九年级英语上册 unit 4《what would you do》课件 人教新目标版

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1、Unit 4 What would you do?,Reading,Accidents:,Problems:,Do you know?,events that happens unexpectedly and cause damage, injury.,things that is difficult to deal with or understand.,What are accidents and what are problems?,fall downstairs,spend too much time in Internet bars,burn,injure his knee,smok

2、e,Discuss,cut yourself by accident,cover the cut with a clean cloth,press it hard,fall downstairs isnt moving,speed is important,get medical help,make her comfortable,When you cook.,burn yourself by accident,put the burned area under cold running water,injure your knee,feel some pain,stop exercising

3、,see a docter,In our lives, we may face different problems, and some accidents often happen.so you should have a first-aid book in your home.,Put the first-aid book on the shelf,What kinds of accidents do you know of? 2. What is the biggest problem a teenager has? 3. What would you do if you had pro

4、blems?,traffic accidents; working accidents; sports accidents; medical accidents; small daily accidents; ,A teenager is easy to get bad habits and make some bad friends.,Id ask others to give me some advice. / Id get some help from some books.,Section 1 Before You Read Discuss in groups.,Martin Robi

5、nson,Section 2 While You Read Task1 Fast-reading Read and answer the question,1.What does Martin Robinsons new book tell us?,It gives advice on what to do in lots of different situations .,2.How many accidents and problems are mentioned(提及) in the passage?,Four accidents and four problems.,fall down

6、stairs,injure your knee,cut yourself by accident,burn yourself by accident,accidents,accidents,solutions,cut yourself by accident fall downstairs burn yourself injure your knee,First,get the medical help,then,make her comfortable and stay with her.,First,find out how bad it is.,Then,put the burned a

7、rea under the cold running water.,If,I felt some pain,Id,Id,stop exercising.,If,it hurt for more than a few days,see a doctor.,You should,cover the cut with a clean cloth and press it hard.,If,you should,see a doctor.,it is a deep cut,Task 2 Detailed reading Read the passage again fill in the chart.

8、,A page about Problems,a friend offers you cigarettes.,children eat medicine like candy,an internet friend asks you to meet,get pimples when nervous,talk to your friend about the dangers of smoking.,hide medicine; tell children to ask their parents,tell your parents about it, meet in a public place,

9、 shouldnt go alone.,drink lots of water and ask doctor for advice.,Reading 1. have (a lot of) experience doing sth. 在做某事方面有(丰富的)经验 如:I have experience (teach) English. 我在教英语方面有经验。 2. come out 出版;出来;开花(无被动) The magazine comes out once a week. 3. by accident=by chance 偶然地,无意之中 如:Last week I cut my fin

10、ger by accident. 上个星期我不小心割到自己的手指。 4. cover with 用把.盖起来/包起来 如: Dont cover his face with the book.,5. hurry to do sth. 匆忙做某事 in a hurry 勿忙地 I hurriedto call the police. 6. find out 查明,找出(一般指要费一翻周折) 7. cold running water 流动的凉水 8. more than 超过(=over) 9. offer sb. sth. =offer sth. to sb. 给某人提供某物 offer to

11、 do sth. 主动提出做某事 eg: He offered _(lend) me a few books. 10. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 eg: They refused _(help) me. 11. the dangers of 的危险性 the danger of doing sth. 做某事的危害,12. hide sth. from sb. 把某物藏在某人找不到的地方 eg: I hide my money from my brother. 13. tell /ask sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事 14. agree

12、to do sth. 赞同做某事 15. in a public place=in public 在公共场所 16. go alone 单独去,独自去 17. ask sb. for advice 向某人寻求建议 18. be helpful to sb. 对某人有帮助/有用,Discuss the questions with your partner.,Why is cold running water helpful to treat a small burn?,Section 3 After You Read,Burns are the result of an excess of h

13、eart; and the skin continues to burn, so cold water will stop the burning.,2.Why would it be dangerous to meet an “internet friend” alone?,Because its always better to have more than one person present if you feel you might be in danger. A criminal is less likely to commit a crime in public or when

14、there are several people around.,How serious do you think these accidents and problems in the reading are? Rank them (1-4) (1 is the most serious).,Add one more “accident” and one more “problem” to Dr Robinsons book.,What would you do if you were bitten (咬伤)by an animal?,First, youd wash the cut und

15、er cold running water, next, cover the broken part. Then see a doctor as soon as possible.,Some classmates laugh at you when you make mistakes.,You should not mind. Its very common for everyone to make mistakes and you can learn a lot from mistakes that you have made.,Section4 Go For It,For example:

16、,Additional note,Most people who die in floods drown because they cant swim. So its a good idea to learn to swim, especially if you live in an area where floods happen.,Find one accident or problem in the reading that you have experienced. Write it here, and then check the box if you followed the advice given.,Writing,Homework,Thank you !,


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