高中英语 unit 4 films and film events-sectionⅲ自我小测 牛津译林版选修8

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高中英语 unit 4 films and film events-sectionⅲ自我小测 牛津译林版选修8_第1页
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1、Unit 4 Films and film events-Section.按要求写出单词1finance(n.)_(adj.)2interrupt(v.)_(n.)3restriction (n.)_(vt.)4edit (v.)_(n.)编辑(人)5admit(v.)_(n.)6possess(v.)_(n.)7contradict(v.)_(adj.)8favor(v.)_(adj.)9formal(adj.)_(反义词)10experience(n.)_(adj.).英汉互译1make an agreement _2获得成功_3be contrary to _4有做的倾向_5as lon

2、g as _6获胜_7Theres no restriction on._8入场券_9give thought to _10不管,不顾_11leave out _12指出_13change the focus to _14有机会做某事_15even though _16对负责_17in time for._18兼职做_19do research on._20与相比较_.完成句子1别人反对他的意见时,他很容易生气。He _ _ get angry easily when people _ his ideas.2我小时候做梦都没想到拥有这么大的房子。I had never _ _ _ such a

3、 large house when I was a child.3只要你答应好好爱护它,我会把书借给你的。I will _ my book _ you _ _ _ you promise to take good care of it.4他们达成了一个协议,决定不将秘密透漏给其他人。They _ _ _ that no one should tell the secret to others.5那对双胞胎看上去太像了,我实在无法把他们分辨开来。The twins look so similar that I really cant _ _ them.6我们学校的学生罢课是不可能。It is _

4、 for the students in our school to _ _.7我们举办电影节的想法早在1978就已筹划。The idea for our film festival was _ _ in 1978.8他获准加入俱乐部。He _ _ to the club.9她不顾反对出去了。She went out _ _ the _.10我是代表其他成员提出要求的。My demand is _ _ that of the other members.单项选择1Nobody wants to make friends with the man _ money.Asuspected of ha

5、ving stolenBsuspecting to steal Csuspected having stolenDsuspecting to have stolen2I am easily hurt because my feeling is very _.AsensitiveBsensibleCsentimental Dsensational3The teacher advised us to use the two reference books _ each other.Ain BbyCfor Dalongside4_ to what you think,our TV program h

6、as been enjoyed by a large audience.AIntensive BContrary CFortunate DObjective5Little _that the district was very rich in resources.Awe suspected Bwe did suspectCdid we suspect Ddo we suspect6_ popular belief that classical music is too complex,it achieves a simplicity that only a genius can create.ASubject to BContrary toCSimilar to DSuperior to7I dont feel like _the food,I am always thinking well instead.Acomplaining Bcomplaining aboutCto complain Dto complain about


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