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1、汶上一中2012-2013学年高一12月质量检测英语第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听对话,选择正确答案。1. Where did the conversation most probably take place?A. In a restaurant. B. In a hotel. C. At a gas station. 2. What does the man mean?A. The womans husband should stop smoking. B. The womans husband caught a cold.C. T

2、he womans husband is not coughing.3. Whats wrong with the man?A. He feels sleepy. B. He has a high fever. C. He is tired. 4. What does the man do?A. A librarian. B. A shop assistant. C. A repairman.5. What happened to Charlie?A. He didnt finish homework. B. He failed in the exam again. C. He was pun

3、ished.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What time does the concert begin?A. At 6:45. B. At 6:15. C. At 7 :15.7. What does the man need for his suit? A. A hat. B. A red tie. C. His shoes.听第7材料,回答第8至9题。8. What does the woman think of the book?A. Boring. B. Interesting. C. Helpful.9. Where do

4、es the man learn about first aid?A. From a book. B. From a required lesson. C. From a TV program. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What are the two speakers talking about?A. Their school life. B. Their homework. C. Their plan for study. 11. How long has Mike been working on the two maths problems?A. For half an

5、 hour. B. For an hour. C. For an hour and a half.12. Whats the problem with Lily?A. She is not doing well at math. B. She hasnt recited the passage. C. She cant find help from others. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Whats the matter with the man?A. He lost his way home. B. He cant find his train. C. He cant fi

6、nd his bus. 14. Where does the conversation take place?A. At Gate 40. B. At Gate 4. C. At Gate 14. 15. What time is it now?A. Its 2:50. B. Its 3:13. C. Its 3:23. 16. How many kinds of languages is the sign at the station written in?A. One B. Two. C. Three.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What happened to the s

7、peaker the first day in school?A. She knocked down a girl. B. She knocked into the girls car. C. She made the girls books fall to the ground. 18. What kind of person was the girl actually?A. A proud girl. B. Wealthy and selfish, C. Easy-going and learned. 19. Why did the speaker admire the girl so m

8、uch?A. She was her friend. B. She was good at writing poems. C. She was good at Chinese classics. 20. What was the relationship between the speaker and the girl?A. They were classmates. B. They were strangers. C. They were neighbours. 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两小节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选

9、出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Our boss is still on _ vacation, so the secretary will be in _ charge of the meeting today.A. a; / B. the; the C. /; / D. the; a22. Mr. Zhu, would you mind if I asked you a few questions about the coming school culture and art festival? _ Go ahead.A. Yes, please. B. Not at all. C.

10、No, please dont. D. Yes, I dont. 23. He never follows others advice, so there is no _ that he will change his mind in such a short time.A. evidence B. possibility C. activity D. guidance24. Tom, along with his classmates, _ publicly for their brave action in time of danger.A. were praised B. was pra

11、ised C. have praised D. has praised25. The young lady is so ashamed _ her body because she has put _ much weight recently.A. of; down B. about; off C. of; on D. to; up26. The diamond ring disappeared in the locked suitcase, _ made the woman _.A. that; puzzling B. that; puzzled C. which; puzzling D.

12、which; puzzled27. In our school, students are _ to smoke or drink, otherwise theyll be punished.A. encouraged B. required C. forbidden D. protected28. _ the Internet is of great help, I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time on it.A. Until B. While C. As D. Since29. There are 70 students

13、in our class, half of _ are girls. A. whom B. what C. which D. who30. When you go to climb the mountain, youd better take more clothes with you _ you feel cold at the top of it.A. in case B. in order thatC. in case of D. so that31. I thought I knew the way, but _ I got lost.A. instead B. however C. anyhow D. somehow32. He must have _ the funny story. I cant believe that its true. A. picked up B. showed up C. stepped up D. made up33. I wonder if you could go to the movie with me. Oh, just leave me alone. I _ a c


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