九年级英语上册《unit 3 buying and selling》lesson 23同步授课课件 冀教版

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1、Lesson 23 Push That Product,Try your best to sell your product.,Whats a good way to push a product ?,Advertising !,You are right!,Can you guess who he is?,Push-pin,他就是发明图钉的发明家。,He was the inventor who invented the push-pin.,Whos Edwin Moore?,Edwin Moore invented in the world.,push-pin,the first,What

2、s a push-pin?,A push-pin is a “ ” that you “ ”.,pin,push,埃德温 摩尔 发明了世界上第一个图钉。,图钉就是你用来“推”的“钉子”。,Theres a push-pin holding up this piece of paper.,Where do we use a push-pin?,“You push it into or .”,Why do we use a push-pin?,“To hold up .”,walls,bulletin boards,posters, maps and other papers,你把它推进墙或者广告

3、板。,为了固定住海报、地图和其他文件。,Edwin Moore,In 1900 -,Edwin Moore had an idea to make useful.,First big success -,A company paid him for some push-pins!,In 1903 -,He began his product across the U.S. .,First ad -,In a magazine called .,something,advertising,$1000,The Ladies Home Journal,Today -,the Moore family

4、,the Moore Push-Pin Company,still owns the company .,products,employees,factory,41,with 100 machines,*more than 200 *small *useful,* push-pins,$ 2,144,cheap,$1,000,?,72,000,Whats the price?,First,Today,$ 4.95,100,more expensive,still cheap!,$ 0.05,1,Whats the price?,Want to see an ad ?,About push-pi

5、ns!,Lets have a look!,Answer the questions: 1.Who is Edwin Moore ? 2. What is a push-pin for? 3. How did Edwin Moore begin his business. 4.What does “push a product” mean ? 5.Where did Moore first advertise his product ?,1.Who was Edwin Moore ? He was the one who invented the push-pin. 2. What is a

6、push-pin for? A push-pin is used to hold up posters, maps and other papers. 3. How did Edwin Moore begin his business? He bought some supplies and rented a room, and made push-pins in the afternoon and evening, and sold them in the morning.,4.What does “push a product” mean ? It means to sell it. 5.

7、Where did Moore first advertise his product ? He advertised his product in a magazine called The Ladies Home Journal.,Some key words,1.rent v. 租借;租用 eg.他在工厂附近租了一间房。 He rented a room near the factory. rentfrom 向 租 eg.他常向图书馆借书。 He often rents books from the library. rent (out) to把 出租给 eg.他把房子租给工人。 He

8、rented his house to the workers.,2. own v. 拥有;有 eg.1.他有很多钱。 He owns a lot of money. 2.他有一辆新车。 He owns a new car. adj pron 属于自己的 eg.1.我亲手做的。 I did it with my own hands. 我亲眼所见。 I saw it with my own eyes. on ones own 独自地 eg.他独自一个人来。 He came here on his own.,3 employee n. 员工;雇员 employ v. 雇佣 employer n.

9、雇主;雇佣者 employee n. 受雇者;雇工;雇员 interview v. 接见;采访;会见;面试 interviewer n. 接见者,记者,采访者 interviewee n. 被接见者,被采访者,被面试者 train v. 培养,训练,培训 trainer n. 培训人,教练员 trainee n. 受培训人,学员,实习生,Useful expressions,1.用了很少的钱,他买了些日常用品,租了间房子。 For little money, he bought some supplies and rented a room. 2.这里正有一枚图钉钉着一张纸。 There is

10、 a push-pin holding up this piece of paper. 3.什么是推销一种产品的好方法? Whats a good way to push a product? 4.它在全世界卖出了无数的图钉。 It sells thousands of push-pins all over the world.,1.For little money, he bought some supplies and rented a room.,buy sth. for money 用钱买东西(=pay money for sth.) eg.1.我用80美元买了这双鞋。 I bough

11、t this pair of shoes for 80. 2.他用10元钱买了一支笔。 He bought a pen for ¥10.,2. There is a push-pin holding up this piece of paper.,There be (a/an) sb. doing sth. 正有 在干什么。 eg.1.教室里有个男孩在读书。 There is a boy reading in the classroom. 2.路上有个钱包 There is a purse lying on the road.,3. Whats a good way to push a pro

12、duct?,a way to do sth.或a way of doing sth. 做的方法 eg.他已经告诉我烹调那种菜的方法了。 He has told me the way to cook that dish. =He has told me the way of cooking that dish.,4. It sells thousands of push-pins all over the world.,handred, thousand, million, billion等词 表示确切数字(作具体的基数词)时,用单数,后面不接of; 表示大概数目、很多、数以计时,用复数形式+o

13、f 结构 eg.树林里有许多小鸟。 There are thousands of birds in the woods. 图书馆有3000册书。 There are three thousand books in the library.,Exercise,一、Complete the sentences 1. Please push it into the _(布告)board. 2.There are some _(女士)talking there. 3.We can read the_(杂志) in the _(阅览室). 4.He wants to find a house for _

14、(出租) 5.He is the best _(员工)of this company.,bulletin,ladies,magazines,reading room,rent,employee,二、Using the suitable form to fill in the blanks 1.Ill have fun _(play) this game with you. 2.Its hard _(understand). 3.Would you please _(not turn) on the radio. 4.Do you remember how _(make) a cake? 5.Do you know a scientist _(call) Newton?,playing,to understand,not turn,to make,called,Thank you!,



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