浙江省嘉兴市秀洲区八年级英语下册 module 2 experiences语法试题 (新版)外研版

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1、Module 2 Experiences语法精选1. ever adv. 曾经常用于现在完成时的否定句或疑问句中。如:Have you ever been there? 你曾去过那儿吗?2. experience n. 经历experience作“经历”讲时为可数名词。如:Camping with them is a wonderful experience.和他们一起宿营是一次很棒的经历。此外,experience还可作不可数名词及动词。(1)n. 经验,为不可数名词。如:Experience is the best teacher. 经验是最好的老师。(2)v. 体验;经历。(3)expe

2、rienced adj. 有经验的。3. sound v. 听起来作系动词,后常跟形容词作表语。如:This piece of music sounds beautiful. 这首曲子听起来很美。listen to, hear与sound的区别:(1)listen to表示有意识地去听,强调“听”的动作,但不强调“听”的结果。如:They are listening to the teacher. 他们正在听老师说。(2)hear表示耳朵听到了,但不一定是有意识地听,强调“听”的结果。如:Im sorry to hear that.听到那个消息我很难过。(3)sound意为“听起来”,为系动词

3、,后接形容词,还可以和like连用。4. make up 编写;创作如:He made up an interesting story and told it to his friends.他编了一个有趣的故事,讲给了他的朋友们听。5. afford v. (有财力)买得起;付得起afford通常与can, could或be able to连用,常用于否定句或疑问句中。如:Can we afford a new car?我们买得起一辆新车吗?We cant afford to go abroad. 我们没有足够的钱出国。6. another adj. & pron. 又一;再一;另一(人或事物

4、)(1)another作形容词时,其后一般接可数名词的单数形式。如:Would you like another apple? 你想再吃一个苹果吗?(2)“another+数字/few+复数名词”意为“另外几个”,表示在原有基础上,需要更多数量的东西,此结构相当于“数字/few+more+复数名词”。如:We will have 20 guests. We need another five chairs. 会有20个客人,我们还需要5把椅子。7. invite v. 邀请(1)invite sb. to do sth.表示“邀请某人做某事”,要表示“邀请某人到某地”,则用“invite sb

5、. to+地点”。如:I will invite you to come with me. 我将邀请你和我一起来。(2)invitation n. 邀请。8. Germany n. 德国如:The same goes for Germany. 德国也是同样的情况。(1)German adj. 德国的& n. 德国人;德语。如:She comes from Germany, but she is not a German. 她来自德国,但她不是德国人。(2)German德国人,其复数为Germans。9. count v. 数数;清点如:Billy cant count yet. 比利还不会数数

6、。count常构成以下短语:(1)count down倒数;倒计时。如:Shes already counting down the big day.她已经在对这一重大日子进行倒计时了。(2)count on指望;依赖。如:Im counting on you to help me.我就指望你帮我了。句法精析1. Mike Robinson is a fifteen-year-old American boy. 迈克罗宾逊是一个十五岁的美国男孩(1)该句中的fifteen-year-old使用了连字符,相当于一个形容词。由“数词+名词(+形容词)”构成的复合形容词常作前置定语,数词、名词与形容

7、词之间要用连字符连接,中间名词要用单数。如:He is a ten-year-old boy. 他是一个十岁的男孩。It is about a five-minute walk.大概是步行5分钟的路程。(2)当“数词+名词+形容词”作表语时,则不用连字符,名词要根据实际情况使用单、复数。如:He is 1.89 metres tall. 他身高一米八九。2. They have been to many interesting places. 他们去过很多名胜。(1)“have/has been to+地点名词”意为“去过某地(现在回来了)”。如:They have been to Beiji

8、ng. 他们去过北京。(2)“have/has gone to+地点名词”意为“到某地去了(还没回来)”。如:They have gone to Beijing. 他们去北京了。3. .they find it hard to spell and pronounce the words. 他们发现单词的拼写和发音很难。find+it+n./adj.+to do sth.意为“发现做某事”。当不定式作find, think, feel, consider等动词的宾语,且有名词或形容词作宾语补足语时,必须使用it作其形式宾语。此句型可与“find/think/feel/consider+that从

9、句”结构相互转换。如:Some students find it difficult to study English.=Some students find(that) it is difficult to study English. 一些学生发现学英语很困难。4. The Robinsons are moving again.罗宾逊一家将再次搬家。这里的现在进行时表示即将发生的事情。这类词还有go, come, leave等。如:Hes coming. 他马上就来了。The train is leaving this afternoon.列车下午出发。语法精讲现在完成时(一)1. 现在完

10、成时的基本用法(1)现在完成时可以表示过去发生的事或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或产生的结果。如:I have just washed my clothes. 我刚洗过衣服。(2)现在完成时还可以表示到现在为止经历过或没经历过的事。如:They have listened to foreign music.他们听过外国音乐。He has never seen the sea. 他从未见过大海。2. 现在完成时的基本句型(1)肯定句:主语+have/has+动词的过去分词+其他。如:I have finished my homework. 我做完家庭作业了。(2)否定句:主语+have/has

11、+not+动词的过去分词+其他。如:I havent read the book yet. 我还没读过这本书。(3)一般疑问句:Have/Has+主语+动词的过去分词+其他?,肯定回答:Yes,主语+have/has.;否定回答:No,主语+havent/hasnt.。如:Have you finished your homework?你完成你的家庭作业了吗?Yes, I have. /No, I havent.是的,我完成了。/不,我还没完成。3. 动词的过去分词动词的过去分词变化规则和过去式相同,不规则变化(详见课本不规则动词表)。试题精编一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子1. Little

12、 Peter won the first prize in the English (比赛).2. Have you (曾经) been to Beijing before?3. Toms parents cant even (买得起) a new fridge.4. His sisters (梦想) is to go to college.5. She comes from (德国) and she can speak German.6. There are many ancient (塔) in Egypt.7. We cant (混合) water and oil together.8.

13、 My best friend i me to her birthday party yesterday.9. I have a ten-day holiday. I want to go somewhere i .10. Its a p to fail the English exam.二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Sally (be) to Beijing before, so she can tell many things about it.2. The boys (not read) interesting books yet. Their mother will buy some

14、 for them.3. Jim never (go) to school. So he cant write or read.4. you ever (eat) pizza?No, I havent.5. you (call) your mum yet?Yes, I . I (call) her last night.6. Jack (finish) his homework?Not yet.7. your parents ever (be) abroad(国外)?Yes, just once.8. you (have) lunch?Yes, I have.9. Tom (be) to Beijing four times.10. How many English songs you (learn) so far?三、用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空look forward to spend. on


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