高中英语module3foreignfood课时跟踪练二introduction&ampamp;reading_languagepoints外研版选修820180123210 (2)

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《高中英语module3foreignfood课时跟踪练二introduction&ampamp;reading_languagepoints外研版选修820180123210 (2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语module3foreignfood课时跟踪练二introduction&ampamp;reading_languagepoints外研版选修820180123210 (2)(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课时跟踪练(二) Introduction & Reading Language Points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1My pay has not increased from the rate fixed (固定的) five years ago.2A lot of poisonous (有毒的) waste from the chemical works polluted the river. 3His cakes were so tasty (美味的) that he sold them in dozens.4At this time he was becoming ob

2、sessed (着迷) with artistic development.5A man who proposes the toasts introduces the speakers at a banquet (宴会). 6That infamous (臭名昭著的) criminal was finally sentenced to death.7Before lunch the foreigner learned how to use chopsticks (筷子)8For dessert (甜食), you can have ice cream or apple pie.9Before

3、entering a house in some Asian countries, its good manners (礼貌) to take off your shoes.10Moved by his words, the old man has agreed his requirement (需要).单句改错1It was raining so hard.Theres no wonder that you were late.TheresIts2I ended up with telling him everything although I tried not to.去掉with3Owe

4、 to the bad weather, the football match was called off.OweOwing4The teacher asked the children to make a story about a trip to the moon.make后加up5The twins have everything in common with except that the elders eyes are dark blue while the youngers are black.去掉with6When I toured Zhangjiajie the first

5、time, I was deeply impressed with the beautiful scenery.第一个the前加for.选词填空1The children gazed in_wonder when they saw snow for the first time.2The young man owned his survival to his strength as a swimmer.3If you dont work hard, youll end_up nowhere.4You must present your library ticket every_time you

6、 borrow books.5Can you give me some advice on how to make_up_for the time I have lost?6In_common_with many countries, Britain has serious environmental problems.课文语法填空Chinese people think a lot about food. I think that they are sometimes obsessed 1.with it. I had eaten Chinese food often, but I coul

7、dnt have imagined 2.how fabulous a real Chinese banquet could be. The first six or seven dishes seemed to fill the table, with plates 3.dangerously (danger) balanced one on top of another. To my surprise, more dishes arrived. There was enough to feed a whole army. Another aspect of “food culture” is

8、 that the Chinese seem to eat almost every part of every animal much 4.to the horror of many westerners. However, there are other kinds of foods that have taken longer for me 5.to_accept (accept). The infamous choudoufu is an example.The first time I ate British food I was in the canteen of a London

9、 publisher. I was 6.amazed (amaze) at their easy and graceful manner. At the counter there were colourful 7.mixtures (mix) in eight or nine big boxes. Later, I found out that British people like cold food. But in China, cold food means 8.poverty (poor) you dont give it to a guest. I also learned tha

10、t the English like to mix food 9.before serving it at the table. The food here goes 10.against the Chinese sense of beauty and style at the dinner table. Chinese dishes can be photographed and have a nice appearance.串点成篇微表达李明和迈克是好朋友。他们第一次(the first time)见面时,就发现他们有许多共同之处(have . in common)。然而,他们口味(tas

11、te)不同。迈克来自美国,常以甜食(dessert)结束(end up)用餐,而李明是中国人,喜欢吃鸡头、猪舌头、耳朵和蹄子。迈克不能理解(make out)为什么李明喜欢吃这些东西。西方人饮食中没有这些,难怪(no wonder)当看到动物的各个器官时,迈克看起来很困惑。Li_Ming_and_Mike_are_good_friends.The_first_time_they_met,_they_found_they_had_a_lot_in_common._However,_they_have_different_tastes.Mike_is_from_America_and_he_oft

12、en_ends_up_with_dessert_while_Li_Ming_is_Chinese_and_likes_eating_chickens_head,_pigs_tongue,_ear_and_hoof._Mike_cant_make_out_why_Li_Ming_enjoys_eating_them._The_westerners_dont_have_these_in_their_diet;_no_wonder_Mike_looks_very_confused_at_these_animals_organs.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空Im a mother of t

13、wo little kids now. Believe it or not, I _1_ college just last year.After I left high school, I didnt go to college. Instead, I found a _2_ and started working. Later I got _3_ and gave birth to a son and a daughter. _4_, after my kids were born, I started _5_ not going to college. I wanted my kids

14、to be proud of their mother. So I _6_ to go back to school. _7_, I was admitted to a college. But having to attend _8_ and look after kids wasnt easy for me. Though it was _9_, I didnt give up and finally graduated.One day last year I had to take my final _10_. Sadly, my husband was on a business tr

15、ip in another country and the babysitter couldnt _11_ it that day. That meant I had to take the kids to my college in order to finish my exam.When the exam began, I left them with a computer and a tablet on the _12_ out in the hall. But I was _13_ because I knew they werent going to sit _14_. “To ge

16、t the test completed, its going to take a miracle,” I thought to myself.Five minutes after the exam began, my 4yearold son, Marcus, started banging on the door trying to get my _15_. When I went to ask him to stay _16_, my professor Dr Krebs followed me out into the hall. I thought he was going to ask me to _17_. But


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