中非经贸关系报关 2010 英文版

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1、_.tt_i-_., -,/. . / -, ,tl.- -) Economic ,;,41 Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation china-Africa Trade and Economic Relationship Annual Report 201 0 chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic cooperation Gontents I Preface 2 l. A History of Ghina-Africa Trade and

2、Economic Relations 3 China-Africa Trade 4 Chinas Investment in Africa 6 Africas Investment in China 6 Infrastructure Construction 8 Chinas Assistance to Africa 10 China-Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation under a Multilateral Framework 10 ll. Ghina-Africa Trade and Economic Relations in 2OO9 l0 Ov

3、erview 11 China-Africa Trade 12 Energy and Industries 14 TransportandTelecommunications l5 Agriculture 17 Medical Care and Public Health 18 Finance, Aviation, and Tourism 20 TechnologicalExchange 27 lll. Outlook for China-Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation in 2O1O Gharts and Golumns 3 China-Afric

4、a Trade: 1960-2009 5 Major Projects in Africa Financed by China-Africa Development Fund 7 Major Projects in Africa Contracted by Chinese Firms 8 Chinese-aided Complete Plant Projects in Africa by 2009 12 Imports from Africa Subject to Zero-tariff Treatment: 2005-2009 14 Zambia-China Trade and Econom

5、ic Cooperation Zone 16 Chinese-aided Agricultural Technology Demonstration Centers in Africa China-Africa Trade and Economic Relationshio Annual ReDort 2010 Preface China and Africa have enjoyed a long-standing friendship. Since the founding of the peoples Republic of China, China-Africa relations h

6、ave developed continuously, as evidenced by a deepening cooperation in political, economic and culrural areas and by the creation of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) as u-ell as the establishment of a new type of strategic partnership based on political equality and mutual trust, econom

7、ic win-win cooperation and cultural exchanges. Over the past 60 years relationship with African countries, China has adhered to the principles that stress sincerity, equality and mutual benefit. solidariqand cooperation, and common development. It has demonstrated respect for the will and choices of

8、 African countries, actively encouraged cooperation between Chinese and African businesses. and shown its sincerity in aiding African development. Trade and economic cooperation has achieved remarkable results, having grown in size, scope and areas of cooperation and harrng rielded benefits to the p

9、eoples of both China and Africa. This relationship stands as a fine example of South-South cooperation. While China is the largest developing country. .frica is the continent with the greatest number of developing countries. China-Africa trade and economic cooperation has not only played a significa

10、nt role in promoting their respective progress. but has also helped to win the attention and support of the international community to .-,fricas development. Currently, China is one of Africas most important trade and economic panners. As the first systematic record of the past and present of China-

11、Africa trade and economic relations. this report aims to promote understanding of this relationship both among the Chinese and .fricans and within the international community, and advocate the principle of equality, murual trust and common development which China has always adhered to in its coopera

12、tion with Africa. The report also strives to encourage people from all walks of life who are concerned about African development to increase support to Africa, as the continent pursues sustainable economic and social development. The report consists of three parts: a history of China-Africa trade an

13、d economic relations, a description of China-Africa trade and economic relations in 2009, and an outlook for China-Africa trade and economic cooperation in 2010. Primary sources of the information presented include the Ministry of Commerce of the Peoples Repubtic of China, the General Administration

14、 of Customs of the Peoples Republic of China, and other relevant Chinese government agencies as well as chambers of commerce and enterprises. China-Africa Trade and Economic Relationship Annual Report 2010 l. A History of China-Africa Trade and Economic Relations The founding of the Peoples Republic

15、 of China in 1949 marked the initiation of contemporary China-Africa trade and economic relations. From the 1950s to the 1970s, African countries were preoccupied with their fight for national liberation while China worked to safeguard its own sovereignty and territorial integrity. They supported ea

16、ch other, forged friendship and mutual trust, and laid a good political foundation for the future growth of trade and economic relations. In 1956, Egypt became the first African country to establish diplomatic relations with China, ushering in a new era of China-Africa cooperation. Supported by the friendly nations in Africa and other regions, China was able to restore its legitimate seat in the United Nations in 1971. By 1978, China had established diplomatic relat


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