1.5 Unit4 Work for Peace 教案(冀教版九年级下册).doc

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1、Unit 4 Work for PeaceLesson 27 The Dove and the Olive Branch 学习目标 1. 掌握的词汇及短语: flood,peaceful,raise,symbol,and so on,drive out of (驱逐出) 2. 识别的词汇及短语; dove,olive,branch,Eden,God 重点句子分析 1. They must die in the Great Flood, all except Noah because he is a good man. 人们必须在大洪水中死亡,诺亚除外,因为他是个好人。Great Flood.

2、大洪水,灭世洪水。because he is a good man 是原因状语从句except 介词,除之外,but也有此含义。例:All went to the cinema except (but) Jim. 所有人都去看电影了,除了吉姆。 2. In the evening the dove comes back with a green olive branch in its mouth, showing that land is near and the danger is over. 傍晚,鸽子嘴里叼着一个绿色橄榄枝回来了。这表明陆地在附近,危险结束了。with a green o

3、live branch in its mouth是介词with的复合结构,作伴随状语。showing that land is near and danger is over是动词的ing形式,作结果状语。land is near and danger is over是两个宾语从句。She said good-bye with tears in her eyes. 她含着泪说再见。 3. Since then, people think both the dove and the olive branch mean a peaceful land and a peaceful life. 从那

4、时起,人们认为鸽子和橄榄树意味着和平的土地和和平的生活,所以他们用鸽子口衔橄榄枝的图画来表示他们热爱和平。both the dove and olive branch mean a peaceful land and peaceful life是宾语从句;with an olive branch in its mouth是介词短语作dove的定语,to show their love for peace是不定式短语,表示目的。both . and . 既又,不但而且,连接句中并列成分,连接主语时用复数形式。例:Both he and his sister like computer games

5、. 他和妹妹都喜欢电脑游戏。peaceful 形容词“和平的”,peace是名词。 4. I would love to raise doves and plant an olive tree.来源:学科网ZXXK 我想养一只鸽子种一棵橄榄树。raise 动词,饲养、种植,增长,举起 例:They raised their hands. (put up) 他们举起手。They raise rice. (grow) 他们种水稻。He raises a dog. (keep) 他养一只狗。Lesson 28Please Let There Be Peace 学习目标 1. 四会词和词组: army

6、,prepare,gun,obey,agree,agree to do,speech来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K 2. 识记的词汇及短语: gather,battle ,rage,suffering 重点句子分析 1. The army gathered they prepared to fight. 军队召集在一起他们准备战斗。prepare to do 准备做某事来源:学科网ZXXKThey prepared to cross the Changjiang River.来源:学科网 他们准备横渡长江。prepare sth. 准备某事 sth. 是准备的内容 例:He is prepar

7、ing his speech. 他在准备他的讲演。prepare for sth. for sth. 是准备的目。We are preparing the coming exams. 我们在为即将到来的考试做准备。 2. Out of war, please let there come peace. 让那里出现和平,远离战争。 此句的正确语序为:Please let there come peace, out of war.there come相当于there be 3. They talk together, then make a speech. 他们双方对话,然后发表演说。make a

8、 speech 发表演说 4. They must obey, do as they are told. 他们必须服从,按命令去做。as they are told 是方式状语从句,as按照,连词。Ill do as you told me. 我按你说的做。来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K 5. We hope they agree to do something. 我们希望他们同意做些事情。 agree to do 同意做 agree with sb. (what sb. says) 同意某人或某人说的话 agree to + n. (表示计划、建议类) I agree with you (what you said). 我同意你的看法。 Do you agree to my suggestion? 你同意我的建议吗?6. We put an end to war? 我们结束战争吗?put an end to sth. 相当于stop sth. 结束


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