15 Unit2 DNA 每课一练(冀教版九年级下册)doc

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1、Unit 2 DNA一 教学内容: Unit 2 DNA Lesson 9Lesson 12 来源:学_科_网 1 重点单词。 n mule donkey bluerint twin clone egg insect v combine identify clone divide design damage adj juicy helful identical original adult adv exactly 2 重点短语。 human being 人类 excet for 除之外 not onlybut also 不但而且 at the same time 同时 What if? 如果将

2、会怎么样? for examle 例如 3 交际用语。 Ability and Inability He can ride a bike Brian is good at football Scientist can take DNA from one kind of animal They cant combine their DNA How far can you jum? Can I take a lane to the bakery? 二 重点、难点解析及词语辨析。 1 I would combine a donut and a izza 我想组合一个面包圈和一张比萨饼。 (L9) c

3、ombine v (使)联合,(使)结合 We should combine theory with ractice in our study 在学习中,我们应该把理论和实践相结合。 The two small shos combined to make a large one 这两个小店合并起来成为一个大商店。 注意:combine 着重指“结合为一”,而connect指不紧密的“联系”, 被联系者仍保持着自己的特性。 Britain and France are connected by an undersea tunnel 英国和法国被一条海底隧道连接起来了。 2 I think I w

4、ould combine graes and bananas 我认为我应该组合葡萄和香蕉。 (L9) would 是 will 的过去式,指过去,也可指现在,语气较缓和、委婉。 表示意愿(主要用于第一人称,常用于间接引语,指过去的将来)。 If you would stand by me, I should have another try 如果你肯支持我,我就再试一次。 表示过去习惯或反复发生的动作。 During the vacation he would visit me every week 放假期间,他每周都来看我。 表示请求、建议(用于疑问句)比will委婉、客气。 Would y

5、ou like to visit the alace Museum? 你想去参观故宫博物院吗? 来源:学#科#网 3 I could have breakfast and lunch at the same time 我可以把早饭和午饭同时解决。 (L9) at the same time 同时,然而,但是 This is a difficult roblem, at the same time it is very interesting 这是个很难的问题,但却很有趣。 They arrived at Shanghai at the same time 他们同时抵达了上海。 4 I woul

6、d call them “grananas” 我要叫它们“grananas”。(L9) call+宾+宾补(宾补常为名词)“称呼;叫做” His friends call him Joe 他的朋友称他为乔。 He called from downstairs 他在楼下喊叫。 Ill call on you tomorrow 我明天来拜访你。 He said he would call at noon 他说他要在中午打电话。 提示:call vt “喊叫;叫醒” Call me at six tomorrow morning if Im still sleeing 如果我明早六点还睡着,你就叫醒

7、我。 call + 宾;或call + 间宾 + 直宾; 或call + 直宾 + for + 间宾,“呼唤;召唤;召集” Mother is calling me 母亲在叫我。 The headmaster called all the teachers to a meeting 校长召集全体教师开会。 lease call me a ta (=lease call a ta for me) 请给我叫一辆出租汽车。 5 What if you could combine other animals or lants to make something new? 如果你能组合其他的动物或植物成

8、新的东西怎么办? (L9) What if? “如果该怎么办呢?如果又有什么关系?” What if you should fail? 假如你失败了该怎么办呢? What if they succeed? 假如他们成功了又有什么关系? 6 Are there difference between you and him? 你和他之间有不同吗? (L10) 辨析:between 与 among between 常用于两者之间,among 一般指三者或三者以上, 如果指三个以上的人或物的每两个之间时,仍然要用between。 I sit between Lily and Jenny 我坐在莉莉和詹

9、尼之间。 They live among the mountains 他们住在群山之中。 7 You use it to build a house 你用它来建房子。 (L10) use 的用法 useto do sth = use for doing sth 用做某事 He is using a knife to cut bread = He is using a knife for cutting bread 他正用小刀切面包。 It is no use doing ( to do ) 做是无用的(无益的) It is no use crying over silt milk 不要为打翻的

10、牛奶哭泣。(错误已铸成,悔之无益) 注意:use n 用途 This knife is no use useful adj 有用的 This is an useful book 8 Excet for identical twins, each living thing has its own unique DNA 除了双胞胎之外,每个生物都有自己的DNA (L10) excet for “除以外,只是”, 常放句首,排除不同类的。 excet 可放句中。排除同类。 He is a good man excet for hot temer 除了脾气暴躁外,他是个好人。 Your article

11、 is quite good excet for several selling mistakes 你的文章很好,只是有几处拼写错误。 Everybody is here excet Li Lei 大家都在,除了李雷。 辨析:every 与 each every 与 each 都可与单数名词连用,且意义相近,表示“每个”, 但是every 强调整体,each 则表示个别。 如果不特别强调某一意义时,every和 each 可以互换。如: We want every child to succeed 我们希望每个孩子都成功。 Each child will find his own ersonal road to success 每个孩子将会找到他个人的成功之路。 Each 可以指两个或两个以上的人或东西,every 却不能指两个,只能指三个以上的数量。 另外,如有其他限定词同时修饰中心词,each 可作代词取 each of 的形式,而every 则只能做限定词。如: Each of my arents gave me resents for Christmas 过圣诞节时我父母每人都给了我礼物。 9 not onlybut also不但而且,连接两个相同的成分,也可连接两



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