九年级英语上册 unit9《whenwasitinvented》selfcheck&reading课件 人教新目标版

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1、Self Check & Reading 1. Dr. Naismith divided the men in his class into two teams and taught them how to play his new game.内史密斯博士将班 上的同学分成两组,教他们如何进行他这项新的活动。 【要点指津】 divide.into.意为“把分成”。,辨析,divide. into 与 separate. from,divide. into.指把某个整体划分为若干部分。 separate. from.表示“将与分开”,指把原来 连在一起或靠近的部分分隔开来。,【同步互动】,老师把

2、我们分成三组。,Our teacher _ us _ three groups. 病人应该与其他人隔离开。,The patients should be _ _ others.,divides,into,separated,from,2. It is believed that on December 21st, 1891, the first,basketball game in history was played.人们相信 1891 年 12 月 21 日举行了历史上的第一场篮球赛。,【要点指冿】,It is believed that.=People believe that.意为“人

3、们相信/ 认为”,是一个常见句型,其中 it 作形式主语,真正的主 语为 that 引导的从句。,链接 It is reported that.据报道 It is said that.据说,It is thought that.人们认为 It is proved that.据证明,【同步互动】 人们相信这是史上最大的灾难。 _ _ _ that it is the biggest disaster in history. 据报道,有上万人死于这次地震。 _ _ _ that more than 10 thousand people died from the earthquake.,It,is

4、,believed,It,is,reported,3. Since then, the popularity of basketball has risen worldwide, and the number of foreign players in Americas NBA (National,Basketball Association) has increased.自从那之后,篮球变得在全 球都很受欢迎,同时美国篮球协会的外籍球员数量也增加了。,【要点指冿】,(1)rise 意为“上升;达到较高的水平等”。,辨析 rise 与 raise rise 意为“上升”,是不及物动词,没有被动

5、语态。 raise 表示“举起;升起;立起;增加”等,为及物动词。 (2)the number of 意为“的数量”,作主语时谓语动词 用单数。,链接,a number of 意为“许多的;大量的”,后接可数名,词复数形式。修饰主语时,谓语动词用复数。,【同步互动】 Chinese tennis player Li Na won a championship again! Yeah, I watched the game and my spirits _ at the,news.(2011年湖北武汉) A. rose C. turned,B. calmed D. shook,解析:题意:“中国

6、网球选手李娜又夺得冠军了!” “是 的,我观看了比赛,这个新闻让我情绪高涨。”由题意可知, 这个激动人心的消息不会令人平静,只能令人情绪上涨(rise)。,A,We reached the top of the mountain before the sun _.,B,A. rises C. raised,B. rose D. raise,解析:rise 是指“上升;自然升降”,句中指太阳升起, 句子时态为过去时,故选 rose。,In our school library, there _ a number of books on science and the number of them

7、 _ growing larger and,B,larger. A. is; are C. have; is,B. are; is D. is; is,解析:a number of 修饰复数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复 数;the number of 修饰复数可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单 数。,话题9 关于发明,闪亮词汇,invent 发明,创造;produce 生产,制造,产生;create 创造,创作,创建;develop (使)发展,(使)成长,(使)发达;be used for 用来做;by mistake 错误地;by accident 偶然地, 意外地;according to 根

8、据,按照,据所说,视而定; the most helpful invention 最有帮助的发明;be widely used by 被广泛利用;be useful in our life 对我们的生活很有益; make life easier 使生活更简便,精彩句式,1. It was invented in 1876.它发明于 1876 年。,2. They were invented by Julie Thompson.它们是由朱莉汤,普森发明的。,3. Theyre used for seeing in the dark.它们被用来在黑暗中看,东西。,4. I think the mo

9、st helpful invention is the light bulb.我认为,最有用的发明是电灯。,5. According to an ancient Chinese legend, .根据古代中国,的一个传说,,6. .in this way, one of the worlds favorite drinks was Invented. 就这样,世界最有名的饮料之一被发明了。 7. The abacus was invented in the sixth century by the Chinese.,算盘是中国人在 6 世纪发明的。 8. It is believed that

10、.人们相信,请根据下面的表格, 用英语写一篇题为 “How was the,ball-point pen invented?”的短文。,作文要求:,参考范文:,How was the ball-point pen invented?,We know that the ball-point pen is one of the most useful inventions. It was invented by an American tanner named John Loud in 1888. And it really helps us write faster and makes our life easier. But sometimes ball-point pens leak and they need refilling. However, they are widely used in many fields. And the price is usually low. Ball-point pens are becoming smaller and lighter. They are really useful in our life.,语句连贯,词数 80 个左右。,


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