浙江省嘉兴市秀洲区八年级英语下册 module 3 journey to space语法试题 (新版)外研版

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《浙江省嘉兴市秀洲区八年级英语下册 module 3 journey to space语法试题 (新版)外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浙江省嘉兴市秀洲区八年级英语下册 module 3 journey to space语法试题 (新版)外研版(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 3 Journey to space语法精选1. reach v. 到达reach, get to与arrive at/in的区别:(1)reach是及物动词,意为“到达”,后面可以直接跟地点。get to和arrive at/in也指“到达”,其中arrive at后面接小地点,arrive in后面接大地点。(2)当所接的地点是here, there, home等副词时,只用get和arrive,后面不加介词to, at或in。(3)当home前有修饰词时,如this, that, his等,则要加上介词to, at或in。2. already adv. 已经already用

2、在现在完成时态中表示动作已经完成,放在have/has之后,行为动词之前,也可放在句末。如:Astronauts have already been to the moon.宇航员们已经登过月球了。3. just adv. 刚才;刚刚just用在现在完成时态中表示动作刚刚完成,放在have/has之后,行为动词之前。如:Ive just made this model of the space station. 我刚刚做完这个太空站的模型。4. earth n. 地球常用短语:on earth究竟。该短语常用于疑问词后加强语气。如:What on earth did you do just n

3、ow? 你刚才究竟干什么了?5. news n. 新闻;消息news是不可数名词,要表示“一则消息”用a piece of news,两则或更多消息要通过piece的数来体现,news不变。如:two pieces of news 两则消息6. in order to 为了如:She got up early in order to catch the early bus. =She got up early to catch the early bus.=She got up early so that she could catch the early bus. 为了赶上早班车,她早早地起

4、床了。7. search for 搜索如:The boy searched his room for his toy car yesterday.昨天这男孩为了找他的玩具车搜了他的房间。8. none pron. 没有一个none与no one的区别:(1)none常和of连用。它既可指人,也可指物,谓语既可用单数,也可用复数。如:I can remember none of these new words.这些生词我一个也记不住。(2)no one没有人。no one=nobody,指人,不指物。它作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,其后不能接of短语。如:No one told us about

5、 that.没有人告诉过我们那件事。【注意】提问none用how many,提问no one用who。9. group n. 群;组常用短语:a group of 一群。10. impossible adj. 不可能的它是由possible加前缀im-构成的词。如:I think it impossible to work out this problem.我认为要解决这个问题是不可能的。11. communicate v. 联系;交流常用短语:communicate with. 与交流。12. discover, find与look for(1)discover指发现原本就存在但还不为人知的

6、地方、事物、思想等。如:Who discovered America in 1492? 是谁在1492年发现了美洲大陆?(2)find指找到、发现已为人所知的东西,强调结果。如:At last, we found the road we came along.最后,我们找到了来时走的路。(3)look for 强调寻找的过程。如:They are looking for the missing child.他们正在寻找那个走失的小孩。句法精析1. What are you up to? 你在干什么?(1)be up to意为“忙于”,后跟名词、代词或动词-ing形式。(2)be up to s

7、b.是的职责;由决定。如:Its up to you. 你决定吧。2. Astronauts have already been to the moon. 宇航员们已经登过月球了。have been to是一个现在完成时结构,其后跟地点名词,表示“已经去过某地了”。当其后接地点副词时,则不需要介词to。如:She has been there. 她已经去过那儿了。3. The sun and its planets are called the solar system. 太阳和其行星被叫作太阳系。本句为被动语态,其谓语部分结构为“be动词+过去分词”。如:The missing girl w

8、as found yesterday.那个失踪的女孩昨天被找到了。4. It is impossible to imagine. 不可能想象得到。It is+形容词+to do sth. 做某事。5. With so many stars in the universe, are we alone, or is there life out there in space?宇宙中有如此多的星球,我们(地球)是孤独的吗,抑或太空中还有其他生命存在呢?(1)“with+名词+介词短语”结构在句中作伴随状语。如:With a book under his arm, Mr Li came into th

9、e classroom.李老师胳膊下夹着一本书走进了教室。(2)句中第一个逗号后是由or连接的两个并列的一般疑问句,表选择。语法精讲现在完成时(二)1. 现在完成时的时间副词现在完成时常与时间副词如already, yet, ever, never, just, before等连用。其用法如下:(1)already和yet都有“已经”的意思,yet还有“还;仍然;尚”的意思。通常情况下,already用于肯定句,yet用于否定句或疑问句。如:He has already seen the film twice. 那部电影他已经看过两次了。He has not heard the good ne

10、ws yet.他尚未听说这个好消息。(2)ever意为“曾经”,never意为“从未”。如:Have you ever been to London? 你曾经去过伦敦吗?I have never been there. 我从未去过那里。(3)just意为“刚刚”。如:He has just bought a car. 他刚刚买了一辆小汽车。【注意】just now意为“刚才”,用于一般过去时。如:She was here just now. 她刚才在这儿。(4)before意为“以前”,通常用于现在完成时。如:I have seen you before, but I cant remembe

11、r where.我以前见过你,但是不记得在哪里了。【注意】ago意为“以前”,用于一般过去时。如:She left 30 minutes ago. 她30分钟前离开了。2. 一般过去时与现在完成时的区别前者仅表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,而后者表示动作不仅发生在过去且对现在有一定的影响。如:I had supper at eight. 我8点就吃过晚饭了。I have had supper.我吃过晚饭了。(暗示现在不想吃)试题精编一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子1. We dont know how large the (宇宙) is.2. Are there any other (行星)

12、that go around the sun?3. They usually (沟通;交流) with each other by QQ.4. Yang Liwei is one of Chinas greatest (宇航员).5. Our (环境) is getting worse and worse. The government is making plans to stop it becoming more serious.6. When did your father r Beijing yesterday?7. The l news shows scientists have s

13、ent a spaceship to Mars.8. Its i for us to finish the work in half an hour.9. Our school has many students from foreign countries, but n of them are from Japan.10. Scientists havent d life on Mars yet.二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Have they found any (life) in space?2. The spacecraft has landed (safe) in Qinghai.

14、3. Someone already (discover) wild animals on Himalayas.4. Im full because I (have) lunch.5. Have you finished (read) the book, Bob?6. Youd better (buy) a new book.7. Its (real) kind of you to say so.8. The bus (go) already. It left half an hour ago.9. you (have) your supper?Yes, I have.10. I just (wash) my clothes.三、用have/has been to或have/has gone to填空1. The astronauts the space station. They havent returned yet.2. Mr Li America several times.3. Hello, this is Lily speaking. Can I sp


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