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1、安徽省蚌埠市2016-2017学年七年级英语下学期期中试题笔试部分一单项选择(每小题1 分,满分20 分)21Tom likes playing _ football, but his sister likes playing _ piano.Athe; / B/; the C/; / Dthe; the22My brother is_. He never _ his room.Alazy; clean Blazy; cleansCnice; clean Dnice; cleans23I like math, _ it is not easy for me.Abecause Band Cbut

2、 Dso24He usually goes to school _ his bike, but sometimes he _ a taxi to school.Awith, on Bby ,takes Con, with Don, takes25Thank you for _ me the good news.Atell Btelling Cto tell Dtells26Its difficult for the boy _ to school.Ato get Bget Cgets Dgetting27Li Mei _ goes to school by bike. She walks to

3、 school every day.Aalways Busually Cnever Doften28Some pandas are _.Youre right. We must _ them.Ain danger, to saveBdanger, saveCin danger, saveDdanger, to save29Can you speak English well?_. but I can speak Chinese well.AYes,I can BYes, I doCNo, I cant DNo, I dont30What _ rules!Yeah! You dont like

4、them and I dont like them, either.Ainteresting Bimportant Crelaxing Dterrible31Susan has _ classes today, and the _ class is English.Afive, five Bfive, fifth, Cfifth, five Dfifth, fifth32I have _ rules in my home. What can I do?You can talk with your parents.Atoo many Btoo much Ca lot Dlot of33Are y

5、ou good _ children?Yes, I think I can help them _ homework.Awith; in Bwith; with Cat; with Dfor, at34_ does it take your father to drive to work?About ten minutes. It is so far.AHow long BHow often CHow far DHow35How many animals are there in the zoo?There are over _ in it.Atwo hundred animalsBtwo h

6、undred of animalCtwo hundreds animalDtwo hundreds animals36Bill, can you _ this word in Chinese?Yes, I can _ a little Chinese.Asay; tell Btell; say Cspeak; say Dsay; speak37Lisa often _ TV on weekends. Look!Shes _ TV.Awatches; watchingBwatching; watchingCwatches; watchesDwatching; watches38What abou

7、t _ boating on Sunday?Great! Id like _ with you.Ato go; going Bgoing; goingCgoing; to go Dto go; to go39When is _ birthday?_ birthday is on April 20th.AJohns; He BJohn; HimCJohns; His DJohn; Hes40Dont run in the hallways, Peter. _.AYes, I can BNo, I cantCSorry, Mr. Wang DNot, good二完形填空 My name is Br

8、ad. Im _41_ Sichuan. Im a(n) _42_ monkey and I am only one year old. I like eating _43_ and bananas are my favorites. I like forests(森林),but now I live in a _44_ . I am in a big cage(笼子) _45_ other monkeys. People like me and often give me some fruist to eat. _46_ Im not really happy. _47_? Because

9、I cant live with my parents and I cant climb trees(爬树) here. Every day, I get up in the cage. I eat food in the cage. I _48_ and relax in the cage. I really want to _49_ my parents and climb trees in the forests. Dear people, animals are your _50_. We live in the same world. Please let us live in th

10、e forests, not in the cages.41Afor Bat Cwith Dfrom42Abig Blong Clittle Dold43Ameat Bfruits Cgrass Dleaves44Azoo Bforest Ctree Dschool45Awith Bin Cabout Dat46AAnd BOr CSo DBut47AWhat BWhy CWhere DWhen48Asleep Btake a showerCwatch TV Dlisten to music49Alike Bask Cmeet Deat50Afriends Bteachers Csisters

11、 Dcousins三补全对话(每小题1 分,满分5 分)A: Hi ! Lucy ! _51_B: Well . I live near my school , so I get up at a quarter to seven. I never go to school late.A: Do you have breakfast at home?B: Yes _52_A: When do you go to school?B: 53 So I go to school at seven forty-five .A: _54_B: I leave school at five past fiv

12、e and _55_AI have lunch at school.BI usually have some cakes and a cup of milk.CWhat time do you usually get up on weekdays?DWhen do you play games?EI get home at five thirty.FClass begins at eight oclock.GWhen do you get home?ATeachers Wanted Are you a teacher? Do you like children? Can you help th

13、em with Chinese on the weekend? Come to join us. Call John at 378-5788.Ping-pong Club Do you like to play ping-pong? Do you want to play ping-pong well? Mr. Cai can teach you. You can come here every Saturday afternoon. Tel: 368-5788Art Club Having nothing to do after work? Why not come to our club and learn to draw? Its fun. You can also make friends here. Call Jane at 345-1238. Time: 7:00 p.m.9:00 p.m.(from Monday to Friday)Helping Drive Cant dri


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