江苏省2013版高中英语 素能提升演练(十) unit1 译林牛津版必修4

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1、素能提升演练(十)必修4 Unit 1 . 单词拼写1. Most of the families in this neighborhood are on _ (福利). 2. The election _ (活动,运动) concluded with a mass meeting. 3. He quoted some _(格言) in this article. 4. When you have any problems you can _ (商量) with an experienced colleague of yours. 5. If youre not satisfied with

2、this book, I can _ (推荐) you another one. 6. The bad weather _ (成倍增加) the danger of their exploration. 7. Everyone suspected Peter, but he turned out to be _ (清白的). 8. We figure you would want to celebrate your _ (升职). 9. The work of an engineer requires _ (智力) plus experience. 10. Many old houses ha

3、ve been _ (更新) with modern facilities. . 单项填空1. However, we still must be _ of the skilful methods used in ads to try and sell us things. A. aware B. innocent C. sure D. confident2. A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympics, which in turn will _ its economic development. A. achieve

4、B. permit C. complete D. promote3. 2012启东模拟Little Tom didnt get _ his composition test because he was not able to get _ to the teacher what he meant. A. through; acrossB. across; acrossC. across; throughD. through; through4. 2012黄冈模拟 Authorities face a tough task to persuade typhoon survivors _ thei

5、r flood-stricken villages and relocate(重新安置)to safer lands. A. to abandon B. abandon C. abandoned D. abandoning5. The medicine eased his pain but did not _ his illness. A. treatB. cureC. stopD. prevent6. _ some are aware of the tricks used in advertisements, there are still some others who are taken

6、 in by them. A. UnlessB. WhetherC. OnceD. Though7. We want someone to _ the new art museum for us. Shall the young fellow have a try? A. describe B. exploreC. buildD. design8. 2012盐城模拟The cartoon “Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf” appeals so much to children _ it caters well to their tastes. A. thatB.

7、 which C. becauseD. while9. The film doesnt _ audience because the plot of love and marriage is rather common nowadaysA. apply to B. appeal to C. intend to D. attach to10. 2012泉州模拟The government urged that every effort _ to bring down food prices. A. is madeB. will be madeC. be madeD. must be made11

8、. 2012嘉兴模拟I apologize for being so angry with you. I _ to be so rude. It doesnt matter. A. dont meanB. never meanC. didnt mean D. had meant12. Facing the financial crisis, the government has taken many measures related to peoples life to _ it. A. deal withB. bring inC. fall forD. take in13. 2012南京模拟

9、 Thailands worst flooding in half a century has affected a third of the country, and it is hard to _ the losses. A. think outB. figure out C. make out D. count out14. 2012杭州模拟The soldier raised his gun and calmly _ it at the enemy commander, fired. A. aimingB. aimedC. to aimD. aim15. _ I went to Zha

10、ngjiajie, I was deeply impressed with its beautiful scenery. A. For the first time B. It was the first timeC. At firstD. The first time. 阅读理解A study of the impact of 3D in the classroom has found that it improves test results by an average of 17%. Increasingly schools are using 3D projectors and lea

11、rning resources to add a new dimension to learning. The research, conducted in seven schools across Europe, found that 3D-enabled learning tools helped children concentrate more. It also led shy children to speak up in class discussions. Only a handful of schools in the UK use the technology, which

12、requires a 3D-enabled projector as well as 3D glasses for all pupils and a set of bespoke(定做的)learning resources. The study, conducted by researchers from the International Research Agency on behalf of Texas Instruments, assessed 740 students in schools across France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Tu

13、rkey, the UK and Sweden. Students were tested before and after the lessons with a control group learning with traditional resources only. On average, 86% of pupils in 3D classrooms improved in test results, compared to 52% of children using traditional teaching methods. It also found that attention

14、levels rose sharplywith 92% of the class paying attention during 3D lessons compared to 46% in the traditional learning environment. “It grabbed childrens attention and this carried on beyond the 3D episode, it seemed to trigger an interest in learning that maintained through the rest of the lesson, ” said Prof. Anne Bamford, who led the study. “The level of questioning also increased and teachers reported that the children asking questions were those that wouldnt normally engage in class, ” she told the BBC. Researchers observed a series of biology lessons, in which children


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