words in the text which describe noise , movement, fear and hope,thunder scream real noise bombs shout for help,a slight shaking started to shake ran wildly ran in all directions

6、 walls began to come down pieces of glass and bricks fell down,in fear screamed were very frightened dark could not see at all a moment of fear was afraid,calm down still alive bright daylight safe,Noise:,Movement:,Fear:,Hope:,1,2,3,4,5,6,Suppose you are Timmy and the partners are reporters, now the

7、y are interviewing you about the following questions:,Where were you when the earthquake started? What kind of noise did you hear? Why did some children scream? What did people do after they heard the noise? Did you know where you were when the noise and Shaking ended? Why? 6. How did you feel when you knew you were trapped? 7. Why did you stop shouting for help after you found no one came for a very long time? 8. When did you begin to shout again? 9. What did people do when they heard your scream? 10. What do you want to say to those who have saved you?,Thank you for coming!,


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