2013届高三英语一轮复习 m4_unit 11 the media课件(安徽用)

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1、Part1 M4.Unit11,Unit11 The Media,Module4,1、in detail 详细地 detail前可有形容词修饰。 The coach analysed in great detail the various possibilities of winning the game. 教练非常详细地分析了取得这场比赛胜利的种种可能性。,in名词(不带冠词) in advance提前 in case 以防;以防万一 in charge 负责, 主管 in common共有 in danger 在危险中 in debt 负债 in difficulty处境困难 in fac

2、t 事实上 in order 整齐的 in sight 能看见 in summary总之 in turn 轮流, 反过来,完成句子。 1. 她不顾一切后果,决心做这份工作。 She is determined to do the job regardless of all consequences. 2. 他已下定决心,什么也阻挡不了他去农村工作。 He has determined that nothing shall prevent him from going to work in the countryside. 3. 他勇敢顽强地与疾病作斗争。 He fought the illne

3、ss with courage and determination.,2、demand vt. & n. 要求 demand sth. This sort of work demands great patience. 这种工作要求有极大的耐心。 demand to do I demand to know what is going on! 我要求了解发生了什么事! demand that S. (should) do I demanded that one of you (should) go there at once. 我要求你们中间有一个人立刻到那里去!,demand, request

4、与require demand主语是人时,表示强烈要求,坚持要做某事;主语是物时,指迫切需要。 request则通常用来表示比较礼貌或正式的请求和要求。 You are requested not to smoke here. 请不要在这里抽烟。 require往往表示(法律, 规章等)强制性的要求或规定。 I have done all that is required by law. 我已按照法律规定把一切做好。,用demand, request和require填空。 1. She demanded an immediate explanation. 2. All candidates w

5、ill be required to take a short test. 3. You are requested not to smoke in the restaurant.,3、publish vt. 出版, 发行, 发表 The first edition was published in 1998. 第一版出版于1998年。, publisher n. 出版人;发行人 publishing n. 出版(业);发行(业) a publishing house 出版社,用publish的适当形式填空。 1. Tony wants to get a job in publishing.

6、2. The latest unemployment figures will be published tomorrow. 3. Pictures of the suspect were published in all the daily papers. 4. He works for a company that publishes reference books.,arise, rise与raise arise vi. 站起来, 起身;(问题、困难、争吵、大风等无形的东西)出现, 发生, 常与from/out of连用。 The problem arose from /out of l

7、ack of experience. 问题缘于缺乏经验。 rise vi. 站起来(和arise可以互换);升起(常指有形的东西);(价格, 消费等)上涨,4、,She rose /arose from her seat to greet her guests. 她起身向客人打招呼。 rise为不及物动词, 作“上升”解时, 常用于日、月、烟雾、水汽、气温、物价、水位等, 它还作“起床”解。 The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。 rise against 起义, 反抗 rise to ones feet 起身, 站起来 rise to the bait 上钩,

8、raise v提高, 增大, 提升;唤起, 引起;征集, 筹集;养育, 饲养;提出 The landlord raised my rent. 房东增加了我的租金。 The way the research was carried out raises doubts about the results. 进行研究的方法引起了对结果的怀疑。,They are going to raise funds for the school building. 他们准备为建校筹集资金。 They are proud to have raised such a good son. 他们为养育了这样一个好儿子而感

9、到自豪。 She raised a very important question at the meeting. 在会议上她提出了一个很重要的问题。,用arise, rise, raise的适当形式填空。 1. Low achievement at school often arises from poverty and bad social conditions. 2. The university is working to raise the number of students from state schools. 3. When a conflict arises in the

10、workplace, you should repair the relationship as quickly as possible. 4. In 1956 the river rose to a height of more than 6 meters.,5、blame vt. 责怪, 归咎; n. 过失, 责备 be to blame 应受责备;应为承担责任 Which driver was to blame for the accident? 哪位司机是此次事故的肇事者?,blame sth. on sb. 把怪到头上 They blamed the failure of the a

11、ction on George. 他们把此次行动失败归咎于乔治。 take/bear the blame for 承担责任 dont blame me (劝阻别人时说)别怪我 Call her if you like, but dont blame me if shes angry. 你想给她打电话就打吧,不过要是她生气就别怪我。,汉译英。 1. 那次交通事故不应该责怪司机。 The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident. 2. 公司准备对已发生的事情承担责任。 The company is ready to take the bla

12、me for what had happened. 3. 如果有人该承担责任,那就是我。 If anyones to blame, its me.,6、employ vt. 雇佣 He was employed in a bank. 他在一家银行任职。 利用 be employed in doing sth. 从事于,忙于(做某事) How do you employ your spare time? 你怎样利用你的闲暇时间?, employment n. 雇佣 be in/out of employment 有工作/失业 unemployed adj. 无工作的 the unemployed

13、 失业者 unemployment n. 失业,employ, hire与rent employ意为“雇用”, 其对象通常是表示人的词语。它常常构成搭配employ sb. as, employ sb. in sth. ;此外, employ还可用来表示“利用(某人或某物)”, 如时间, 注意力等。 The factory employs two hundred people. 工厂雇用了200人。,hire则表示短期或临时性的“租用, 雇用, 雇请”, 其对象可以是人或物。 Can I hire a car for three days? 我能租辆车用3天吗? rent通常表示长期的“租借,

14、 出租”, 其对象一般是房屋、土地、机器等。此外, rent还可用作名词, 意为“租金”。 for rent 出租,招租 We dont own our house; we rent it. 我们自己没有房子, 这是租来的。,完成句子。 1. 已雇来一些人处理积压的工作。 A number of people have been employed to deal with the backlog of work. 2. 她忙着把要做的所有工作列一个清单。 She was employed in making a list of all the jobs to be done. 3. 政府在力求

15、达到全面就业。 The government is aiming at full employment.,用rent, hire, employ的适当形式填空。 4. Many visitors hire bikes to travel around the small island. 5. Whats the rent of this car? 6. The company tried to rent this farmland for ten years. 7. She hired/employed three persons to paint the fence for her. 8.

16、The rent for the apartment is$80 a month.,defend, protect与guard 这三个词都有“保护, 使安全”之意, 也都常用于defend/protect/guardagainst/from结构中。 defend意为“保卫, 捍卫”, 指抵抗或防御外来的威胁、攻击;它还可表示在法庭上或理论上进行辩护。 The people defended the town against the foreign invaders. 人民保卫城镇, 抵抗外国侵略者。,7、,protect意为“保护”, 指的是采取措施以保障某人或某物的安全, 以免受到危险或损害、伤害等。 He was wearing dark glasses to protect his eyes from the sun. 他戴一副墨镜以保护眼睛不受阳光的刺



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