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1、东山外语国际学校2012届高三英语错题再练5错题,高考分数隐藏的地方。错题,是高考备考的宝贵资源,我们应该格外珍惜;通过错题再练与反思,形成正确的解题思维,掌握应试技能,夯实语言基础知识。201.It was a year ago today _ I started working here. A. thatB. whenC. whereD. which202.-Ive got an enormous amount of work to do. -_. A. So have IB. So I haveC. So do ID. So I do203._ matters to do the job

2、 well -what you are or where you come from? A. Which is it thatB. What it is thatC. Which it is thatD. What is it that204.As is natural, a snake like this _ be very dangerous. A. mustB. mayC. shouldD. can205.Young as he is, David has gained _ rich experience in _ society. A. the; theB. a; /C. /; /D.

3、 /; the206.It is said _ _ was all _ he said. A. that; that; thatB. what; what; whatC. that; which; whatD. that; that; what207.You should have put the milk in the ice box. I expect it _ undrinkable by now. A. becameB. had becomeC. has becomeD. becomes208.The best job is _ which uses your skill in doi

4、ng something with your interest in the subject. A. thatB. the oneC. oneD. it 209.-Who won the election for major? -A man _ to represent every minority group in the city. A. claimsB. is claimedC. claimedD. claiming210.Their house _ have been sold, but I havent been told about it. A. mustB. mayC. shou

5、ldntD. neednt211.-European scientists announced that the speed of light isnt the speed limit. -Perhaps it is the biggest challenge to Einsteins Theory of Relativity. No one _ any crack in his theory for more than a century. A. has foundB. foundC. had foundD. would find212.To our delight, these peasa

6、nts first _ of poverty are not only widening their roads to wealth, but doing what they can to help others in need. A. to ridB. ridC. riddingD. having rid213.Many wines improve _ age, and it is the same with friendship. A. withB. toC. alongsideD. for214.When you begin a sentence with “dont tell anyo

7、ne but ”, theres a 90% chance that the person _ someone. A. tellsB. would tellC. will tellD. has told215.-Do you have any news about Bob? -Yeah. We _ each other quite a lot recently. A. have been seeingB. had been seeingC. seeD. have seen216.As a manager, I know my emotions will affect people around

8、 me, so Im going to make a _ effort to be more cheerful. A. preciousB. curiousC. mysteriousD. conscious217.Suppose you could go camping this weekend, how _ you feel? A. willB. would C. shouldD. do218.Mr.Jones, _ a great loss last year, has no courage to go on with his business. A. sufferingB. to suf

9、ferC. sufferedD. having suffered219.-This is our rock-bottom price, Mr Green. -If thats the case, theres not much point in further discussion. We _ as well call the whole deal off. A. shouldB. canC. mightD. must220.-Shall Tom go and play football? -Not unless he _ his homework. A. has finishedB. finishedC. had finishedD. would finish221.It is absolutely essential that William _ his study in spite of some learning difficulties. A. continueB. continuedC. has continuedD. would continue



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