山东省淄博市2014高考英语 阅读类系列(24)

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1、淄博市2014高考英语阅读类系列系列(24)及答案第*套完形填空My work keeps me in Hong Kong most of the year,but I do try to get 36 for a month in 37 usually JulyNow as you probably know thats the main 38 season in Europe,the favourite places for holiday and the famous cities are usually very 39 But Im not seeking(寻求)the sunI ge

2、t plenty of 40 in Hong Kongand Im certainly not seeking the 41 !So when I go on holiday I buy a Train Pass(a sort of train ticket)that 42 me first class travel on most of the 43 of Western EuropeFirst class compartments(车厢)are 44 crowded and they are very comfortableIf youre going on an overnight 45

3、 you can take a sleeping train for some extra money There are usually dining cars in the train I find that 46 travel is restful and 47 Theres always something to seeI particularly enjoy 48 through Switzerland and ItalyYou can get a very good 49 of what a country is like from a train;you dont go too

4、fast and you stop quite often50 rail travel is very safe and I am never sick on a train 51 I am on a ship!Then there are always people to 52 if you feel like a chat(闲聊) The 53 that I seldom travel by plane is quite simple:as train stations are usually built in the city centre,I dont have to 54 trans

5、port(交通);transport can be a problem when arriving by 55 36Aback Boff Chome Daway 37AHong Kong BEurope Csummer Dautumn 38Aholiday Bvisiting Cwindy Drainy 39Aquiet Bpeaceful Cbeautiful Dcrowded 40Apleasure Bdaylight Csunshine Dmoney 41Acrowds Bpeople Chelp Dcity-life 42Ashows Ballows Cgives Dtakes 43A

6、highways Bpaths Croads Drailways 44Ahardly Balways Ccertainly Dmuch 45Away Bjourney Cservice Dwork 46Asea Bplane Ccar Dtrain 47Ainteresting Btiresome Clonely Dcheap 48Ato travel Btravelling Cto drive Ddriving 49Aidea Blooking Cdrawing Dpainting 50AAlso BYet CBut DHowever 51Awhen Bwhile Cas Dand 52At

7、alk to Btalk Cspeak about Dspeak 53Aaim Btrain Ccar Dair 54Aworry about Border Ctake care of Dconsider 55Aship Btrain Ccar Dair 【答案及解析】36D。but表示转折,由此可知作者是想去一个香港以外的其它地方。 37C。破折号后面的July是对前面名词的解释,即summer。 38A。由逗号后面的the favourite placesfor holiday可知,本题应选holiday。39D。因为是旅游旺季,所以人多为患。 40C。由上文But Im not seek

8、ing(寻求)the sun可知,香港有充足的阳光,度假时自然就不再寻求阳光了。 41A。“人群”不是度假时所要寻求的目标。 42B。根据词义,应选allows,表示“允许”。 43D。根据上文Train Pass可知,本处是指乘火车旅行。 44A。头等车厢里旅客通常不多, hardly表否定意义。 45B。根据词义,本题应选journey,指“旅行”。 46D。此处指乘火车旅行。 47A。根据上文restful和下文Theres always something to see可推断出乘火车旅行是“有趣的”。 48B。enjoy后接动名词,但driving指“驾车”,应排除,故选项B正确。 4

9、9A。get a good idea of是固定词组,意为“对有清楚的了解”。 50A。本段落一直在描写坐火车旅行的好处。 51C。as引导方式状语从句,意为“像,如同”。 52A。talk to sb是固定词组,意为“与某人交谈”,“to talk to”是动词不定式作定语,与所修饰的名词people有逻辑上的动宾关系,所以talk后面的to不能省略。 53C。冒号后面讲述的都是作者很少乘飞机旅行的理由,故本题选C。 54A。根据上文,由于火车站通常建在市中心,所以作者不必为交通问题担忧。 55D。上文提到坐火车旅行比乘飞机旅行具有诸多好处,根据语义,此处指“乘飞机”。*结束(201*福建卷

10、) For five days,Edmontons Downtown Park is transformed into one huge stage where artists are able to share their talents, and where people are able to celebrate and enjoy themselves .Since is beginning in 1980,the Edmonton Folk Music Festival has been commemorating(念)the ture feeling of what folk mu

11、sic is all about and thats the traditional togetherness(友爱)that is felt when people gather to share stories and feelings through song.This year will be the sixth year when volunteer Riedel will be offering up her time to the festival. People coming off a busy spring and summer have a moment of relax

12、ation , Riedel said. Its really east to relax, and its great seeing family and friends have fun together. These families and friends come from all different kinds of musical tastes. People who take pleasure in Blues are there, so are people who love Bluegrass. This festival does its best to develop

13、everyones musical interests. With so many years of expenence .the festival has become a well-oiled machine, and does whatever it can to make attendees feel as possible. There are free water stations throughout the venue(举办地)for people to fill up their travel cups. When people buy food, reusable ashe

14、s are given a $2 plate fee, but that is returned when the plate is brought back.The festival has completely sold out of tickets, and in record time. But with big names such as Van Morrison and Jakob Dylan, its easy to see how that was going to happen. There is no parking area during the festival, so using t



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