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1、2017年大学英语普通专升本全真试题Directions: In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentence. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. One point is given to each correct choice.16.

2、Shall we ask the team leader_our suggestion again? A. to consider B. considering C. consider D. considered17. The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California measures_that one. A. as twice as long B. twice long as C. as twice long as D. twice as long as18. Its no good_. You just have to put up w

3、ith all these. A. complained B. to be complaining C. complaining D. to complain19. You_have seen Jane in her room last Monday. Shes been out of city for a week. A. couldnt B. didnt C. mustnt D. shouldnt20. The brochure_to give customers the information about our new products. A. designed B. is desig

4、ned C. designs D. has designed21. Youd better not disturb me, I_letters all the morning and have written six so far. A. write B. was writing C. have been writing D. am writing22. The teacher didnt seem to be satisfied with the examination results._. A. So did the students B. So the students did C. N

5、either the students did D. Neither did the students23. The number of members in the club_to two hundred. A. were limited B. was limited C. limits D. limited24. _is important is your attitude and I can say it decides everything. A. That B. It C. What D. This25. Smith is one of the brightest students

6、who_from New York University A. have graduated B. graduated C. has graduated D. had graduated26. It is not desirable that Mark_to the job, because he has no relative experience. A. is designed B. be designed C. will be designed D. has been assigned27. _in the ABC Company for four years, John has bec

7、ome quite experienced in business negotiations. A. Have worked B. Have been worked C. Having worked D. Worked28. _in the regulation that you should not tell other people the password of your email account. A. What is required B. It requires C. What requires D. It is required29. He is a man of great

8、experience, _much can be learned. A. that B. from whom C. who D. from which30. He had all these materials_in open piles without proper permission. A. burning B. having burned C. being burning D. burned31. I_to visit Elizabeth, but Mary came to see me just when I was about to leave. A. planed B. had

9、planed C. would plan D. was planing32. Alice looked calm but_she felt extremely nervous. A. in fact of B. in favor C. in reality D. in trouble33. The ability to use a language can be_only by the act of using the language A. acquired B. required C. inquired D. acquired34. We all know that some things

10、 exist_we cannot see them with our own eyes. A. as soon as B. as far as C. even though D. now that35. _her weekly wages, Sally got a lot of tips from her part-time job. A. In addition to B. Despite C. In addition D. In spite ofPart III Reading Comprehension (40 points)Task 1 Linkup ,the APP Research

11、 and Development Company, has announced it will give more than twenty-five million dollars in money and investments to help the poor. The company says the effort involves using the power of information and technology to help people improve their lives. James Lee works for Linkup.org the part of the

12、company that gives money to good causes. He said the companys first project will help identify where infectious (传染性的) diseases are developing. In Southeast Asia and Africa, for example, Google.org will work with partners to strengthen early-warning systems and take action against growing health thr

13、eats. Linkup.orgs second project will invest in ways to help small and medium-sized businesses grow. James Lee says microfinance (小额信贷) is generally small, short-term loans that create few jobs. Instead, he says Google.org wants to develop ways to bring investors and business owners together to crea

14、te jobs and improve economic growth. Linkup.org will also give money to help two climate-change programs announced earlier this year. One of these programs studies ways to make renewable (再生的) energy less costly than coal-based energy. The other is examining the efforts being made to increase the use of electric cars. The owners of Linkup have promised to give Linkup.org about one percent of company profits and one percent of it


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