山东省青岛市2018届中考英语复习 随堂演练 八下 第9课时试题

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山东省青岛市2018届中考英语复习 随堂演练 八下 第9课时试题_第1页
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《山东省青岛市2018届中考英语复习 随堂演练 八下 第9课时试题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省青岛市2018届中考英语复习 随堂演练 八下 第9课时试题(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第9课时随堂演练. 单项选择1Can I your bike? With pleasure. But you mustnt it to others. Alend; borrow Bborrow; lend Clent; lend Dborrow; borrow2Could you go to the movies with me tonight? Sorry, I have to my mom. Atake care Btake after Ctake out Dtake care of3Hey, turn it off, please!We dont music in the readin

2、g room. Oh, Im sorry, sir. I wont do it again. Aallow Bhear Cenjoy Dlike4The Red Cross the homeless in Yushu food and tents. Aoffered; for Bgave; away Cprovided; with Doffered; to5My neighbor is very kind and he always to pick me up to school every morning. Aprovides Boffers Creturns Dallows6Im very

3、 sad because I got into a fight with my best friend. write him a letter and say sorry to him? AWhat about BHow aboutCWhy not DWould you like7Would you please the paper for me and see if there are any mistakes? Alook around Blook through Clook up Dlook into8How do you like the concert given by EXO? E

4、xciting, one piece of the music wasnt played quite well. Athough BbecauseCso Dand9Where would you like to go for the coming vacation? It you. Ill go with you. Alooks at Bworks forCdepends on Dwrites to10They argued each other the math problem yesterday. Aabout; with Bwith; toCto; at Dwith; about . 根

5、据句意和所给汉语,完成句子。每词一空。1Watching too mcuh TV is a (浪费) of time. 2Mom, my room is really a (杂乱). Please dont come in now. 3Parents should teach their kids how to be (独立的)4The (发展) of the railway makes travelling in China easier. 5In my (意见), its important for children to communicate with their parents. 6

6、My parents fight a lot. Its the only (交流) they have. 7There are six (成员) in our team. Theyre all excellent. 8Mother cooked breakfast for me as (通常的) although shes ill. 9We dont want to put (压力) on you to make a decision. 10She was so (焦虑的) about her exams that she couldnt sleep. . 用所给单词的适当形式填空1I (sw

7、eep) the floor just now. But its dirty again. 2He (throw) some rubbish into the dustbin a few minutes ago. 3My brother (drop) his keys when he went to the concert last night. 4My beautiful hometown (develop) very quickly last year. 5Tom, would you please (not fight) with your younger sister? 参考答案 . 15 BDDCB610 CBBDD. 1. waste2. mess3. independent4. develpment5opinion6. communication7. memebers8. usual9pressure10. nervous. 1. swept2. threw3. dropped4develped5. not fight


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